Non-Fiction New Releases

Non-Fiction New Releases

The Badass Girl's Guide: Uncommon Strategies to Outwit Predators

by CJ Scarlet

The Badass Girl's Guide: Uncommon Strategies to Outwit Predators is the one book criminal predators don't want you to read! Filled with critical information about how to empower yourself to keep from becoming a crime statistic, this definitive, comprehensive guide contains facts and strategies not found in other personal security books.

This remarkable, edgy book reveals how predators select and groom their victims, and teaches women and girls how to "fail" the predator interview to avoid being targeted in the first place. It also provides clear instructions about how to use your personal bodily "weapons" to defend yourself in a confrontation, offering everything you need to know to stay safe, fight if you must, and navigate the criminal justice system if the worst happens.

This book leaves women and girls feeling more inspired, motivated, powerful, and confident about their ability to take care of themselves.

If you read just one book on personal safety and self-defense in your lifetime, The Badass Girl's Guide: Uncommon Strategies to Outwit Predators is the one for you!

The News is Alarming, But You Have More Power Than You Think!

If you watch the evening news, it can seem as if the world is being overrun by violence. And if you’re a woman or girl, you likely have already been victimized in some way or are vulnerable to criminal predators—at home, in the workplace and even in public areas.

Women and girls are generally raised to be nice to everyone. They’re taught to avoid being rude at all cost. To smile through awkward situations. To giggle when they feel uncomfortable rather than risk embarrassing someone who is just “playing” with them. To expect men to be their rescuers if they’re in danger.

How many times in your life have you ignored the blaring sirens from your intuition when someone was violating your boundaries? Or worried as the creepy guy from your dorm followed you to class? Or suffered through regular sexual harassment at work?

It’s a strange paradox—we spend so much of our lives being hyper-vigilant about potential danger, but become utterly helpless when we’re confronted with uncomfortable and even dangerous situations. We smile when someone pays us an inappropriate compliment at work. We roll our eyes when a man makes a crude joke or gesture. We stiffen but don’t necessarily move when someone brushes up against us.

Making “Nice” is Hurting You

Why? Why do we “make nice” when we’re treated with disrespect? Our instincts are correct, but we override them because our early training was so strong. Part of the reason is fear—that the situation will escalate if we object, that we’ll embarrass the other person or ourselves, or that the person we confront won’t like/love/employ us anymore. We’re also often clueless about how to respond. Then there’s the pervasive, personally-held belief that we can’t take care of ourselves, so we demure rather than react.

We feel helpless, which leads to a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness. Denial is also a huge factor; we deny what’s happening to us in favor of making excuses for the perpetrator: “He was just kidding.” “I’m just being overly sensitive.” “He didn’t mean it.” Or the ever popular, “Boys will be boys.” This unfortunate perspective lets predators off the hook when they behave badly.

It’s Time to Take Your Power Back!

If you’re tired of feeling afraid, of loathing and blaming yourself, of feeling too vulnerable, then take YOUR power back right now. Yes, right this very second! Recognize that you’re a powerful being and claim it!

It’s time for you to get indignant! It’s time to be as aggressive or rude as necessary to keep yourself safe and secure. It’s time to stop waiting for someone else to rescue you. Summon your inner badass and rescue yourself!


Legitimate Work From Home Opportunities

by Samir Jhaveri


“Is it really possible to work from home and create a decent income online?”

It most certainly is, and you're about to learn how you can do it, way better than others! The trend to move towards freelancing and the gig economy is growing stronger and stronger, each passing year. This is good news!

It doesn’t matter if you are new to the work anywhere concept, or you are a seasoned internet marketer. You will find tons of online resources and business ideas to boost your income for 2019 and beyond, in this book.

There are several legitimate resources for performing simple tasks, to earn a few dollars per hour (like typing, filling surveys, etc.) all the way to earning several hundred dollars per hour (like social media marketing) depending on your expertise and skill-sets.

You don’t even have to worry if you fall short of skills. There are verified learning resources included in the book, which you can check out and use to master your skills.

“But aren’t these resources easily available on the internet?”

The good news is, there are actually tons of resources available online to help you find work, which you can manage from home. The bad news is, not all of them are legitimate. Whether we like it or not, scams are there everywhere. Why take the risk of not getting paid for your work? It is possible to verify the authenticity of a website, but do you have the skill or the time?

Would you prefer to spend your time in searching for opportunities and resources, and then verifying their legitimacy? Or would you prefer to have someone else do the dirty work so that you can spend your precious time in productive work that actually fills up your bank account?

