Non-Fiction New Releases

Non-Fiction New Releases

How to Choose the Ultimate Side-Hustle: Making Money and Being Your Own Boss

by Kristine Hudson

If you’re interested in earning extra income, but don’t know where to begin, read on…

Are you running low on both money and time?  Do you feel as though your job is unfulfilling to you, emotionally? Are you looking to make your break into a full-time creative career, but lack the expertise?

If so, we’re here to help.

A side-hustle is a type of job that today’s modern woman can perform whenever and wherever.  With the “Boss Lady” mentality and the ability to work within your own schedule and timeline, this type of gig can help supplement your income without drawing you away from your main priorities, such as children, school, a full-time career, or your ultimate passion.

Women everywhere are stepping up to become their own bosses, sharing their experience and talents with clients and customers around the world.  Best of all, they don’t have to compromise the things that really matter in their lives.  A side-hustle allows you to generate income while still doing all the things you love!


Here’s a tiny fraction of what you’ll discover:

•How to form boundaries as a modern Boss Lady

•Creating a portfolio that draws in customers and establishes your authority

•How to choose your new side-hustle… and establish clientele

•Maintaining websites, projects, and a schedule that fits your needs

•Maximizing your income...and much, much more you’ve ever thought about how a side job could benefit your life, this book can guide you through unknown territory to success. 

Even if you have just a few spare hours to devote to side-hustle, begin now with the easy-to-follow steps outlined here.  Click now to purchase this book and get started with a new source of income that works with you AND for you!




by Alex Frost

It is a BoxSet of series WEALTHY HEALTHY HAPPY 

✓  Harnessing the power of time and building a healthy body and soul (Book 1)

✓ Harnessing the mindset of millionaire (Book 2)

✓ Taking Actions Steps and Generating Multiple Income Streams (Book 3)

① The first of the trilogy, Harnessing the Power of Time and Building a Healthy Body and Soul, provides well-detailed information on how you can gain control over your time and inculcate healthy habits in all your activities, whereas Harnessing the Mind of a Millionaire.

② The second in the series, focuses on training your mind to actualize and sustain financial goals.

③ The third book is a financial transmogrification guide that provides in-depth steps towards gaining financial freedom.

These  books are must-reads for individuals with intents to maintain an all-round balance in all areas of life.


The First Time Manager: Your Crash Course In Effective Leadership And Management

by Victoria Scott

This book is for new managers, first-time managers or managers who felt that they never really received the training they needed to succeed in their role.

If you find being a manager challenging, stressful and tiring, this is the book for you.

Taking on a management role can be exciting, exhilarating but also extremely challenging as everyone looks to you for all the answers. In The First Time Manager guide, we cover a crash course to help you get through the first 90 days and the first year in your new role.

Learn how to love and excel in a Leadership position and set yourself on the right career path to larger and bigger roles.

From understanding the expectations of you as a manager to developing and succeeding in the role, we’ll give you the skills, systems and frameworks to perform as a first time manager. Whether you are working with a small team of two, to a team of fifty or more, this book will give you the foundations to look in the right areas and ask the right questions.

With over 50% of managers failing in the first year of management, having the core areas you need to focus and build on will help you shortcut your Leadership potential and growth.

Stand out as a first time manager.

In this book you’ll learn:

  1. Understanding your responsibilities as a manager
  2. How to have pay discussions
  3. When to know when to promote staff members
  4. What to do if someone gives you attitude
  5. How to build a high performing team
  6. How to work with managers across other teams
  7. Why you should need to build an engaged team
  8. How to hire the right people (and how to spot the wrong people)

Al this and more is in The First Time Manager: Your Crash Course In Effective Leadership And Management.

Learn the mistakes you should be avoiding and learn how to develop yourself from a manager to a Leader. Someone that your team will follow, look up to and respect.


Path of Sweetness: Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution (The Joy Chronicles Book 1)

by Joy Elaine

Grab this shooting star and ride it into the greatest adventure of your life! Enjoy your front row seat as you take in information about the future of Earth shared by an Ashtar Commander, Isis, Osiris, Thoth, Gaia and many others who are overseeing Earth’s evolution. Meet a fairy and a blue genie from Andromeda. Energetically hop aboard an Ashtar Command spaceship and add your hopes and dreams to the elevating transmissions sent to Earth. Path of Sweetness hands you your own crystal ball to see the future of Earth’s evolution, and the paths leading to the destiny of your dreams.


