Non-Fiction New Releases

Non-Fiction New Releases

Excuse Me, Do I Know You: Learn The Simple Step-By-Steps of No Contact Rule And Get Your Ex Back

by Tomi Liams

It’s a regular day, but for some reason, you can see this coming. Your girlfriend has sent you a text message that reads “we need to talk” and you are almost expecting this to be another request for you to change certain things about the relationship, but it turns out she wants to break up.

Before I go on, trust me when I say that I know what you are going through right now. The pain you are experiencing feels worse than any physical pain you could ever imagine. I’m sure this happened recently and you are looking to find a way to get your girlfriend back. You are consumed with questions regarding what she is doing. You wonder who she’s hanging out with and you are desperate to contact her and let her know you want to get back together.
STOP right there! Let me start this by saying that you are NEVER going to get your girl back if you contact her now. If you do this now, your chances of having her back in your life are slim to none, and your chances of her wanting a romantic relationship again are zero. Yes, a big fat zero. I’m not saying this to make you feel even more depressed and desperate. I’m saying this because I have the answer to your problems.

I was there in that exact same position you are. I was wet behind the ears when it comes to the art of getting someone to want me again. I tried the flowers. I tried the crying for her to feel bad for me. I tried the social media stalking. It all backfired on me big time. Every single time I wanted a girl back after she had broken up with me, I was only successful at pushing her further away.

Women have brains that work entirely different from what we think. When they love you, they can’t get enough of you all day long, but when they make up their mind about leaving you, they want you gone for real. Lucky for you, this is exactly what you are going to use to get her back. It sounds crazy, but the no contact rule is a scientific fact. The problem is that most guys have no idea how to do this and they fall into temptation.

This will be your guide on this incredible journey to becoming the ultimate desirable guy. You will get your girlfriend to call you by the time you are done with this book and I guarantee it will be out of the need to hear from you. You will make her feel more attracted to you than she ever did even before she decided to leave you.

It’s going to be a very difficult road at first, but nothing good ever came out of easy challenges. I promise you that by the time you finish reading the book, you will be a completely new man and you will be the one deciding if you want to get back together with your EX!

So why wait? Get your copy now!

DISCLAIMER: This eBook is not for women trying to get their ex-boyfriends back. Strictly FOR MEN ONLY.


Emotional Hacking - Unleashing the Hidden Powers of Emotional Intelligence

by Eric Davenport


Can you become a master of your emotions? Is it possible to become truly successful in professional and personal life just by knowing how to manage your Emotional Intellect?

The answer is – YES. The key to success lies within you. Getting fluent in the language of emotions is guaranteed to improve your life – be it at the workplace, in relationships, with your kids or even with regards to your health.

In this book, I will not attempt to read a lecture on Emotional Intelligence. There are enough books out there that can do this. Instead, I will teach you the basics of controlling and “hacking” your emotions – so that you could get more from your life.

Here’s an outline of what you will find in ’Emotional Hacking’:

  • I will explain in simple terms what Emotional Intelligence is really all about
  • We will use an E.Q. test to define current level of your Emotional Intellect
  • With the help of practical exercises, step by step, we will go through the typical challenges in various parts of human life and understand how to solve them with the help of Emotional Intelligence
  • We will discuss professional life and talk about the road to success, what you can do to become a stronger leader and move up the ladder quickly
  • We will talk about relationships and see what is that secret ingredient that is blocking the road to human happiness
  • We will take a look at the parenting side of life. How can you become a better mother/father with the help of Emotional Intelligence?
  • Finally, we will also talk about health. Do you know that your health strongly depends on how you manage your emotions? We will learn how to improve it.

My final goal is to give you tools to succeed in your life. Therefore, I would like to leave you with a set of easy to do self-improvement exercises and a specially designed Emotional Intelligence improvement cheat-sheet which you can use to check your progress.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your copy of “Emotional Hacking” today and learn how you can improve your life in so many ways!



SECRET LIFE OF A JUROR: Voir Dire: The Domestic Violence Query (A Juror's Perspective Book 4)

by Paul Sanders

On January 23, 2014, the author reported for jury duty without taking notice to the media vehicles lined in front of the courthouse. He checked in unaware that 1200 others were also being counted as potential jurors. He did not know when he walked into the courtroom that the case of premeditated murder would change his life. It would seem that the most important question of the day, as asked to every potential juror, was whether he could, if the circumstances were correct and the law dictated as such, apply the death penalty to the defendant?

The most critical question, however, came during the written questioning process of voir dire, a tool for the court to determine whether a potential juror would be a final decision maker. The question was simple: had he ever experienced domestic violence as an adult or juvenile?

The answer would force the juror to face a past painted with child abuse and a future framed by shame. He had to confront the demons that would eventually impact his decision of whether the defendant should live or die.