Time is considered the most important resource, because we all have the same 24 hours. Why waste it in research when you can get what you need on a silver platter?

If you’re not sure where to begin, there’s a chapter which helps you to determine your niche. This could be anything from web designing, creating mobile apps, freelance writing, domain flipping, offering search engine optimization, digital marketing services, etc.

It could even be hobbies like art and craft, painting, music or singing. The book shows you how to monetize hobbies most effectively. When combined with your passion, it also helps you to stay focused and motivated, for maximum returns on your investment of time and energy.

Also included in the book is a chapter which helps you determine your goals, so you can plan your schedule and keep a balance between work and recreation (or relaxation).

The book, however, does not include get rich quick schemes, because the author does not believe in them. You will certainly need to work, to earn. This book is also not meant for lazy folks or entertainment seekers. Such books are best found in the fiction category.

This book is specifically written for folks who are ready to learn, who are ready to take action, who are not afraid of criticism or failure, and who have some fire in their belly. If this is you, this book will certainly help you achieve your goals.

You can now work for yourself, from the comfort of your home, and at your time and convenience! If you’re already working for a boss, you can start your own online business as a side hustle. Once you make a decent chunk of money and you’re confident to continue on this path, you can submit your resignation and do it full time!

Are you ready to get out of the rat race and become debt free? Are you ready to claim your well deserved financial freedom which you have been only dreaming about? It’s time to take a leap of faith and give it a shot. There is little to lose and a lot to gain. The risk reward ratio is extremely favorable. Scroll up and hit the buy button, the book will be yours in minutes!



The Happy Mind: A Simple Guide to Living a Happier Life Starting Today

by Kevin Horsley et al


Discover The Power of a Happy Mind

From the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Unlimited Memory comes a new book on finding happiness in life using the power of your mind.

Happiness is more than just a feeling—it’s a learned skill. When you master the habits of happiness, your life will be filled with more peace, purpose, and passion.

The search for happiness is fundamental for all humans, and the answers lie within the depths of your mind.

In The Happy Mind you’ll discover valuable insights for lasting happiness instead of being driven by short-term pleasure seeking.

You’ll find the answers to your most important questions:

  • What do you need to do to be truly happy?

  • How can you change the old habits, beliefs, and situations that make you unhappy?

These questions have led to many philosophical debates over thousands of years. The philosophers of Greece were famous for their quest to define the pillars of "the good life." Faith-based movements have painstakingly crafted dogmas and prescribed behaviors in pursuit of ultimate peace and joy. Academic studies have been concentrated on finding the answer to "the optimal life experience."

When you look at all the scientific research, religious teachings, and philosophical insights, you find one inescapable conclusion: you can learn to live a truly happy life, but you must come to understand one thing…

We All Experience Happiness Differently

What makes one person happy may make another miserable. There is no one key to happiness for everyone. Instead, the answers lie within you.

As Shakespeare wrote, “This above all, to thine own self be true.” When you find what makes you truly happy, you’ll have all the answers you need. This book will help you find your unique roadmap to happiness.

The aim of this book is not to push a specific method of achieving of happiness. Instead, you'll discover valuable insights that will allow you to create lasting happiness for yourself instead of being driven by short-term pleasure-seeking.

In this book you will learn:

  • How people search for happiness in all the wrong places, and how you can avoid these "happiness traps" that keep you stuck and unfulfilled

  • Why most people mistake pleasure for happiness, and how this simple mistake causes you to lose sight of what really matters to you

  • The nine common qualities that super happy people share (and how you can apply them to brighten up your life)

  • The key traits of unhappiness (and the most important behaviors you should avoid)

Easy changes you can make that will create more long-term happiness for you and your loved ones

Give Yourself the Gift of The Happy Mind

Change your life with The Happy Mind and custom-design your happiness. Don’t waste another day being unhappy. Jump into life with a happy mind!

Scroll up and click the "Buy Now" button to get started.


Breaking IN: A Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Career in Information Security

by Ayman Elsawah



Are you NEW to the Information Security field?

LOST trying to figure a way to get a job as a Security Analyst?

OVERWHELMED by all the information out there and not sure where to start?

Can't afford $$$$ for certifications?

If so, this book is for you.

In this book, you will learn:

  • The Information Security Culture
  • Different jobs in the Information Security Field
  • The passion needed to be auccessful in the field
  • What life is like as an Information Security Professional
  • How to find the information you're looking for
  • Next steps to educate yourself

This book is designed to be the first book on your journey into a career in Information Security.

