by Andy Ripley
Whether people have enough food or not, they are always hungry for something. This world is a world of appetites, and human beings are always searching for some kind of satiation. People are constantly looking to fulfill some desire or another. What sin has done to us as a people is this; it has distorted our appetites. It has made the satisfaction of our physical desires to be our primary concern, while minimizing, disguising or even completely obscuring our spiritual needs. What the body wants has become first in our priorities, rather than what the soul needs. One of the great lessons which the Lord taught when He was on the earth was that mankind needs to be hungry for the main thing and not just the other things. Jesus Christ, Himself, is presented as the main thing which we ought to hunger after. Of course, hungering for food, shelter, safety, and desiring to make families, are all significant, necessary and important. But these other appetites must never over-shadow and obscure the greatest of all needs, to be filled up with and to be satisfied with God Himself. Eight sermons to help redirect our distorted appetites. Eight sermons to stir up our hunger for God.