Ensaadi (Warlords of the Sandsea Book 1)

Ensaadi (Warlords of the Sandsea Book 1)
by Elisabeth Wheatley
In the endless dunes of the Sandsea, strength is the only virtue and weakness is the only sin.
Ensaadi Talitha of Ilios is the warlord’s heir who dreams of peace. Finally, she has the chance to broker a marriage between two feuding tribes, but her efforts are shattered when her besotted cousin claims the bridegroom.
The treachery forces Talitha and her warriors to flee back to Ilios. Only through an uneasy alliance with a band of mercenary Dunedrifters and their enigmatic leader can her people hope to make it home.
With the lives of her warriors and the safety of her city at stake, Talitha will be forced to make the hardest decisions of her life. As an ensaadi, no matter what Talitha may want, a heart is a luxury and a conscience is a curse.
Ensaadi is a 30,000 word novella and first in the all-new Warlords of the Sandsea romance adventure series.