Award winning author and former death penalty juror, Paul Sanders, does it again in his juror’s perspective series that began with the best-seller, ‘Brain Damage: A Juror’s Tale’, continued with ‘Why Not Kill Her: A Juror’s Perspective’ and riveted readers with ‘Banquet of Consequences: A Juror’s Plight’. ‘Secret Life of a Juror: Voir Dire’ is not as much about an infamous killer but about the sacrifices and truths a juror must confront before deciding the fate of another.

Amazon reviews of prior works:

“A treat to be inside the jury room…!”

“If the sign of a great writer is seen when you can’t put the story down…then Paul Sanders is a great writer!”

“Brain Damage is one of the best books ever written…kept me engaged!”


Stoicism: A Detailed Guide to Stoic Wisdom and Philosophy (The Art of Happiness Book 1)

by Scott Vincent

Increased Happiness and Decreased Stress with the Stoic Philosophy

Imagine leading a life that is better, stress-free, and virtuous. Do you think this isn’t achievable? Well, think again. Or perhaps you think your life is OK as it is. Then answer the following questions:

  • Do you sometimes feel as if your work pressure is too much?

  • Do you want to build a successful business?

  • Do you want to be financially successful?

  • Do you want to try alternative parenting advice?

  • Do you want to lead a more virtuous life?

    If your answer is ‘yes’ to some of these questions, then this ebook is for you!

    While Stoicism is an ancient philosophy, it has tons of practical applications for our modern day lives. As you read through this detailed guidebook, you will learn:

  • How not to be a slave to money

  • How to stick to a financial plan

  • How to fight your ego

  • How to focus only on things within your control

  • How to focus on the present

  • How to reduce procrastinating at work and home

  • How to value peace of mind

  • How to prepare for business success and failure

  • How to invest in yourself

  • BONUS: How to manage your anger

  • BONUS: How to bring up your kids and deal with spoilt brats

He's Gone Now What?: How to Get Over a Breakup and Prepare to Love Again

by Gregg Michaelsen


I Can Help You Stop Feeling Like Crap! Get a Plan to Recover from Your Breakup from a Life Coach!

This book is written for women only. You gals have specific stuff happening inside you and the last thing you need is a "one size fits all" coed read.
You feel like total crap, I get it, and you need some motivation to get you out of bed. I can supply that in spades.

  • Understand what is happening inside you
  • Process these feelings
  • Grieve but with a time limit
  • Follow my unorthodox plan
  • Come out the other side a new woman, ready to kick some male butt!

You have, in the clutches of your nicely manicured hands, the keys to recovering from this devastating breakup and then returning with a vengeance!

Your friends and family are telling you to get back on the horse – not to be afraid – to forget that jerk and meet someone new. I agree with all of that, but I don’t agree with the timing. Heck, you may still be in shock - the last thing you can think about is another guy.

Before you can get back out there, you need to process the breakup. There are many things going on in your mind and body that you need to address. These effects are hampering your progress.

Inside you will Get my 14 Survival Tactics

Hi I'm Gregg. I have sold a quarter million books. I am a dating coach AND a life coach. This is a great advantage for you. The life coach will get you motivated and the dating coach will prepare you for love again. You are in good hands. I’m the guy who actually talks to his lady readers through his books and doesn’t just sell you a copy and wish you the best! My email resides inside the book. I am surrounded by (and coach) women psychologists and psychiatrists that help me understand you too.

As a bonus, you get my best selling eBook, Own Your Tomorrow 14 Steps to Prepare for Love. I know you are not ready to love again yet, but trust me, you will be after this read!

This Breakup Recovery Book is split into three phases:

  • Phase 1 explains to you everything that’s going on in your mind and body and gives you the strategies to counter these things.
  • Phase 2 takes you through the process of healing from the breakup. You’ll find strategies for proceeding through your pain into a healthier, more independent and ready for a relationship you.
  • Phase 3, you are going to move forward. We’re going to examine a few topics of importance like where happiness comes from, setting boundaries and how to know when you’re really in love, just to name a few.

This is your time, while you are single, to pull yourself back together into a stronger, confident woman who chooses great men! Gone are the days of being grateful to be chosen by a man who turns out to be a loser.

Rest assured, I plan to take it slow, but I am your coach and I am going to push you, just a bit at times, to help you recover and become the best version of you possible!

Scroll to the top of the page and select the 'Buy Now’ button NOW.

About the Author:

Gregg Michaelsen is a #1 best-selling author of more than 20 dating advice for women books and life-coaching books. He coaches men and women on how to become more confident in both their ‘regular’ lives and their dating lives.

Gregg has a unique connection to the more than 250,000 readers who have purchased his books. Readers quickly discover him to be not only responsive to their questions but eager to help. He has devoted his life to understanding men and women and what comprises a successful relationship so he can guide his readers to the holy grail of relationships - the 80-year old couple sitting on a park bench, still holding hands, still in love after 50 years!







