Hellfire & Damnation III

Hellfire & Damnation III
by Connie Corcoran Wilson
“Hellfire & Damnation III” is a third tour of the 9 Circles of Hell described in Dante’s “Inferno.” Each of the 9 stories illustrate one of the crimes or seven deadly sins punished at that level of Hell.
This third installment in the award-winning series has a large number of stories substantially based on true life events---7 out of 9. This adds a sense of authenticity to their engrossing plots. Whether the tale centers on a new species of spider or a crazed Satanist urging a mentally challenged young man to commit murder, readers will experience stories of Limbo, lust, gluttony, avarice and prodigality, wrath and sullenness, heresy, the violent, the fraudulent and treachery.
Settings range from New Zealand to Washington state to the Midwest. Each story contains an illustration that helps anchor the setting in the reader’s mind. Cover art for this freaky horror collection is by World Famous Artist Vincent Chong.