Earth Seven

Earth Seven
by Steve M
What if weapon technology advances so fast that a military science fiction universe would be a death sentence?
Simply put, we'd create a weapon that can destroy everything and some idiot would use it.
Welcome to the universe after we finally conquer the urge to blow up everything.
Think of it like this, 'Out there' the grownups are in charge, by necessity.
But even a universe at peace, is still a very dangerous place.
22 years ago, a spaceship crashed on Earth Seven, a primitive 3 rated planet under contact quarantine. The boy who found the wreckage is now the man who will unite the planet under his rule. Allor heals the sick with alien technology. Allor will end the cult wars. His sister runs an informant network and collects the heads of his rivals. His mother has created a religion to worship him. Oh, dear!
All planets in contact quarantine are called Earth and given a numerical designation. For example, you are on Earth Five. What? Don't act surprised. Look around. War, famine, poverty, ecological disasters, murderous mythologies, Trump? And no one comes to visit, not a single tourist? You’ve had plenty of clues.
The History Department sends Koven Modi, a rookie Field Historian, to Earth Seven to investigate the use of comms technology on a planet with a medieval civilization. Koven is not the best person for the job, he's the only one left. Everyone else is out looking for missing Physics Professor Klept and his dog, who might just cause the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies to collide. Koven's goals are simple. He wants to avoid getting killed, avoid work as much as possible, and avoid getting dumped by Tanit, his girlfriend.
Earth Seven is a story that challenges basic sci-fi assumptions and offers new alternatives. What started as simple thoughts, 'Why do they always ..., what if …,' resulted in Earth Seven, a small book of big ideas.
An example? OK.
How would you like to be the most popular pizza topping in the galaxy? Yea, I didn't think so. Out among the stars, we're all vegetarians. What? Ohhhh, you believe pizza was invented on Earth Five? Well that's delicious, but incorrect.
Read Earth Seven now BEFORE your planet self-destructs (currently a 63.82% probability).
Words your mother won't like? Definitely.
Imaginary Sex? Of course.
Satirical Viewpoints? Overwhelmingly.