Diary of a Snoopy Cat (Inca Cat Detective Series Book 5)

Diary of a Snoopy Cat (Inca Cat Detective Series Book 5)
by R.F. Kristi
Read the hilarious and breathtaking antics of Inca and her family of furry friends as recorded through the eyes of Inca a Siberian Kitty. Inca decides to start a Diary! A heart-pounding saga unfolds as she keeps the reader thrilled recording her detective exploits.
When Inca and family move to London from Paris, they make a whole new set of friends, including Monk, a Blue Russian cat and Terrence, a Golden Retriever who ably and bravely assists his world-famous detective owner, Solo. Inspired by the adventures of her new friends, Inca sets herself the task of becoming the world's best cat detective and begins to keep a diary of her exploits.
When Monk arrives one evening, with news of a meeting to take place later that night, Inca is excited and can't wait to attend. She is told of a perilous journey that must be undertaken by Solo and Terrence, who are to travel to the Himalayas, to search for the missing Raoul, a friend who had failed to return from an expedition.
The departure of Terrence means that Inca can take on her first proper job; the baffling incident of Mr. Finchley's missing will. But does the young cat have what it takes to crack the case and save the tormented and ferocious Rottweiler - Boss? And can she do it without the help of the wily old Retriever?