Fallibilities & Peculiarities : Exploring the Odd Things We Think & Do

Fallibilities & Peculiarities : Exploring the Odd Things We Think & Do
by Robert Prior-Wandesforde
There’s no getting away from the fact that we, as human beings, can be pretty strange! We frequently think, do and say things that, if we thought about them, we would quickly conclude are far from sensible. And then, even more remarkably, we do them again.
We’re highly agitated by harmless situations, hate looking at social media but can’t stop ourselves from peeking, believe in utterly bizarre conspiracy theories, always underestimate the time and cost of doing things, can’t resist a ‘bargain’, attribute our successes to skill and our failures to bad luck, give up on diets that we’re fully committed to at the first whiff of chocolate and so on.
This book explores the reasons behind our many fallibilities and peculiarities. It’s a fascinating insight into the curious ways our minds work in everyday situations. You’ll understand far more about yourselves and others as a result, while also discovering simple solutions to meaningful problems that can arise.