Final Arbitration: Book 2 of the Seven Realms Saga

Final Arbitration: Book 2 of the Seven Realms Saga
by Reese Halden
The End of All Things.
That’s what Rowan, Asher, and Holly must prevent.
They, together with four of The Chosen – three intelligent housecats and one stalwart gargoyle – stand against the impending doom.
The Six Realms strive to impose their will upon the Prime – controlling all life and things on Earth. The Arbiter is the only one who can stop them.
The trouble is, even though Rowan has assumed the Office of Arbiter, and has six Judicials to assist him, they face a triad of Realms that have banded together. This force has more than just an advantage in numbers – they possess a bit of The Spark, that special essence from the Big Bang. With it, their mystic power is unstoppable.
Worse, Fate has predicted that Rowan must sacrifice one of his friends.
Will it be Holly, the young woman he’s known since first-grade, the one who is closer to him than his own sisters are?
Or will it be Asher, someone Rowan has also known since childhood – and after a dream-come-true moment shared between them, is now his boyfriend?
Or is there another way? All will be determined in this, the Final Arbitration.