Don't Look the Bastards in the Eye

Don't Look the Bastards in the Eye
by Sean Mackaay
“I’m watching a girl across the room who seems to be trying to catch the eye of the guy sitting next to her as he eats his dinner.
I don’t know.
I’m bored I guess.”
Actually sort of a story that may have happened.
Steve tells people he's a writer. He tells them that he is part of a new movement called the Punklits. In truth he is just a bored student who lives life as many other students do. He smokes too much. Fucks too much. Takes too much powder. The boredom of life lurks around every corner and he is doing everything he can to fight it off.
But when an old friend of his is suspected of murder, Steve thinks he might just have found a way to write his way out of where he lives. He may also have just stumbled on to the key to knowing why he feels like a monster.
In the vein of Bret Easton Ellis by way of William S. Burroughs, Don’t Look the Batards in the Eye asks what is a monster and would you know one if you were it. Sex, drugs, rock, death, and a man who can’t eat turkey properly await in the pages of this book.