Dragon Lost (Dragon Thief Book 1)

Dragon Lost (Dragon Thief Book 1)
by Lisa Manifold
I'm Aodan. Thief. Really good thief.
And a dragon.
My best friend Margrite and me are nearly out of this crappy city. With this last job, we'll have enough to disappear on an island somewhere. We're so close I can practically smell the rum drinks.
But then all hell breaks loose when I wake up as a dragon. You know, teeth, claws, blue scales. The feeling of smoke is a permanent fixture in my throat. The dragon pops out when it wants to, and I black out.
I don't have time for this.
Someone is determined to kill me. I have no home anymore, and nowhere to hide while I sleep off the dragon. Along with the scales, I now have this annoying voice in my head, wanting to talk, and meet, and who knows what else? All I want is to get out of here and stop sprouting a tail at inappropriate times.
Hopefully before me, or Margrite, or both of us end up killed.
Dragon Lost is the first book in the Dragon Thief series.