This book is for:

  • Those looking for a career in Information Security
  • Those looking to service the Information Security industry and want to understand more about it
  • Those who have been given the responsibility of Infosec (accidentally or not) and would like a primer on it

From the Author:

I have been asked time and again how to get into the field. If you sat me down for a couple hours, this is exactly what I would say. I tried to make this book as concise as possible so that it's easy to consume. Everyone's experience is different, so it's hard to put you in a mold, which is why I have the podcast to go along with it. The Podcast is a free resource anyone in the world can use to learn from other's experiences.

Ayman Elsawah is the Host of the Getting Into Infosec Podcast (

NOTE: This is a pre-release of the book. Audio and Paperback version will be released soon. This book is continuously updated regardless. Enjoy!


The Psychology Of Top Talent

by Eric Frazer


What if you could unlock the secrets of high performers? What if you could apply a few simple, scientifically-proven techniques that turn average teams into rockstars? 


In this ground-breaking new book, forensic psychologist, Dr. Eric Frazer uncovers the latest research into the psychology of top performers; how they think, how they act, how they solve the world's most complex problems. 

And now he's showing you how to leverage these principles from clinical psychology to skyrocket the performance of your team in just a few short weeks: 

Increased sales.

Better customer service.

Improved employee engagement.

Greater innovation and problem solving. 

Less employee conflict.

Fewer mistakes. 

Sound too good to be true? 

It's not

From visionary tech companies, to the food and beverage industry, to pharmaceuticals, to aerospace, these simple principles are responsible for creating and molding high performing teams.  

This short, actionable book is solution-focused and sums up the most compelling and applicable psychological research about attracting, hiring, and retaining top talent. 

Here's what you'll discover: 

Developing Grit: A simple questionnairre to identify candidates with grit (used by US Special Forces)

Applying The Growth Mindset: How the world's most prestigious companies develop a "growth mindset" in their employees 

Becoming a Beyonder: How to identify employees that will consistently go "above and beyond"

The Power Engaging in Deliberate Practice: How to become a high performer at work by modelling world class athletes 

How to Build Deep Customer Appreciation: How to train your team to accurately understand customer needs and wants - and deliver on them!

Creating Renewable Flow States: The simple technique to ensure high-performance WITHOUT burnout

And much more...

Relying on decades of research in forensic and clinical psychology, you'll not only learn the psychological principles that the world's most successful companies use, you'll discover how to apply them

Chock full of examples, case studies, assessment tools, and actionable guides, you can read this book in less than an hour and start applying the advice immediately

Scroll up and buy this book now. 


The Passive Income Playbook Cheat Sheet

by Raza Imam

How to Generate $1,000 to $2000 of Passive Income in 30 Days - Even If You Have No Experience


The Single-Minded Christian: Exposing and Eliminating Double-Mindedness in the Christian Life

by Timothy Baise

Have you wondered whether something is keeping you from experiencing the full goodness and blessing of God?James 1:7 says that a double-minded person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Far from a mere critique of wishy-washy Christianity, this warning indicates the real spiritual dangers of an unstable or hypocritical faith—which can creep into every aspect of your life and keep you from experiencing God’s presence, purpose, and power.Timothy G. Baise is the founder of Top Flite Financial, Inc., a dedicated husband and father, and above all, a student of the Bible and follower of Jesus Christ. Tim founded Harvest House Ministries in Williamston, Michigan, to combines rich weekly Bible studies with compassionate community outreach.In this book, he will challenge your thinking as you learn to:– Understand how double-mindedness permeates every area of life– Avoid double-mindedness in relationships, speech, and activities – Live in balance, avoiding legalism as well as false grace– Overcome doubts and reject lies that cause you to be double-minded – Recognize double-mindedness and division in the church Each chapter concludes with workbook questions and an action step to help you begin exposing and eliminating the double-mindedness in your own life.Many Christians and churches are trying to have it all—biblical truth and worldly ways—but their attachment to ungodly habits and ideals is causing them to miss out on a real relationship with God and all He has for them. Start reading The Single-Minded Christian today for a revealing look at how to set your whole heart and mind toward the Lord and His purposes!


Strong Within: The Christian Woman’s Guidebook for Nurturing Self-Love and Personal Power

by Bozena Zawisz

Are you looking to realize greater self-love and personal power?