The Passive Income Playbook

by Raza Imam


Discover the most powerful way to make passive income - start making $500 to $2500 in just 30 days.


Then use it to make money for the rest of your life.


Are you looking for a a provenstep-by-step system that allows you to make passive income streams on autopilot - with very little experience?

Are you ready to start making passive income, but don't know where to begin?

Well, just imagine what it would be like if you easily saw money rolling into your bank account.

Because once you master this process, you'll be able to work from anywhere in the world.

You'll be able to quit your job for good.

And you'll be able to build passive income business profits over the long-term.

In this short but powerful book, I reveal my story of building a passive income business.

How I went from making 0 to almost $2000 per month - in a month.

And I've been making more and more money ever since.

You'll discover how I did it, step-by-step.

I'll show you how to get the same results as me.

Even if you have a full-time job.

In this book, you will learn:

It's time to stop gambling with your hard-earned money.

  • Exactly how you can earn passive income streams - in the next 30 days

  • The most overrated ways to build a passive income business - and why I don't recommend them

  • The FASTEST way to get started - even if you have no experience

  • Insider tricks people like you are using to earn thousands and thousands of dollars per month in passive income

  • Over 20 passive income ideas that you can use to get started - today

  • How to make money from your personal story and experiences (even if you don't think you're an expert)

  • How to make consistent, long-term profit so you can quit your job and live the life of your dreams

  • And much, much more

Join the thousands of smart professionals that are leveraging their expertise to make consistent passive income and make money from home.  

I'm an Amazon best-selling author will show you exactly how I broke through fear, frustration, and self-doubt to make a consistent, passive income over the past 2 years (over $25,000).

I reveals the secrets I used to profitably grow my income and watch the money and sales roll into my bank account - like clockwork. 

This strategy is powerful, and yet so simple to use.

Even if you are a complete beginner, this strategy will have you earning passive income streams in no time.

And if you ever get stuck, you can always reach out to me. 

So get started today.


Destination Enlightenment with In-Depth Coverage

by Dan Harp

Destination Enlightenment with In-Depth Coverage goes well beyond where similar books venture, including Synchronicity, Kundalini, Shakti, Enlightenment, Meditation, Third-eye, Chakras, Awakenings, Persistence, Spiritual, Prana, Pranayama and much more, with plenty of real world explanations and how-to guidance to avoid the potential pitfalls.

This book is based on yogic traditions, Hinduism wisdom, Buddhism wisdom and firsthand knowledge. Aside from leaving behind the false created-self, the ego, re-discovering a vibrant expression of selfless-existence connected to the indestructible eternal essence of our lives, there is an emphasis on preparing for the challenges of an enlightenment that “persists” with the essential skills.

Some awakenings are gradual with signs, others are dramatic and spontaneous, but many forms of awakenings are achievable by anybody, harnessing a wide range of techniques and traditions, ultimately ascending to enlightenment.

For example, a synchronicity awakening will greatly heighten intuition. More than that, your autopilot with guide you to your hearts desires in ways that are absolutely mind boggling…

This state is often achieved when you raise your kundalini and activate your sacral chakra, your passion and pleasure center.

It has a lot to do with coincidences, attraction, arousal and what really turns you on. This can be anything from looks, appearance, humor, personality, fragrance, and vibes. However, in a duality sense, it’s really more so about vibes, energy, and synchronicity, along with pursuit of desires in general.

Before my awakening, I thought all that was really new in the way of sex and 21st century was internet dating, smartphones, more open communication with texting, and arranged hookups.

Now, to meet that special someone, I wouldn’t trade synchronicity for all of the best and most advanced technologies on the market, although I’m sure synchronicity would work through these technologies too.

Once your kundalini is active, there is no rush to raise it to other chakras; take your time to explore each awakening and gain some experience before moving on.

Enlightenment is only persistent for the very few who are prepared for it. Those who are unprepared often need to ride the waves and may find they need to get back to basics, which is a lot easier with the right guide, learning from the start how to set your sights on persistence.

Even those already in the know will greatly increase their understanding for an approach that works; however, this book is also well suited for those who just want to learn what’s involved, how to proceed and what to expect.

In any case, it’s always good to learn as much as you can, beyond the basics, to help ensure smooth sailings, make sure you do it right, and to help make sure it all “persists”, which is perhaps the biggest challenge of all. Expect to gain so much clarity after reading this book, along with a helpful reference you can revisit anytime.

Gaining an in-depth understanding is a great place to start, but just knowing what to expect is huge. Adopting the best methods and traditions that actually work is a real confidence builder too. It’s good to have a guide that actually helps and clears up a lot of the misconceptions floating around.

Get this book today and enjoy the journey!


