Embrace the Beauty: A Collection of Poetry, Flash Fiction, and Short Stories

Embrace the Beauty: A Collection of Poetry, Flash Fiction, and Short Stories
by C S C Shows
Embrace the Beauty is a poetry and prose collection about the changing seasons of our lives and how our perspectives adapt and transform.
What makes a woman strong, tenacious, and amazing? It is her ability to weather the storms of life, to recognize the silver lining around the clouds, and to come through it all with grace and strength. The poetry in this collection revolves around one woman's changing perspective and resolve to find beauty through the seasons of life.
The second half of the book includes short story selections, such as "Balloons for Bee," a haunting story about a woman confused about her sister's birthday, "The Motherhood Club," about a woman who can't understand why women become so maternal and seem to lose themselves in motherhood, and "Job Hazards," in which a short-order cook thinks he has the safest job in the world but finds out differently.
The snippets of our lives, from childhood to old age, are a chaotic mess of puzzle pieces. Embrace the Beauty is a poignant collection of poetry, flash fiction, and short stories about putting the pieces together, stepping back, and finding the beauty through the pain and mystery of life.
Embrace the Beauty
Embrace the beauty of life's pieces,
Pieces thrown onto a table, a mixed up puzzle,
A puzzle that puzzles the mind and the heart.
With heart, embrace each day,
A day, only 24 hours, at a time,
Time will flow into tomorrow.
Tomorrow comes too soon,
And soon, you'll find that things fit into an order.
In order to see, step back, look at the whole picture.
The picture of your life is beautiful.