Gods, Guns, and Money On The Road To Key West

Gods, Guns, and Money On The Road To Key West
by Michael Reisig
GODS, GUNS, AND MONEY ON THE ROAD TO KEY WEST Another Outlandish Tale With "The Hole In The Coral Wall Gang!"
White knuckle Airplane Crashes, Wild Lustful Amazonians, Bungled Bank Thefts, River Pirates, Remarkable Dogs and Hawks, an Ancient Crystal Skull, Diamond Thieves, Drug Lords, and an Amazing "Animal Man."
In what is certainly one of Michael Reisig's most entertaining efforts yet, comes a wild adventure that carries the reader from South Florida, into the Caribbean, down to South America, and back again. Intertwined through the read are the questions we ask ourselves when we look up at the stars, as well as a theme of power and beauty in the connection we have with lesser creatures that share this planet with us
Everything in between is just heart-hammering, page-ripping action.