The Two Marshals: Bazaine & Petain

by Philip Guedalla


“This book is more than the story of two French soldiers, although that story is worth telling by reason of the strange inversion of their two careers. For one of them surrendered Metz in 1870 and was sentenced to death, while the other surrendered France in 1940 and was sentenced to become its ruler. The first Marshal was made a scapegoat by his defeated country; and when the second Marshal came to power, the scapegoat was France.”

François Bazaine and Henri Petain are two of France’s most famous generals.

Bazaine joined the Foreign Legion in 1832, a time when standards were reasonably poor. Their expeditions often took them miles away from home, so requests to travel to lands afar from King Louis Phillipe were expected. From the beginning of his career, Bazaine’s dedication, and hard work were noted. His position of Mariscal had not been an easy achievement, he’d risen through the ranks, only for his country to betray him.

Surrendering at Metz, Mariscal Bazaine became a scapegoat when France was defeated in the Franco-Prussian War.

Bazaine was held captive for a while, and on his return, he realised he’d been put forth as a scapegoat.

Immediately, he launched into clearing his name, but was then given a life-sentence, much to the repulsion of Mac-Mahon, who’d served with Bazaine in the Foreign Legion.

Marshal Petain’s life was elusive, only for the sake of preserving his objectivity.

Marshal Petain was raised and educated in his hometown. Hardened by regimental life, Petain joined the 3rd Chasseurs as lieutenant in 1884, a time when Paris was going through its rousing years.

In 1916, Petain’s heroic capabilities were put to the test, and he succeeded. Verdun was under attack from the Germans and Verdun’s defence was placed at the hands of Petain.

It seemed the Germans intended the attack to draw innumerable French forces to the protection of Verdun, thereby weakening its army.

But this was not Petain’s view.

He saw beyond what others were seeing. His reputation was sealed through his success at Verdun.

Through a twist of fate, Petain was sentenced to death for treason on his return to France from Germany; a fate he was pardoned from due to his service.


The Science of Mental Toughness

by Raza Imam


TIRED OF FEELING STUCK? Use These 15 Scientifically Proven Secrets to Build Mental Toughness and Unleash Your Inner Champion...

Discover the 15 daily habits to build mental toughness, unleash the mindset of a champion, and achieve peak performance.

I've always been interested in peak performance.

World-class athletes. 

Elite military soldiers. 

Rockstar salespeople. 

Business moguls.

They all have a "secret" to thrive in difficult situations. To rise above chaos and succeed. To defy the odds and achieve incredible results. 

So I went on a long journey to study what made them tick.

How were they able to achieve such amazing success? 

What mindset, traits, and behaviors did they have that made them the high-performers that they were? 

How were they able to consistently maintain high performance?

In one word, it's mental toughness.

It's self-confidence, belief, visualization, and the ability to control their emotions and take action.

But it boils down to mental toughness.

So I became obsessed with learning about mental toughness.

I read books, and articles, and watched videos to discover how to build mental toughness.

During my research, I identified 15 key habits to help build mental toughness.

This is my step-by-step manual I created for regular people that want to build mental toughness, build a champion mindset, and unleash their potential.

I share simple, scientific secrets, tips, and habits that regular people can use to achieve mental toughness - in as little as 15 minutes a day.

Here's What You'll Discover

  • How a little-known breathing “trick” can instantly build mental toughness (use this when you’re scared, nervous, or anxious to think clearly, make decisions quickly, and ACT decisively)
  • Why visualization doesn’t work, and the ACTUAL way to visualize so that you see almost instant results (I reveal the difference between “passive” visualization and “active” visualization)
  • How top-performers like Tiger Woods, Lebron James, and Tom Brady talk to themselves so that they perform under pressure (it has to do with raising their internal standards so that they ACT like champions)
  • How to push past discomfort and fear by having a clear, definite purpose (a clear purpose activates a part of your subconscious mind so that you have unshakable resilience)
  • How the secret of having “micro-goals” helps you build mental toughness by constant progress (this is how elite military professionals are able to get out of disastrous situations)
  • How to use the power of cold water to build mental toughness (it’s tough, but will unleash a sense of power and confidence you never thought you had)
  • The scientific link between body language and confidence, self-esteem, mental toughness, and peak performance (once you discover this, you’ll never want to slouch again!)
  • How to build mental toughness by cutting out pornography and harnessing your sexual energy
  • How to train your subconscious mind to attract good things - by freely giving them away
  • And so much more…

Imagine the sense of mental toughness, power, and dominance you’ll have after using these simple habits.

I wrote this book to be action-oriented. It’s short and sweet with no fluff.

Buy now and start using the secrets to build mental toughness and reach new levels of success.



The Epic of Dunkirk

by E Keble Chatterton

On 27th May 1940, with the Battle of France all but lost, one of the greatest undertakings of the Second World War began: the evacuation of Dunkirk.

Nine days later, the hastily assembled armada of over eight hundred vessels had rescued nearly 340,000 Allied soldiers from across the Channel and brought them back to England.

