Cold Beer and a Hot Dart

Cold Beer and a Hot Dart
by Brandon Wolfe
Are YOU happy?
Over a span of eleven years, Brandon Wolfe backpacked throughout fifteen different countries, having been chased by wild animals, contracted one of the world’s deadliest diseases three different times, witnessed multiple natural wonders of the Earth, found himself in the middle of demonic deliverances, and set foot in villages that had never seen white people before. He was also told in 2005 by medical professionals that he had until around age forty (give or take) to live…
Through the incredible adventures and tribulations and every story in between, Brandon discovered the ingredients to organic joy, to true happiness…how he got from point A to point B, however, is purely for your reading entertainment.
This riveting self-help adventure memoir will fundamentally and permanently challenge your worldview, inspire your heart and mind for the positive, and encourage you to view life purpose and happiness from a new, liberating perspective.