How to Hear God, 10 Ways God Speaks: How to Hear God's Voice

by Sterling Harris

If you've never heard from God before, are curious about the subject, or just desire to dive deeper, this book is for you.

Sterling Harris gives a thorough and in-depth teaching on hearing the voice of God. It's sure to awaken you to the deep and profoundly impactful subject of hearing God's voice.

This book is a simple and practical guide that will help you have a better relationship with God through hearing His voice!

This epic book will give you simple, powerful and practical step-by-step teachings, testimonies and examples with easy to follow exercises. These resources and tools will equip you to have a healthy and more intimate Love Relationship with Jesus Christ by hearing God’s voice and being able to sense your Heavenly Father’s activity in and around your daily life. Empowered by His Holy Spirit you can live the victorious life God has created and designed you to live!

In this book you will be Inspired and Equipped to:
• Demystify hearing God for yourself through easy to follow step-by-step instructions.
• Hear the active voice of God for yourself and for others.
• Increase your awareness of God’s activity and how to respond to Him.
• Expand your understanding of how God speaks in all kinds of ways.
• Cultivate a closer relationship with Jesus built on trust and two-way communication.
• Stop negative and unwanted thoughts and be empowered to live a life of victory.
• Follow clear and simple exercises which will help you to know God intimately.
• Answer many foundational questions you have about your faith and about God.
• Enrich your own personal love language with God.

Start building a closer relationship with God today! 



The Big Nap: How We Failed to Forsee History's Pandemics

by James Simon

“The single biggest threat to man’s continued dominance on this planet is the virus.” ―Nobel Prize-winning biologist Joshua Lederberg ~ 1958

Pandemics have been around since time immemorial. Since the earliest dawns of human civilization, we have been struggling as a species to deal with pandemics whenever they arise. Why is that the case? One of the most important aspects of human survival is evolution - the ability to adapt. Given that, why is it that human beings seemingly still haven’t been able to adapt to outbreaks and pandemics?

Since we currently live in the digital age of mass information, it should be easier for us to mobilize ourselves and prevent the spread of diseases. However, pandemics continue to threaten the human race. While technology has been able to answer many of the world’s problems, the outbreak of disease is a puzzle that has yet to be solved.

This book will spread further insight into what pandemics are and why we still haven’t been able to overcome them after all these years of trials and experience. It will also explore what our next steps are as we move forward into a future that is filled with a lot of threatening uncertainty and ambiguity.


The Mental Toughness Handbook

by Damon Zahariades

Bravely Endure Hardship, Perform Under Pressure, and Overcome Challenges More Easily Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Do you feel overwhelmed by your circumstances? Are you exhausted and overburdened with stress? Are you tempted to give up whenever you encounter obstacles and mishaps?


Imagine boldly facing any challenge that comes your way. Imagine confronting any problem you run into and resolving it with confidence.

Imagine being 100% certain that you can handle any predicament or setback life throws at you.


DOWNLOAD The Mental Toughness Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide to Facing Life's Challenges, Managing Negative Emotions, and Overcoming Adversity with Courage and Poise!

Amazon bestselling author, Damon Zahariades, provides a step-by-step training program fr toughening your mind against adversity. You'll learn how to persevere when life become difficult and your circumstances deviate from your plans. You'll discover how to handle pressure, control your impulses, and endure the emotional and psychological distress that accompany misfortune.

And best of all, you'll learn how to achieve more than you thought possible through sheer tenacity and determination.


  • how mental toughness differs from grit (most people mistakenly think they're the same thing)

  • the top 7 traits mentally-tough people adopt to conquer any problem they encounter

  • how mental toughness is closely entwined with emotional mastery (as well as the importance of self-awareness and empathy)

  • 5 daily habits you must embrace to strengthen your mind and harden your resolve

  • why willpower and motivation are unreliable (and how mental toughness trumps both!)

  • 5 simple tips for controlling your impulses and delaying gratification

  • how Navy SEALs develop mental toughness (and 5 surprising tactics they employ to do so)

PLUS, YOU'LL RECEIVE 18 EXERCISES that'll help you to apply the advice and tactics you'll learn throughout this book!