A prominent memory in the U.K., sometimes the contribution of the French, Dutch and Belgians alongside the Royal Navy, Merchant Navy and other ship owners is overlooked, as are the pocket defences that distracted attention from Dunkirk, at Calais, Lille and Amiens.

In ‘The Epic of Dunkirk’ Chatterton does not merely tell one story but many, drawn from these different viewpoints: only when woven together can the memory we know be produced.

A keen sailor and former serviceman, Chatterton’s account of the “Miracle of Dunkirk” is a rare narrative history, not only easily accessible but offering a detailed, informed insight.

Edward Keble Chatterton (1878-1944) was a sailor and prolific writer from Sheffield. His voyages across the English Channel, to the Netherlands, around the Mediterranean and through the French canals led to many articles and books. Joining the R.N.V.R. at the outbreak of WWI he commanded a motor launch flotilla, leaving the service in 1919 as a Lieutenant Commander. Between the wars his output included works about model ships, juvenile novels, and narrative histories of naval events; from 1939, his writing focused upon WWII.


Making Progress: Find The Real You

by Brady Moller

Every decision you make today will have an impact on the decisions you make tomorrow, regardless of where you fit in this game of life.

You don't know who you are, instead you find yourself constantly changing to “fit in.”

You know you need to, but asking for help is one of your hardest battles.

You hold deep resentments and grudges that hurt you more than anyone else. You just don't know how to get rid of it.

You tell people they're forgiven, yet you struggle to truly let go.

You have started using addictive behaviors to cope with life's stress.

Finally, no matter how hard you've tried, you just can't seem to remain positive and have that bright outlook you know you deserve!

No matter how hard you try, that feeling of “Something missing” remains.
Does this sound like you? If YES, then this book is written for you.


Note: This is not your typical get up, be positive and do it self-help book.
It’s a book written, in depth, for us to gain a better understanding of why we do things the way we do, the driving factors behind our fears and how to best deal with all of these problematic areas.

Bold, Informative and storytelling. This book will help you start writing a new, happier life.

In this book, you’ll learn:

  • How to change your mindset and develop a positive attitude towards life
  • The value of asking for help
  • How to overcome your addictions
  • How to conquer your disappointments, resentments and Jealousy.
  • The power of forgiveness

The Art of Fully Living: 1 Man. 10 Years. 100 Life Goals Around the World

by Tal Gur

Master the art of living to the fullest, one life goal at at time.

Do you want to experience your one life—your whole life—to its fullest measure?

In this stirring book, author, blogger and lifestyle entrepreneur, Tal Gur offers his own transformational journey as an inspiring example and practical guide to implementing the art of fully living to its fullest potential. You’ll learn how to actualize your potential by forging all aspects of your life through the process built into your life goals.

Once you discover “the art of fully living,” there is no going back; it will feel unacceptable to settle for less than your dreams—and what’s more, you’ll dream even more wildly, aspiring to action with greater clarity of purpose, broader horizons of possibility, and holistic vision across all areas of your life.

The very structure of this book models Tal’s immersive approach to goal-driven living: each chapter of The Art of Fully Living is dedicated to a year of focus—socializing, fitness, freedom, contribution, love, adventure, wealth, relationship, spirituality, and creativity—and follows Tal’s endeavors as he works toward fulfilling 100 life goals in only 10 years.

This daunting ambition, springing from one late-night conversation among friends and a gnawing discontentment within the typical “success” story, becomes extremely relatable through Tal’s bold storytelling; what’s more, the deep lessons learned become immediately applicable for your own purposes as Tal thoughtfully extracts the actionable wisdom from his own experiences to articulate the principles and techniques of “the art of fully living.”

The Art of Fully Living takes you along the exhilarating ride of Tal’s journey while illuminating your own possible life-goal trajectory: as Tal relates how he socialized nonstop in vibrant Melbourne to master English and trained intensively to complete Ironman New Zealand and practice ancient Thai martial arts, you’ll learn how to apply immersion to achieve your own life goals; as Tal describes how he eliminated his crushing student debt in one year and attained financial and location independence, you’ll learn how to simplify your life, recognize your own present wealth, and turn your passions into a living; and as Tal animates his experiences learning to surf and salsa, to drum in a troupe and compose electronic music, and to write this very book, you’ll learn how to let your intuition be your guide, reveal your authentic core, and achieve flow—among the myriad other adventures and take-aways that fill this book.

Tal not only introduces the idea that the art of fully living is another skill to master but also guides you through honing this skill with chapter lessons and actionable key takeaways.

This is especially for you if you find yourself frustrated often, feeling low, or if you’re struggling while asking yourself “What do I REALLY want?”

  • You will find your calling.

  • You will define your life goals.

  • You will discover how to leverage your strengths to achieve your dreams.

  • You will know what it means to be truly free.

  • You will be fulfilled by the path you have chosen to take from this point on.

  • Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone discovered and did what made them feel fully alive?

    Your dreams are your dreams for a reason; they are rooted in your deepest understanding of who you want and can become. It’s up to you to follow though, to trust in your vision enough to persist until it becomes a reality, part of the world and part of who you are becoming. Your inspiration is meant to be, and you can make it so through the “art of fully living.”

    Follow this inspirational journey and master the art of fully living by scrolling up and clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page


Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose

by Joe Biden


“Promise Me, Dad is a brisk, often uplifting read, a consequence of its author’s congenital jollity and irrepressible candor.”
- Vanity Fair

A deeply moving memoir about the year that would forever change both a family and a country.

In November 2014, thirteen members of the Biden family gathered on Nantucket for Thanksgiving, a tradition they had been celebrating for the past forty years; it was the one constant in what had become a hectic, scrutinized, and overscheduled life. The Thanksgiving holiday was a much-needed respite, a time to connect, a time to reflect on what the year had brought, and what the future might hold. But this year felt different from all those that had come before. Joe and Jill Biden's eldest son, Beau, had been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor fifteen months earlier, and his survival was uncertain. "Promise me, Dad," Beau had told his father. "Give me your word that no matter what happens, you’re going to be all right." Joe Biden gave him his word.

Promise Me, Dad chronicles the year that followed, which would be the most momentous and challenging in Joe Biden’s extraordinary life and career. Vice President Biden traveled more than a hundred thousand miles that year, across the world, dealing with crises in Ukraine, Central America, and Iraq. When a call came from New York, or Capitol Hill, or Kyiv, or Baghdad—“Joe, I need your help”—he responded. For twelve months, while Beau fought for and then lost his life, the vice president balanced the twin imperatives of living up to his responsibilities to his country and his responsibilities to his family. And never far away was the insistent and urgent question of whether he should seek the presidency in 2016.

The year brought real triumph and accomplishment, and wrenching pain. But even in the worst times, Biden was able to lean on the strength of his long, deep bonds with his family, on his faith, and on his deepening friendship with the man in the Oval Office, Barack Obama.

Writing with poignancy and immediacy, Joe Biden allows readers to feel the urgency of each moment, to experience the days when he felt unable to move forward as well as the days when he felt like he could not afford to stop.

This is a book written not just by the vice president, but by a father, grandfather, friend, and husband. Promise Me, Dad is a story of how family and friendships sustain us and how hope, purpose, and action can guide us through the pain of personal loss into the light of a new future.



The Yarnell 7: The Seven Core Decisions for Extraordinary Living

by Amy Yarnell Carter

The Yarnell 7 is not an ordinary book. It is a manual for living the best life that you can possibly live. It is NOT a positive thinking, imagine-it-all-and-it-will-come-true type of book. It is a guide of certainty that provides you with the seven most powerful decisions you will ever make.

At some point in your life, you will need to DECIDE if you prefer to continue down the normal path of indecision and the general "meh" of ordinary existence or if you prefer to get off that bus and be extraordinary. There is a time when you decide your life is dictated by those around you, or you DECIDE that your life is, indeed, your own.

You have arrived at that place and you have a decision to make.

Do you want to live an incredible, amazing, powerful, awesome life? Or do you not?


The Yarnell 7 is based on the decisions that the legendary best-selling author, speaker and network marketer, Mark Yarnell, made on a daily basis. These seven decisions enabled him to live an extraordinarily happy, successful and all-around phenomenal life. Written by his daughter, Amy Yarnell Carter, The Yarnell 7 gives you the opportunity to make the same powerful choices that Mark Yarnell made and to live the extraordinary life that you so richly deserve.

So if you are ready to finally LIVE at the HIGHEST LEVEL, then CONGRATULATIONS. Make the seven most powerful decisions you will ever make and watch yourself move from ordinary to extraordinary. Read on, my friend, and as Mark Yarnell would say: "I'll see you on the beaches of the world!"


Grit: Think Big, Work Hard, Achieve More: Self-Discipline Tips to Improve your Life

by Michael Chapman

GRIT: Think BIG, Work HARD, Achieve MORE

Self-Discipline Tips to Improve your Life

Worried about failure? Not sure how you can take your career to the next level? Wondering why you aren’t able to achieve the goals you want?

Often, the one thing that stops you from greatness is you, yourself.

GRIT will walk you step by step on the issues that prevent you from achieving full potential.

We will take a look at all the things that you can do to make a difference. We don’t just tell you how you can do more with your life – we will tell you all the things you would need to get started.

We will take a look at few of the things that will help you make the difference you need in your life.

GRIT will take a look at all the things that you should be doing to be able to do more, and achieve your goals. You need to be confident about yourself; if you aren’t; you are sure to give up easily.

Giving up never works – you can always achieve something or the other if you’re on the road, but if you leave the path, you won't get even the little things you would have got otherwise.