·        Explore your perception of a Christian woman’s identity

·        Learn empowering coping strategies

·        Redefine your relationship with your body

·        Apply Christian examples of mindfulness to your everyday life

·        Transform personal/social/historic restrictions that impact your self-esteem

Strong Within: The Christian Woman’s Guidebook for Nurturing Self-Love and Personal Power will take you on a journey of personal growth. It will help you to address the most commonly encountered personal, social, and historic challenges that women face on daily basis, against the background of an empowering exploration of the Genesis account of Adam and Eve.

Each chapter will give you a fresh perspective on themes that are relevant to women’s everyday lives and Christian identity, such as how you experience your self-worth, relationships, or life’s purpose. Each chapter’s exercises and reflections will guide you in transforming your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, to stay STRONG WITHIN!

Start your personal transformation today!


The Joy of Giving Massage: How to Give a Massage so Good You’ll Want to Do It All the Time

by Shai Plonski


Everyone loves a great massage—but giving one can be even better!

After a long day of hard work, nothing helps you shake off your stress like a good massage.

Well, I’m here to tell you that giving a great massage can feel just as good as receiving one!I’m Shai Plonski, and I’ve been teaching Thai Massage for over fifteen years. I’ve helped over three thousand people across three continents rediscover the lost art of healing through touch, and in this book, I’m going to pass my most effective and beneficial techniques on to you.The truth is, you don’t need special equipment like a professional quality massage bed to give a great massage—in fact, you don’t even need any special training. Modern Thai Massage is a deeply meditative experience that comes from the heart.And while most people think massage is all about the person on the receiving end, I’m here to tell you that Thai Massage can be just as beneficial and relaxing for the practitioner. Practicing these powerful techniques can help heal your mind, body, and spirit in one incredible experience.This book will show you:

  • Clear, detailed, step-by-step instructions for each massage technique
  • The many benefits of each movement
  • How to ensure the safety and comfort of your loved ones when giving them a massage
  • Detailed instructions for giving massages in any position or location, from a bed to a mat on the floor
  • Downloadable PDF checklists of customized massage routines just for you

If you want better health, a calmer mind, and stronger, more compassionate relationships, I urge you to read The Joy of Giving Massage to begin improving your life today.If you’re a fan of The Massage Bible by Susan Mumford, Couple’s Massage Handbook by Helen Hodgson or Tantric Massage Beginner's Guide by Crystal Hardie and Rick Reynolds, you will love this book!



What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People

by Joe Navarro et al

He says that's his best offer. Is it?

She says she agrees. Does she?

The interview went great—or did it?

He said he'd never do it again. But he did.

Read this book and send your nonverbal intelligence soaring. Joe Navarro, a former FBI counterintelligence officer and a recognized expert on nonverbal behavior, explains how to "speed-read" people: decode sentiments and behaviors, avoid hidden pitfalls, and look for deceptive behaviors. You'll also learn how your body language can influence what your boss, family, friends, and strangers think of you. You will discover:

  • The ancient survival instincts that drive body language
  • Why the face is the least likely place to gauge a person's true feelings
  • What thumbs, feet, and eyelids reveal about moods and motives
  • The most powerful behaviors that reveal our confidence and true sentiments
  • Simple nonverbals that instantly establish trust
  • Simple nonverbals that instantly communicate authority

Filled with examples from Navarro's professional experience, this definitive book offers a powerful new way to navigate your world.



The Bravehearts Guide: How to Navigate Career and Life Transitions

by Nancy Sherr


"I have fallen in love with mapping worksheets! Let Nancy Sherr empower you on a comprehensive journey of self-discovery with practical guidance, actionable steps, and new ways to look at life’s circumstances—this book does not disappoint. Grab a copy and start stepping forward." —Kami Boley, author of Bree The Tree and The Gator Leaves Nothing Behind

"A beautiful compilation of wisdom and insight—this book defines the road to recreate a new, bright life. Nancy’s expertise, inspiring style, and transparency in sharing her personal stories are incredibly powerful. This is a winner." —Marina G., NYC

Expert motivator, career coach virtuoso, and self-empowerment guru Nancy Sherr, Personal & Professional Transition Expert shows you how to take the opportunity and challenge of change, that is so often unavoidable in your personal and professional landscape, and transform it to new levels while using that same energy to boost your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

In The Bravehearts Guide, Nancy Sherr, having stared down the dragons of Big Life Changes and reinventing herself professionally three times, has helped thousands reshape their mindset, while evolving into their best selves through navigating both personal and work-life transitions. Nancy firmly believes that every one of us can live to our fullest potential and create a life we love.