If you're tired of feeling like giving up when life gets tough, grab your copy of THE MENTAL TOUGHNESS HANDBOOK today! Start training your mind to endure stress and pressure, face adversity with courage, and boldly weather any storm.

Scroll to the top of the page and click the "BUY NOW" button!


The Secret to Everything: How to Live More and Suffer Less

by Neel Burton

Self-help, with a twist

The Secret to Everything has been known to mystics and scholars for centuries and millennia, and, today, is increasingly being confirmed by both philosophy and science. Socrates certainly knew it, as did the Buddha, and more recently, Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, and Emily Dickinson. It is a secret not because it is hidden as such, but because it is so difficult to see, running counter to so many of our most basic assumptions.

Each of the book’s ten chapters exposes a particular aspect and practical application of the secret, while also keeping it carefully under wraps. On the surface, the chapters may seem to have little in common, but they are all built around the same wisdom. Your challenge, as you read, is to find the common thread that runs through all the chapters. The secret is discussed at the end, but don’t peek or you’ll spoil the fun.

About the author

Dr Neel Burton is a psychiatrist, philosopher, and wine-lover who lives and teaches in Oxford, England. He is a Fellow of Green-Templeton College in the University of Oxford, and the recipient of the Society of Authors’ Richard Asher Prize, the British Medical Association’s Young Authors’ Award, the Medical Journalists’ Association Open Book Award, and a Best in the World Gourmand Award. His work has featured in the likes of Aeon, the Spectator, and the Times, and been translated into several languages.



1. How to see

2. How to dream

3. How to be religious

4. How to be wise

5. How to be fearless

6. How to live

7. How to love

8. How to win

9. How to party

10. How to think

The Secret to Everything



YouMap: Find Yourself. Blaze Your Path. Show the World!

by Kristin A. Sherry

"YouMap is a terrific guide to all those who are struggling in their 9-5 life and, beyond that, a terrific guide for anyone interested in getting to know themselves better." –IndieReader Approved

The first all-in-one book of its kind, YouMap®: Find Yourself. Blaze Your Path. Show the World! provides you with a real-world tested step-by-step process to achieve career clarity and execute a winning job search.

Kristin Sherry’s proven career coaching process is placed in your hands along with the expertise of career services professionals Patricia Edwards, Kerri Twigg, Kamara Toffolo, Lisa Jones, and Donna Serdula, author of LinkedIn Profile Optimization for Dummies.

Discover the four pillars of career satisfaction, determine your next best career move, and confidently explain your value in your networking conversations, cover letters, resume, LinkedIn profile, and job interviews!



Find Your Values, Find Yourself

by Hana Wurzelova

Do you know what your values are or even where to look for them?

Are you ready to try a simple formula to uncover them?

This simple guide will show you how!

We all have a set of values, things that we have at the very core of our beings and which we live our lives by. These values help to shape us and allow us to make better decisions, but many of us aren’t always completely aware of what our values are and tend to act on them instinctively. Just imagine how much more you could achieve if you could work out what they are. What focus and success could you find?

Inside the pages of this short book, Find Your Values, Find Yourself: The Simple 3-Step Method to Discover Your Values and Bring Clarity to Your Decision-Making, you will find a comprehensive way to determine what your values are, with chapters that cover:

  • How to find your values in half an hour

  • What personal values are

  • Why they are important

  • Examples of personal values

  • How to find your top 3

  • Craft a definition of your personal core values

  • Reviewing your values regularly

  • And more…

  • At the conclusion of this short read, you will have uncovered your core values and improved your life, bringing you the ability to make better informed decisions.

Scroll up and click Buy now, for your copy!


Swipe Right: How To Successfully Navigate Modern Dating

by Sarah Hart

Do you find that others seem to always be getting more matches on Tinder than you?

Have you ever been ghosted and don't know why?

Do you wish you were more confident in getting a date?


Sarah Hart has been helping couples overcome their dating and relationship problems for years, and she is no stranger to the newer issues surrounding online dating and dating apps.

She's developed a system that will change how you think about modern dating, and transform your behaviour and your mindset so that you can effortlessly attract more people than EVER before.


With the best first date advice for men and women, Swipe Right: How To Successfully Navigate Modern Dating is for those looking to find a real connection and the best way to start a relationship, but find modern dating apps a struggle to master.


