Finding Love After 30: Get Ready for the Man God Has For You

Finding Love After 30: Get Ready for the Man God Has For You
by Dr. Nadine Vargas
♥ You Can Succeed At This, Too! ♥
If you’re like many successful professional women, you woke up one day and realized, “I’ve succeeded—at everything but finding the love of my life.”
As a Christian, you may have been hoping God might drop someone into your lap while you watched TV in your PJs. But actually, the most faith-filled thing you can possibly do…is get up and get ready for the man God has for you! In this witty and charming book, you’ll discover how to:
✓ Develop total clarity about what you want in a future husband.
✓ Make the most of your season of preparation.
✓ Team up with God through spiritual strategies that accelerate the process.
✓ Actually enjoy dating, including tips on how and where to connect with quality men.
✓ Discern the difference between Mr. Right and Mr. Wrong.
No more playing the victim of circumstances! It’s time to stop waiting and start dating. Finding Love After 30 is just the sister-to-sister pep talk you need to move forward. Your future is too important to leave to chance; it’s time to rise up and take wise actions to create the life you want.
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