Focusing on four key concepts—Instincts, Courage, Resilience, and Gratitude—this is her life handbook that provides a blueprint for true empowerment as we navigate the chaos of epic change. Nancy offers advice, thoughtful and inspiring exercises for gaining clarity and achieving goals, and plenty of resources and motivation—all based on her own personal experiences, years of key research, observation, and field testing, sharing the art of staying centered, strong, and victorious through the turbulence of change. Most importantly, she shows you how to locate your greatest sense of purpose that will take you to the highest levels of performance and sustain you to weather life’s inevitable challenges.

The Bravehearts Guide is also Nancy's personal story—a chronicle of endurance that is as impressive as her lengthy list of rave reviews from her coaching clients and readers. Through the sudden loss of her mother at the age of six, she talks candidly about the strict but loving upbringing by her heroic father and how through that, she built the resiliency needed to ultimately transform and build a life and career she loves.

Nancy Sherr has dedicated her life to her two children, her two Hungarian Vizslas, and to living an active and adventurous lifestyle. She has wrapped her exuberant and optimistic spirit around her journey of self discovery which she graciously shares in her book to motivate others to make the most of their own Big Life Changes, and inspires her readers to achieve their ultimate well-being in all aspects of life and career.

The Bravehearts Guide is a prescriptive, candid review of Nancy’s evolution, offering fresh, unexpected career and life lessons, peppered with motivation, warmth and love, presenting them as an easy-to-follow journey map to help readers recognize their full potential and channel their passion into success. In essence, she directs the reader through the fires of change to emerge as a triumphant phoenix!

This gifted coach knows what it takes to thrive, not just survive in the modern day. Part confidante, part mentor, Nancy takes you by the hand and holds nothing back.



Through My Eyes: The USA

by Sandi Gorisek

The USA – the land of the future, the land of prosperity, success, glamor, and bling... But is it really (only) that?

Through this book and my eyes, you will come to feel the pulse of the "promised land". This story is a mash up of my own awkward experiences on the other side of the great puddle, which I describe with a simple goal in mind: to dissolve the prejudices that we have about each other.

Just between us, I can assure you that you will laugh – and cry – your heart out while reading this tour de farce. They say that laughter is the best medicine, so you're actually holding a cure-all in your hands ...


The Intelligent Thinking

by Som Bathla


Get Rid of Thinking Errors, Think Intelligently, Develop Mind to Understand Situations Holistically, Make Better Decisions and Start Getting Things Done Faster!

Do you find yourself trapped in older pre-conditioned thinking patterns and miss out on new opportunities? Do you wonder why despite good intentions you often struggle to solve problems? Do you often delay in decision-making?

How would your life change if you can independently observe and learn the art of thinking clearly? What if you could learn the most effective techniques followed by great thinkers like Leonardo da Vinci, Einstein, and business legends like Elon Musk, Warren Buffett.

Imagine having access to a fully loaded toolbox with sharpest thinking tool you could use to analyze every situation holistically? Imagine your confidence boosting up if you not only are aware non-serving thinking patterns but also master the effective thinking techniques followed by the high performers and getting things done faster.

Som Bathla, an avid reader, researcher and an Amazon best-selling author of multiple books reveals the answers to above and much more in his book THE INTELLIGENT THINKING.

THE INTELLIGENT THINKING is written as a succinct guide revealing most effective thinking strategies (though some might sound counter-intuitive) to address all your curiosity on how to think intelligently

Here is what you will learn in THE INTELLIGENT THINKING

  • How human brain operates and how precisely thinking process works within our mind?
  • How Elon Musk transformed himself from an internet multimillionaire to a space rocket industry leader with this first principle thinking.
  • How your thinking abilities are not dependent on your IQ and what matters most as per Warren Buffett.
  • Different types of thinking people follow (check where do you find yourself)
  • Most common cognitive biases that trip you up for making irrational, illogical decisions and triggered by your emotions.
  • Understand  the power of neuroplasticity that allows you to change the way you think.
  • Beware of your thinking patterns marketers misuse to sell you more of what you never wanted.
  • How thinking about failing in a particular way can help you better prepared for success – know the technique of inversion thinking.
  • First order thinking vs. second order thinking – how thinkers do a deep work in thinking.
  • How integrative thinking can create a whole blue ocean of possibilities.
  • Learn how this type of thinking invented ‘shopping cart’ and how rolling suitcases got invented out of a particular type of thinking.
  • Understand how to think like Leonardo da Vinci by knowing about seven approaches he used to improve his intelligence.
  • And much much more….

Albert Einstein once rightly said:

“The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”

THE INTELLIGENT THINKING is for anyone and everyone who is convinced about the limitless potential of human mind and is sincerely looking for the ways to become an intelligent thinker.