You might be wondering:

What is the Best Way to Getting a First Date?

What Do You Even Talk About on the Date?

How Do You Know if they’re Interested?


Inside Swipe Right: How To Successfully Navigate Modern Dating you will discover: 

  • How to Achieve Higher Levels of Confidence and Self-Esteem

  • Learn from past relationships

  • How to Use Dating Apps to your Advantage; and

  • Learn where the Best Places to Find a Date are in real life

We also look at:

  • How to Get Their Phone Number

  • A Full Successful First Date Walkthrough

  • Tips on Reading Subtle Body Language

  • How to Become Fluent in Flirting; and

  • How to Deal with Rejection, in case it just wasn’t meant to be


Swipe Right: How To Successfully Navigate Modern Dating is the book you need to get more dates. If you like detailed guides with helpful examples, actionable steps, and no fluff, you'll LOVE Sarah Hart's insightful words to MASTER modern dating.


Buy Swipe Right: How To Successfully Navigate Modern Dating and get the SECRETS about how to get Quality Matches on dating apps, and learn the Best Way to start a new relationship for long-term success.

Scroll up to the top of the page, select the 'BUY' button and Get Your Copy Now!


Single That

by Acamea Deadwiler

Discover the audacity to be comfortable and confident with every relationship status. 

Single That gives you an immediate nudge toward the belief that you, alone, are enough. Whether single, dating, in a relationship, or in between, this practical guide offers authentic advice on being happy with who and where you are.

Single That will help you take back and harness your power as a woman because it eliminates misconceptions and assumptions that attempt to keep it from you. Each chapter tackles an idea with which the term "single" is often falsely considered synonymous.

Single, that does not mean broken. That does not mean lonely. These are just two of the toxic myths that this book will dispel and equip you to face with defiance. Never again will you believe an idea meant to reduce your self-worth.


Ultimate Step by Step Guide to Machine Learning Using Python

by Daneyal Anis


*Start your Data Science career using Python today!*


Are you ready to start your new exciting career? Ready to crush your machine learning career goals?

Are you overwhelmed with complexity of the books on this subject?


Then let this breezy and fun little book on Python and machine learning models make you a data scientist in 7 days!

First part of this book introduces Python basics including:
•Data Structures like Pandas
•Foundational libraries like Numpy, Seaborn and Scikit-Learn

Second part of this book shows you how to build predictive machine learning models step by step using techniques such as:
•Regression analysis
•Decision tree analysis
•Training and testing data models
•Tensor Flow, Keras and PyTorch
•Additional data science concepts like Classification Analysis, Clustering, Association Learning and Dimension Reduction

The final part of the book provides a structured framework on how to solve real world problems using data science and how to structure your data science project.

After reading this book you will be able to:
•Code in Python with confidence
•Build new machine learning models from scratch
•Know how to clean and prepare your data for analytics
•Speak confidently about statistical analysis techniques

Data Science was ranked the fast-growing field by LinkedIn and Data Scientist is one of the most highly sought after and lucrative careers in the world!

If you are on the fence about making the leap to a new and lucrative career, this is the book for you!

What sets this book apart from other books on the topic of Python and Machine learning:
•Step by step code examples and explanation
•Complex concepts explained visually
•Real world applicability of the machine learning models introduced
•Bonus free code samples that you can try yourself without any prior experience in Python!

What do I need to get started?

You will have a step by step action plan in place once you finish this book and finally feel that you, can master data science and machine learning and start lucrative and rewarding career!

Ready to dive in to the exciting world of Python and Machine Learning?

Then scroll up to the top and hit that BUY BUTTON!




Starting a Successful Blog when you have NO CLUE!: 7 Steps to WordPress Bliss

by Gundi Gabrielle


FREE Blogging Course Included!!


STEP-BY-STEP: A Proven, Easy-to-Follow System to Starting a Wordpress Blog from Scratch
(Part 1: Technical Set up)


You have thought about starting a blog, but always put it off, because tech stuff really scares you?

You often wondered how top bloggers actually make money? - and what training they had to become successful?

Or you might be a freelancer / business owner trying to use the internet to spread the word about your products and services?

This book will teach you how to start a cool blog the smart way - no prior experience is necessary - and you might even have fun along the way….


