"Great Day in the Morning!": Growing up in the 1950s Deep South

"Great Day in the Morning!": Growing up in the 1950s Deep South
by John Vedder
"Great Day in the Morning!" is a book comprised of stories about life in America's Deep South during the 1950s as seen through the eyes of a child. Told in the tradition of "Tom Sawyer," the author gives the reader glimpses into the world of an adolescent boy, who, like most his age, was more interested in fun, adventure, and discovery than in America's racial strife, the menace of communism, and the threat of nuclear war by the superpowers of that era. This book is charmingly naive from a 21st century perspective, but shows how a boy's environment helps shape the man he will become. These stories lead one to ponder whether it was better growing up during this naive time in our nation's history more so than growing up in our country today.