Caught Up In Love

Caught Up In Love
by Weston Parker
I was chasing what I thought was a dream.
Having made a billion dollars by twenty-nine, I decided to retire.
Build a boat. Back where life started in my small town on the lake.
My days of one-night stands are hopefully behind me.
I’m ready to find the girl who has a big heart she’s willing to give away.
And I found her, but she’s tainted by her past.
Seems life has dealt her a few too many blows, and rich guys aren’t her thing.
They aren’t mine either. Ha! Looks like we have something in common.
But this girl… she’s the one. I can feel the truth of it coursing through my veins.
And if nothing else, the way she looks at me. She wants me. I’ve never been more sure of anything.
There may be a million fish in the sea, but I only see one option.
Every good girl deserves a bad boy. ~Weston