False Flag (A Frank Bowen Conspiracy Thriller Book 1)

False Flag (A Frank Bowen Conspiracy Thriller Book 1)
by Jay Tinsiano
1991: A plan to destabilise Hong Kong is emerging; the key players are being put into place, the wheels are in motion and innocent people will die.
Frank Bowen is a Londoner on holiday in tropical Thailand. Half drunk and strapped for cash, he’s the perfect bait for a political plot that will leave him running for his life, with nowhere to turn.
An international conspiracy thriller by Jay Tinsiano, False Flag spans South-east Asia, with twists and turns that leave every character in question.
"False Flag is by far one of the best thrillers that I have came across all year." Amazon reviewer Manchester
"False Flag would make a great conspiracy movie."
Goodreads reviewer Liza F.
"This genre usually does not captivate me, but this book did. Great plot, the writing style puts the reader dead center in the sweat, the moods,action and fear. I have been in and out of Asia many times and this book took me back without the cost of a plane ticket and was a heck of a lot more entertaining than a long plane ride. Great book!"
Brad Hayes
"Very well depicted scenery and awesome character depth. A quick read, a brilliant plot, and a wonderfully well written story."
IABook Reviews