Floppy Ears and Puppy Dog Tales

Floppy Ears and Puppy Dog Tales
by Diana Lee Moran
How did you get through the tough times in your life?
In this heartfelt book, Diana Lee shares a beautiful yet tragic story of her close relationship with her dog — the best companion anyone could ever have. Floppy Ears and Puppy Dog Tales is a fusion of unconditional love, loss, and grief that will definitely warm our hearts and touch our souls. Diana Lee navigates through the process of grieving, vulnerability, and acceptance. Let’s walk through her journey healing from tragedy and rising up from the ashes of sorrow!
We all have experienced loss, but most don’t know how to get through the grief. During her grief, Diana Lee began recognizing emotions she might otherwise have glossed over to get on with in her life. However, grief is a process and pain is the vehicle to ride that crazy, winding road to relief, growth, comfort, and joy. Now, she feels the need to share her knowledge to help others suffering from loss and share the ways she dealt with it.
In this book, you will learn:
- How to overcome grief from loss.
- How to recognize if you have stuffed grief from other losses.
- How to use the pain of grief to grow, mature and become useful in your world.
- How to find purpose and meaning in your life after loss.
- How to love those still in your life.
This is for anyone who has lost someone so dear to their heart and is going through what feels like a never-ending cycle of agony and suffering. We are about to get a glimpse of loss, torment, and self-discovery. Diana Lee’s writings offer something that will inspire us to go on and live in peace and happiness through the memories of the ones we have lost. To find out more, grab a copy now!