Building a Foundation for Blogging Success

While some guides promise to get you started with a blog in under an hour - or even 5 minutes - the reality is quite different. Like with anything new there is a small learning curve and the occasional frustration.

Sure, you can rush through it and quickly set something up - without any design or features. But that’s probably not a good success strategy. This book is not about starting a “quickie” blog, but about building a solid foundation for long term success. (Wordpress site).

This includes advice from some of the most successful bloggers in the world, like the guys behind ProBlogger, CopyBlogger, Moz and BoostBlogTraffic who have generated a combined income of more than 50 Million Dollars through their blogs.


A well-thought-out Strategy will get you there a lot faster

Starting a successful blog is not just about learning the technical aspects. That is only the beginning - and even there your choices can make or break you, right from the start.

We will cover the different aspects you need to consider for each of the 7 Steps described in this book, including choosing a marketable domain name, a good hosting company, mailing list services - and monetizing strategies.

You will find that - with a few pointers - starting a successful blog is - by far - not as complicated as you might think. Though it will take more than just an hour…;-)

Thanks to an amazing software called WordPress, it has become very easy to start and manage a blog without paying expensive designers or learning complex “code”.


If you are comfy with MS Word, a Wordpress site will be a breeze…

More importantly, it will soon become fun to design your own Wordpress site and update it yourself. You might even help others to start their Wordpress blog….

This book follows a proven 7-Step formula with numerous screenshots to illustrate each step.
It will give you the tools to get started with your new Wordpress blog in easy-to-understand language and provide you with a massive resource chapter for further training.

Here is what you will learn:

Step #1: What is WordPress and why do all successful bloggers use it?
...and why you should avoid third party platforms like Blogspot/Blogger, Weebly, Wix, etc. at all cost!!

Step #2: Web Hosting - Finding a good home base for your blog

Step #3: Creating your Brand - Choosing and registering your domain name

Step #4: WordPress Set up: - A first look at your site & features

Step #5: Pick a Theme - Styling your site to awesomeness

Step #6: Plugins, Mailing Lists & Google Analytics - Turning your blog into a performance ninja

Step #7: Blogging & Marketing Training - Learning from the MASTERS

Would You Like To Know More?

Download now and learn how to start your blog today!

Scroll to the top of the page and select the BUY button.


ENHANCED: It's Not Enough to Just Believe

by Nathan Neighbour


You have faith—but is that enough? 

If you’ve ever taken vitamins to enhance your diet, or worked a side hustle to enhance your income, you know the value of adding something extra to your base. But did you know that your faith needs enhancing, too? The Bible lays out seven character qualities that, when added to your faith, will ensure you live a transformed, powerful, and purposeful life.

This practical journey to enhancing your faith will show you how to:

  • Ensure your knowledge and actions are in alignment

  • Wrestle through questions about God’s goodness in a broken world

  • Break the power of destructive habits

  • Endure difficulties in a way that never wastes your wounds

  • Develop empathy and sacrificial love in your relationships with others


Faith is the starting point, but a Godlike love is the final destination. As you explore the lessons of Enhanced: It’s Not Enough to Just Believe, you’ll discover how to follow this divine plan for a faith that actually creates confidence in what is hoped for—and carries you on your lifelong journey toward assurance in what you do not currently see.

About The Author

Nathan Neighbour is the founding pastor at Humanity Church in Downtown Pomona, California, and brings a diverse educational and professional background—encompassing the arts, entrepreneurial leadership, and theology. As an international certified transformational trainer and coach, Nathan is passionate about seeing lives changed through spiritual development and character transformation in the context of community.



Holistically Green Homes

by Orlo Stitt

As more and more people are concerned with a greener way of living, there is a rapidly expanding trend for more energy-efficient homes that are uniquely beautiful, economical, and more comfortable.

If this describes you, meet Orlo Stitt, a pioneer and award-winning design-builder of energy-efficient homes. Since 1978, he and his company, Stitt Energy Systems (now operated as The Stitt Group), have been at the leading edge of this movement. In fact, the company has won more national Energy/Value Housing awards than any other company nationwide.

In his book,"Holistically Green Homes", Orlo describes Eighteen Principles of what green home design and building or retrofitting is all about. This book provides the facts and insights that will help you make informed, economic, environmental, and important lifestyle choices.


