Decode the Deck: Find Your Path to Clarity and Purposeful Living

Decode the Deck: Find Your Path to Clarity and Purposeful Living
by Beth Turner
Even if you’re at a crossroads in life, the path forward is right in front of you. Grab a deck of cards to find your way.
Human beings are curious. We want to know why we are the way we are and why we do the things we do. We long to discover what comes next and how to make the right decisions. If you are hungry for new ways of exploring relationships, career, money, and purpose through intuition and energy, you will find answers in Decode the Deck,an insightful guide that uses a deck of playing cards to help you uncover truths about yourself and embrace your unique journey in life.
With this innovative book, you will discover your Birth Card and be taught how to do readings for yourself and others. You will also learn how to understand the universal energies found within an ordinary deck of cards—and use that to help you achieve personal growth and find success. Crafted by four professional intuitives with a collective passion for numerology, this fun, easy-to-follow book includes details about creating your own reading practice and offers practical journaling prompts and affirmations to support you on your journey of self-discovery and self-awareness.
A fresh twist on traditional numerology, Decode the Deck gives you the tools to unlock your innate wisdom and start living your life purposefully.