Below are some of the chapters you will find in GRIT:

• Getting Rid of Your Comfort zone

• Stop Wishing & Start Doing

• Learning to be Patient

• Breaking the Rules

• Do not live for Goals, Enjoy the Struggle!

• Persistence in Routines

• Stop Sabotaging yourself

• Develop Mental Resilience

• Never Stop Pushing Yourself

• Overcoming Obstacles

And 14 more in-depth chapters!

Welcome to the first day of your new life! 



Modern Heroine Soul Stories


What if your biggest challenge, deepest vulnerability, or worst fear was only leading you to more of your own inner light? In this special collection of female experiences, meet 24 real women - who feel like new friends - as they openly and courageously share with you their private struggles and unexpected life developments. From divorce, friendships ending, questioning her life direction, and life-threatening health challenges, to losing her mom, becoming a mom, moving through inner pain, spiritual growth, and many more topics, every story is shared openly and from her heart.

As each woman reemerges on the other side of a hardship and dark period, she offers you greater wisdom, forgiveness, strength, and trust to support you in your own life.

Be prepared for greater healing and peace as you emotionally connect with each woman who hopes to inspire you through life’s challenges and unexpected turns. She reminds you that no matter what may be unfolding, every journey is ultimately an invitation to know more of your soul and self, while fully embracing yourself as a modern heroine.

Featuring the Experiences of:
Isabella Aponte
Alison Baughman
Sharon Bright
Alice Brooking
Lady Beltane
Connie Cole
Erika Elmuts
Holly Faith
Lauren Goldstein
Hydee Hall
Diana “Dynasty” Hardy
Dominique Jaramillo
Sass Jordan
Debora Kiyono
Lili Krnic
Teresa Leming
Christine Lisio
Molly McCord, M.A.
Lorraine Paul
Tamara Plant
Huntress Maxine Thompson
Brenda Quintero-Lombardi
Devon Telberg
Laren Rusch Watson

100% of all book royalties are being donated to Women for Women International


Love Talks: 3 Books In 1 (Creative Conversations Series)

by Jed Jurchenko

Whether you are on your first date, approaching your golden anniversary, or somewhere in between, these dating books are for you! Discover practical relationship wisdom and creative conversation starters that will draw you closer together than ever before! 

Warning: If you enjoy dull dates, then this book is not for you. However, if you long to grow your connection while learning new insights about your partner, then this book of highly-engaging questions for couples might be exactly what you are looking for!

131 Creative Conversations For Couples
Take your relationship from dull and bland to passionate, inspired, and connected. This Christian dating book will help you and your partner to share your inner-worlds!

131 More Creative Conversations For Couples
Discover three powerful connection secrets of happy couples. Then, put them into practice with more creative conversation starters to develop your relationship!

131 Necessary Conversations Before Marriage
With the overall divorce rate at 50% there is no doubt marriage can be difficult. This book is for couples who long to defy the odds by building a strong foundation before proclaiming, "I do!"

Keep these conversation starter books on your smartphone, and never have a boring date again! Use these dating questions in restaurants, over coffee, on road-trips, and during summer bonfires. 

Love is more than an idea or a feeling. Love cares, love gives, love does kind deeds, and love talks! This book will help you take action with Christ-honoring conversation starters and sound Christian dating wisdom. So what are you waiting for? Lay the foundation for a happy marriage and family, build an abundance of happy memories, and grow your relationship with this set of Christian dating books!

A Lucky Break

by Will Martin

Pushed out as a college professor, widowed, George Moore has settled for a humdrum life of watching TV, his consolation the comfort of home where memories of his late wife reside. Then, a broken hip lands him in a rehab center. What else could go wrong? How about a heart attack?

Meanwhile, a chance meeting with an attractive woman a few doors down seems promising. But her time in Rollins Manor may be cut short. In just nine days, a few Rollins’ staff members – including Emily, a 13-year-old volunteer – ignore George’s gruff melancholy and help him begin his life’s next chapter. A hip is not the only thing new for George.


Sell More and Better: Eternal Sales Techniques beyond Internet (Salesman's Thoughts Book 1)

by Raúl Sánchez Gilo

It will change the way you think about selling. Learn about the main selling techniques, suitable for new in sales and veterans needing a refresher.

Hurry up to save 20% with this offer.

Entertaining and motivating: through an original storytelling, this effective commercial fiction will inspire you, full of principles, ideas, a lot of humor, and surprising concepts which will make you discover the real way to sell more and better. If you sell, or want to sell, this sales book is for you.

Readers opinion (from the original edition, 4.8 stars):

“A must read. The way of telling the sales tips is very original.”
“Very interesting for both sellers and any kind of reader.”
“Very pleased to see so many wise advices exposed in entertaining way.”
“There is a lot of experience behind the advices.”
“2 in 1: educational and fun.”