•Creative design and planning ideas with 100s of beautiful photos
•How to create near-zero or Net-Zero PLUS energy bills
•“Technical Notes,” “Sidebars,” and “Over-the-Years” tips gained from Orlo’s experience in planning, designing, and building energy-efficient homes
•How to keep maintenance costs low while maximizing functionality, style, and efficiency
•How to select and work with designers, lenders, appraisers, builders, contractors, and subcontractors
•Checklist, informative links, spreadsheets, and so much more

From initial ideas and dreams, site selection, planning and design, and then budgeting—to solar electric choices and specifications, to construction, and everything in between, “Holistically Green Homes” is a creative guidebook for anyone who wants a beautiful home that provides maximum comfort and style, while giving attention to energy efficiency, tax-free savings, and the environment.


The Book of WHY (and HOW): Discover the Timeless Secrets to Meaning, Success and Abundance

by Corey Poirier

The Book of WHY (and HOW) is designed to help people discover their passion, purpose, and mission while also leveraging the top habits of the world’s top achievers. Broken down into three sections, The Book of WHY (and HOW) reveals the four WHYs that can dramatically change a person’s life, the shortest path to thriving in a challenging world, and the key to becoming more enlightened in the process. In short, multiple‑time TEDx speaker, Corey Poirier, helps readers tap into their purpose so they can thrive in a more enlightened way. The Book of WHY (and HOW) is unique in the way it addresses the importance of uncovering the WHY while also revealing the HOW.

Many people struggle with feeling a lack of purpose in their life and work. They also struggle with how to uncover their purpose as well as what to do with it once they do. The Book of WHY (and HOW) tackles this exact challenge while revealing the timeless secrets Corey Poirier has discovered while interviewing more than 5,000 of the world’s top achievers.



Resume 101: How to Write an Effective Resume, LinkedIn Profile, and Cover Letter

by Steven Mostyn


Resume 101 will give you step-by-step instructions for getting the most out of popular job search tools, including showing you how to:

  • Write a winning resume – and what to do if you’re out of work or a new grad.
  • Utilize knowledge of SEO and Applicant Tracking Systems, which increase your resume’s chances of being seen by hiring managers.
  • Create an effective LinkedIn profile.
  • Write cover letters that will stand out.
  • Navigate top job sites like Indeed, LinkedIn, Facebook, Glassdoor, and more.
  • Answer hiring managers’ typical interview questions.

For over 20 years, Steven Mostyn’s custom resumes have helped thousands of people – from entry-level employees to CEOs – get the job they wanted. He understands what it takes to successfully compete for jobs in dynamic, emerging companies and large enterprises like Amazon, Marriott, Microsoft, IBM, and Walmart. In Resume 101, he distills decades of experience into simple tips and provides an insider’s view of what works for job hunters.



GameChanger Investing: How to Profit from Tomorrow's Billion-Dollar Trends

by Hilary Kramer

Investment analyst and portfolio manager Hilary Kramer—called "a one-woman financial investment powerhouse" by Financial Times—provides a blueprint for investors to navigate the rapidly changing trends in today's economy. Kramer’s investment style puts her ahead of the curve as she relentlessly researches to find the next big company to invest in long before anyone else does. In doing so, over the past three decades, she has generated more than $100 billion in wealth for people by putting in the hard work for them, the old-fashioned way—researching and analyzing the fundamentals of a stock, one company at a time. Using that same strategy, GameChanger Investing helps readers navigate the current political climate, understand the enormous potential Trump has for creating wealth, and offers up 10 investable trends and 24-must-own stocks that will make you rich through a second Trump term. A graduate of Wellesley College and The Wharton School of Business, Kramer began her career in the investment banking division of Morgan Stanley, making her first million dollars by age 30 and retiring at age 37. Now, she’s helping engaged investors get rich too.


God's Profound and Urgent Message

by Mike Norton

This book reveals God's most important Scriptural messages and the life-saving information to mankind as we are truly at the threshold of His return. God wants to the world understand and recognize the indisputable factual evidence and reasons for the credibility and accuracy of the Bible, and why it should be adhered to, and to understand His most profound and dominant messages and with a due sense of urgency for salvation. Nothing else you do will ever matter as much.



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