Are you ready?

Take Your First Step Toward Intelligent Thinking, Unleash Your Mind’s Full Potential, and Become Your Own Best Version!



Stepping Lightly Through Times of Great Change

by Diane de Simone

This is a very short, fun, interactive book. HEADPHONES are recommended.

Music is in all the right places...

Scientists are now revealing the underlying principles of the universe and of OUR EXISTENCE.

They are now in agreement.

If you feel even a bit of the chaos happening around you, know it's because we are being asked to EVOLVE, to shift, to embrace a far larger view of ourselves and our place in the universe. At our core, we are more powerful and peaceful than we know.
We must go inward and Onward. To a higher consciousness. A new earth.


Content Marketing Made Easy

by John Nemo

SPECIAL BONUS: Includes Free Access to Bonus Training Videos, Scripts, Templates and More!

Discover how to use Blogs, Video, Podcasts, Social Media and other forms of Content Marketing to attract your ideal clients, put your marketing on autopilot and make sales simple and seamless!

Content Marketing Made Easy is a Simple, How To, Step-by-Step, Guide to growing your business online WITHOUT having to resort to cold calls, paid advertising, meetings and everything else you hate about outdated sales and lead generation methods!


• What is Content Marketing and How Does it Work?
• Idea Factory: How To Come Up With Content Your Audience Will Go Bananas For
• How to Set Up (and Automate!) a Sales Funnel Using Content
• Simply Irresistible: How To Create Magnetic Content Your Audience Will Devour
• The Secret Sauce That Makes Content Go Viral
• How To Instantly (and Easily) Create Compelling Content ... Even if you're not creative or hate writing
• The Single Best Content Marketing Tool in Existence Today• Calendars, Automation and Systems - Oh My!
• Proven Content Marketing Strategies that help you build powerful Online Marketing and Digital Marketing Systems
• Includes online access to free bonus training videos, copy-and-paste scripts, templates and much more!


“You know me. I don’t recommend people lightly. John Nemo is worth your time. Jump on this!” - Chris Brogan, New York Times Bestselling Author & Speaker

“I highly encourage you to check out John Nemo. I know it will make a difference for you just like it has for me!” - Tom Ziglar, CEO, Ziglar, Inc.

“John Nemo invests himself in dramatically improving all aspects of your marketing where he feels he can add value. I’m very honored to recommend him.” - Bob Burg, International Bestselling Author of “The Go Giver” & Keynote Speaker


JOHN NEMO is an Online Course Creator and Bestselling Author who helps Business Coaches, Consultants, Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners generate quality leads, build their client base and increase revenue using digital marketing platforms, tools and strategies like Content Marketing, LinkedIn and Webinars.

John regularly guest blogs for Inc. Magazine and American City Business Journals, and his work has also been featured in The Huffington Post, Business Insider, Social Media Examiner, the Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast, on LinkedIn's official marketing blog and many other outlets online.

The author of 8 books, John is a former Associated Press Reporter, Talk Radio Producer, Award-Winning PR Director and Social Media Consultant based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


You Self-Published, Now What? How to Promote Your Book

by Mateja Klaric

This comprehensive guide will introduce you to the world of book marketing and promotion. The main focus is on affordable and cost-efficient options for writers who self-publish on a low budget. It’s written as an easy to follow 101 manual and can be used as a blueprint for recommended activities. You will get tips and real-life examples, step-by-step instructions, evaluation of costs and revenue, the list of best apps and tools, and more. There are no affiliate links since the book is based on objective and sincere satisfaction with recommended tools, apps, and services.


There and Back There Again

by Andrew Alsup


Welcome to my book, There and Back There Again by Andy Alsup ~ Village Savant.

My story has a few themes:
- technology

- music

- culture

- Seattle

- religion

- Aspergers

- schizophrenia

- psychic musings

I write a lot about my daily experience. It primarily revolves around my ongoing conversation with a variety of voices I hear in my head. I call this experience a couple of things. It is psychic. It is a network of identities. It is public. It is hilarious.

This is an introduction to give you an idea what I’m talking about with the conflict oriented stuff I write, and what I call chipmunk.

I hear voices. They are best described as auditory hallucinations. Sometimes they’re identifiable. Sometimes they’re words in my thoughts that don’t have sound, they don’t belong there, and they’re clearly someone else’s words.