A sales book addressed to:

  • For beginners in sales:If you are new in sales or have small experience, this book is the first one to read. It will help you see the clear picture, to discover the real concept and basics of sales and the authentic way to sell more and better. The why's and the how's of the art of selling.
    Learn the main principles prior to developing any bad habits. No any trick techniques can replace the focused understanding of the sales fundamental and the eternal sales techniques
    The very first sales book to buy, easy to read, powerful, and especially entertaining.
  • For anyone looking to increase their sales knowledge: if you are interested in sales, it will give you a better understanding of the main elements. If sometimes you sell and sometimes don’t, and you never know why, regardless of what you're selling, this book will help you sell more and better and close more sales.
  • Recommended even to experienced salesmen: especially to those who have taken vices along the years, and need a refresher, or reinforce their skills.
    If you seek for that extra edge for closing sales and excel in your career, it will help you to review and refocus your approach to sales.
  • Recommended for sales training and sales coaching: a much better way to explain the concepts to your sales team, it will save you time and effort, providing excellent coverage of key principles, a most enjoyable way to build the solid base and reference for your sales training.

Not addressed to:

  • Not for the Master sellers (they are already aware of all the principles and concepts of this book)
  • This is not step-by-step instructions. If you are looking for simple tricks for closing sales, this is not your book.
  • Not for you if you think you have zombie like clients.

A trip to the past to discover the future of the art of selling. You can study tricks forever, but new situations always arise for which there is no script, unless you know the time and field-tested selling techniques that have always worked: selling is an old knowledge that today we have complicated a bit more, with new technologies, internet, and a thousand other things. This sales book teaches you the sales formula to sell beyond all that.

Learn in a short time what it takes years to discover about the art of selling.
You don’t know why you’re not able to sell more? How to build customer loyalty in your business? Whether you are new in sales or a seasoned sales professional, this sales book answers your questions. We start telling a story of mystery and old secrets. And finally we will unveil the valuable sales formula to get customer loyalty.

Start now to differentiate, Scroll back up and click buy to get results today! Discover the eternal sales techniques...


Transition: How to Prepare Your Family and Business for the Greatest Wealth Transfer in History

by David Werdiger

WARNING: Transition Is Here…
Are Your Family Business and Wealth Prepared for MAJOR Transition?

Everything is in Transition. Look around…Business is in Transition. Family is in
Transition. And the thing that no one wants to truly admit…Wealth is in Transition.
You will be faced with some very difficult choices in the months and years to come.

Now is not the time to bury your head in the sand and pray that challenges in your family business will magically work themselves out. You MUST be strategic. You MUST put your family first. You MUST make the right decisions now to prepare for the future.

If you don’t, Transition will hit you like a major league baseball swing to the back of your head. You’ll be left unconscious, broken, flailing to survive, being dragged under by the overwhelming weight of your business on your life and your family.

How do you navigate change like this in your business?
First, you need the real truth about family business longevity. The fact is, 90% of family business are wiped from the face of the earth by the third generation. Only
40% even survive making it to the second generation. The numbers are not in your favor.

To make matters even worse, wealth management awareness is quickly fading and many of your family members who are involved with the business may not have a strong understanding about the value of a dollar. While you’re fighting with your family members about minor business issues, your wealth is being eroded quickly by poor, uninformed financial decisions made by those closest to you.

All this can make trying to position your family business and your wealth for transfer to the next generation a nightmare! But luckily for you, there's now a solution! If you’re looking to not only weather the storm but thrive in your family business, then this new book by Wealth Transition and Family Business Expert, David Werdiger, reveals how every Family Business Owner can understand how to position their family business and wealth transfer for success.

Here's just a sample of the what David Werdiger will cover for you in the pages of this insightful new book:

How to Prepare your Family and Business for the Greatest Wealth Transfer in History
● Learn how to better communicate and connect with the other generations involved in your family business. Page 19
● Understand the power of storytelling and how it influences your legacy. Page 23
● Tap into the entrepreneurial spirit and gain a stronger understanding about what makes the entrepreneurs in your family tick - You might be one of them!
Page 44
● Identify successful strategies for raising children with wealth and identify the best way to bring them into the family business. Page 77
● Can your business continue without you? Make sure you can effectively remove yourself from your business and still have it thrive. Page 96
● Discover the cross-generational differences regarding investing and philanthropy. Page 119
● Bring balance and meaning to your business, family, and life and recognize how giving is just as important as receiving during a transfer of wealth. Page 127
● ... and much, MUCH More!

Never before have you had such a unique opportunity to have this PROVEN Wealth Transfer and Family Business Expert take you by the hand and explain not only how to prepare for your business and family for the greatest wealth transfer in history, but also how to position your family business for massive success through the generations to come!

Most of what you need is instruction and encouragement from someone who has "been there and done that!" Get this book NOW and claim the Family Business success you want!



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