Corridor Man

Corridor Man
by Mick James
HE DID ALL THE RIGHT THINGS--AND THEN THE BODIES STARTED PILING UP... The Dirty Lowdown wrote: "Mick James has nailed it. The all too dark side of our legal industry, and the type of character we're all too afraid to admit exists!" It looks like disbarred attorney Bobby Custer has won the lottery. After serving four years of a seven-year sentence, he gets an offer he can’t refuse – from the feds. They just want him to keep an eye out for shady goings-on at one of the most prestigious law firms in the city. And suddenly he’s out – out of jail, but also totally cast out of his old life: shunned by family and friends, living in a bare studio apartment, working the hallways and back alleys of the legal game and finding plenty of shady goings-on to keep an eye on.
He did all the right things -- went to law school, got a job in a good law firm -- right up until the conviction for “a minor dalliance with a trust fund”. You could almost feel for the guy – a young man tempted by the high life could make a mistake he regrets and end up losing everything. And a guy who’ll help you hide a body could just be a good friend. But as the bodies start piling up, you have to wonder if there’s something about Bobby that’s just not … right.
Chilling and action-packed, Corridor Man exposes a dark, violent undercurrent just beneath the surface of “perfectly legal and above-board”.
A combination of Breaking Bad and House of Cards, Corridor Man is a sinister, disturbing thriller that's bound to keep you awake at night.
The FIRST book in the Corridor Man series.