I have called them a psychic phenomenon. I believe these are real people. They sometimes identify themselves. Sometimes I can hear who they are. Almost always they lie about their identity. They are always consistently wrong about people I know. They attempt to be identified as these people for a variety of reasons, but mostly to try to establish credibility because they have none and to attempt to manipulate.

I always tell the voices I will not accept them trying to do that.

I call the voices chipmunk because they sound squeaky, clown car because it’s one after another, and douchebag because they’re intrusive and self satisfied losers.

The reality is that the attempts to manipulate are trying to control me or lure me into doing something for reasons they are never honest about.

The voices are abusive, hostile, immature, and nonstop nonsense. They are factually wrong about everything. They lie about their motives, their information, their coordination with each other, and people that I know are not how the voices describe them.

The voices constantly attempt to indicate they are interfering in my life or are people I would want to have input from. They do this for a variety of reasons but it comes down to stupidity and probably people just wasting their time who have nothing better to do.

Sometimes they describe this as entertainment. They say they watch me either through their computer, or that they experience the same phenomenon I do in their head, and they see me remotely. I don’t know what that is like. I do sometimes see people doing things, and I can sometimes hear their thoughts.

I have the ability to give them words I make them say. I can also give them thoughts, or make them do things.

I sometimes smell or feel things that are also psychic.

The voices are real people behaving badly.


a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist.
synonyms: intellectual, scholar, sage, philosopher, thinker, wise/learned person
People have asked me about the choice of the word savant for my Facebook page.

I'll put it this way. Genius doesn't cover it. I'm beyond that.

Savant indicates epic level wisdom in an area that also accompanies a deficit.
My savant is people.

I can see your soul at a glance. I can write and speak words on every day topics that make you stand with applause. I can talk you under the table with logic. I can explain the universe in a few words. I can make science deliciously funny, 12 hours in the brisket lab with a pbr. I have done it all with technology, and I can take you into the future. I am fluent in music and film that people resonate with, but can't remember why. I think things that happen because I think them. I can change your words in your mouth. I know what to tell you to freak you out or calm you. I can describe you to yourself in ways you know but never knew.

I'll need your help to meet a girl.

~ Andy ~ Village Savant ~ The Smartest Guy On the Planet


Think, Trade, and Grow Rich!: A Powerful Beginner's Guide to Building Passive Income

by Benjamin Kahriman

Piggy-cide: The deliberate and unlawful killing of a ceramic piggybank; onset by financial hardship and multi-hour commutes to an unfulfilling and underpaying job.

Think, Trade, & Grow Rich! A Powerful Beginner’s Guide to Building Passive Income Through Momentum Swing Trading and Stock Market Investing is your (and your piggy bank’s) ticket to financial freedom. Within these pages, you will find a true beginner’s guide to the author’s time-tested and results-driven trading and investing method. As you progress through the trading system, you will generate income capable of covering your living expenses and have passive income to live the life you always imagined. This is your opportunity to break away from the shackles of a nine to five, to no longer be subject to your boss’s moods and whims. Think, Trade, and Grow Rich! is your invitation to embark upon a path of limitless financial opportunities.

No prior experience or knowledge about the stock market, investing, or trading is needed. Kahriman guides you through the trading process, step-by-step, in simple, understandable language. Years of research, data analysis, and trading experience are distilled to an easy-to-follow trading method that dramatically increases profits and minimizes risk. Kahriman teaches the fundamentals of Japanese candlesticks, technical analysis, momentum swing trading and investing.

Think, Trade, & Grow Rich! will:


Teach You to Make Money Trading and Investing in Stocks for Maximum Profit and With Minimum Risk

• Use a Free Stock Scanner to Find Stocks Positioned to Soar
• Use Kahriman’s step-by-step checklist to find and evaluate stocks
• Use candlesticks, technical analysis, and complementary tools to plan your trades
• Use charts and visuals listed in the book to replicate successful trades and avoid pitfalls

Teach You the Building Blocks to a Proven Trading System in Simple Language

• Combine a variety of powerful factors to generate a single data point that will help you rank stocks and guide you to profitable trades
• Read, analyze, and utilize performance data and factors that significantly increase your odds of outperforming the stock market
• Case-studies and performance data for powerful candlestick trading patterns

Teach You to Trade Cryptocurrency (e.g., Bitcoin) and Stocks Affiliated with Bitcoin

• Apply Kahriman’s momentum trading method to profit off cryptocurrency

Custom Tailor the Trading System to Your Financial Needs and Goals

• If you need quick cash or wish to grow your net worth gradually, you will be able to identify and execute trades designed to fulfill your financial goals

After years of research, mentorship, data collection, analysis, and countless hours practicing trading and investing with stock market simulators, Kahriman created a trading system designed to minimize risk and maximize profit. Kahriman opened his first brokerage account with just $500. After one quarter, that account grew well over 1,500%. With the goal of helping us all realize our own “American Dream,” Kahriman embarked upon telling his story and teaching others to invest and trade in the stock market.

