Geoffrey P. Ward's Guide to Villainy

Geoffrey P. Ward's Guide to Villainy
by M.A. Nichols
Successful villains aren’t born. They’re made.
Unless you're born into the role of hero or handed it by misguided fairy godmothers, you can never hope to achieve anything beyond the measly life you've got. At least that's what the fairy tale fops would have you believe. They prefer people to think that only divine destiny allows others the right to join their exclusive club, but fate isn't a good enough reason to let the heroes get all the glory.
However, from "once upon a time" to "happily ever after", heroes have stacked the deck against the intrepid villains. Until now.
Geoffrey P. Ward is the world’s foremost (and only) fairy tale villain consultant, and in this guide, he outlines all the critical tips for success you need to achieve your villainous goals. Whether looking to overthrow a kingdom or put your unruly stepdaughter in her place, Geoffrey P. Ward’s Guide to Villainy will give you the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.
Because even villains deserve a happily ever after.