In Think, Trade, and Grow Rich! Kahriman outlines and shares his powerful trading and investing formula forged from years of research and trading experience. Kahriman explains how you too can realize your dreams and reap the bountiful financial opportunities present in the stock market. Best of all, Kahriman demystifies the technical, hard to understand, and complicated aspects of trading and investing. Think, Trade, and Grow Rich! is concise, practical, and written for everyone, in effect, a true and complete beginners guide to not only trading but a better life.

Scroll up, hit the buy now button, and embark upon a path to financial freedom. A path to the life you always imagined.



Where Can I Find Wifi? Work Anywhere, Travel Forever: Tales Of A Digital Nomad

by Kayla Kurin

Do you want to join the digital nomad community and live a location independent life by working remotely?

Do you want to travel the world indefinitely, setting up your office in cafes with views of crystal clear seas in Greece, guesthouses with mountain views in the Rockies, next to a mouthwatering bowl of fresh Gnocchi in Italy, or anywhere you can get the bloody wifi connection to work? 

You might have seen expensive courses or trendy Instagram accounts giving advice how to work remotely and travel forever. These might have been filled with images of computers on beaches, touting how easy it is to work less and roll around in your hoards of sweet, sweet cash. But, when you read this book, you’ll realize keeping sand out of your keyboard when you go to the beach is really hard.

In this book, you’ll learn how Kayla has travelled around the world for over five years from the Ashrams of India to the ruins of Greece, teaching herself the skills she needed to start a successful online career. 

You’ll also learn:

  • How Kayla saved enough to take a one-year backpacking trip when she was making less than 40k a year.
  • How the author grows, rather than depletes, her savings account while she travels the world. 
  • How you can volunteer or work abroad.
  • How the author went from being broke in London to starting two successful businesses and how you can apply your skills and experience to a digital nomad career.
  • The options for going remote including freelancing, starting your own business, teaching online, and more. 
  • How the author, a self-described terrible decision maker, chooses where to live & what to pack.
  • How to answer questions like, ‘when are you going to get a real job?’
  • How to make lifelong friends on the road.

This book isn't filled with empty promises of how easy it’s going to be to work 5 hours a week and become a millionaire while you yacht around the world. It’s a realistic account of a girl who works like 20-ish hours a week... more or less... depending on how many weird festivals are on. 

If you're serious about starting a sustainable digital nomad lifestyle, this is the book for you. 



Think Faster, Learn Quicker, Get Smarter: A Practical Guide to Train Your Mind

by Raza Imam


Despite today's technology obsessed world, you most likely feel more stressed, less focused, and way more forgetful.

Your productivity is shot, and you find it hard to think quickly and retain information.

You struggle to make up by using MORE technology... more apps... more devices in a desperate attempt to gain more control of your life.

But it's NOT working.

Not only are we more stressed, we find it harder and harder to focus, think quickly, and retain information.

And it's taking a toll on us. 

The good news is that the solution is much less complicated than you think.

How much easier would your life be if you could think quicker and learn faster? How much faster could you achieve your goals if you could easily retain the information that you read? How much more productive would you be if you could harness your mind to process ideas more quickly and make better decisions.

In this concise, practical guide, I show you exactly how you can with 15 simple exercises that take no more than 15 minutes per day to complete.

Here's a taste of what you'll discover in this book:

  • A simple to think faster and learn quicker -- today
  • Why you should be making MORE mistakes (yes, more)
  • The hidden connection between empathy and learning from OTHER's mistakes
  • How the ancient the ancient practice of controlled breathing makes you think faster
  • Why lifting weights and sprinting sharpen your brain
  • How to use visualization to make better decisions
  • The little-known skill to quick thinking that nearly all top salesmen have
  • The secret computer programmers use to think so fast
  • How to activate more parts of your brain
  • The secret Einstein and Salvadore Dali knew about naps (need I say more?)
  • Why being overstuffed makes you stupid
  • The importance of talking to yourself 
  • Taking aggressive, persistent action (it’s the only thing that matters)

It's time to take your power back and harness the power within you.

If you're ready to make a change in your life, you've come to the right place!

Scroll up and get a copy of this book now.




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