Non-Fiction New Releases

Non-Fiction New Releases

Use it, or lose it: Stretching exercises to regain and maintain your optimum flexibility

by Milo Kemp

Do you want to feel as nimble and care-free as you were at 21? Do you want to be able to touch your toes or train with no fear of pain and soreness...? we all do right? then keep reading…

Flexibility, have you lost it? Or are you losing it? when your young you think it will last forever, But slowly and surely your flexibility and mobility creep away right under your nose.

Now you are not 21 anymore. You get a sore neck from sleeping badly on it, then after a long busy day all your muscles ache.

So, you decide to give the gym a miss because that would just aggravate the problem, you just need to sit-down put-on Netflix and rest up.

Once or twice you have sat there and thought “I am just too inflexible that’s just me” or maybe “I need to be more flexible, I’ll start tomorrow”.

Like so many of us, you just don’t stretch regularly, intern you do not test your flexibility, you just assume you have it or naturally do not have it.

Do not worry though it is not gone forever.

But you need to go about it properly, too many stretches are assumed to work when they are just straining your muscles or making your flexibility worse!

There are a set of proper physiotherapist-designed stretches that target the problem area with more than double the effectiveness.

These stretches have been put into a tailored routine to tackle the most common causes of pain stiffness and inflexibility to get you as active and pain free as you were at 21.

But to also unlock the magic of mind-body balance which will improve your mental and emotional health.

In this book I will reveal:

  • The secret stretches all physios will have up their sleeve
  • The routine that will make you forget flexibility was ever a problem
  • A routine perfect for targeting any strain or pain so you never miss training again
  • Stretches to manage mobility limiting diseases such as arthritis
  • A routine to make the most musclebound gym-goer as flexible as a gymnast
  • You will discover the reasons stretching is important you may not have known
  • How to unlock your mind-body balance and the inner peace that provides
  • Discover how to build on newfound mobility to live a healthier happier life
  • Discover the simple steps to then maintain your flexibility to feel younger for longer

Implementing my tailored for you stretching routine consistently can achieve miraculous change in a short amount of time.

It can even reach a point where flexibility is no long even considered as a problem, then it goes beyond that as part of having a good mental health and a peaceful life.

If your still not sold at this point, then you probably do not believe it is possible or it will not work for you.

But is it worth missing out on the chance for a pain-free and more content life to stay immobile and in pain? What have you got to lose?


If you want to feel as flexible as you did at 21 then click ‘add to cart’.


Stalingrad: A Captivating Guide to the Battle of Stalingrad and Its Impact on World War II

by Captivating History

If you want to discover the captivating history of Stalingrad, then keep reading...

Free History BONUS Inside!

The Battle of Stalingrad is rightfully known as the “turning point” of the Second World War. Before the battle, which took place from August 1942 until the beginning of February 1943, the Germans were victorious everywhere, despite some localized setbacks (for example, at Moscow in 1941). After Stalingrad, the Germans were constantly pushed back, with some notable examples being Kursk in the summer of 1943 and the Bulge in 1944.

During WWII, the Soviet Union suffered somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty million dead. For those of you reading in the United States and the United Kingdom, the death toll for those nations in the war was around 415,000 and 483,000, respectively. In the approximate six months of the Battle of Stalingrad, the Germans, their Hungarian, Romanian, and Italian allies, and the Soviets lost an estimated one million men.

In Stalingrad: A Captivating Guide to the Battle of Stalingrad and Its Impact on World War II, you will discover topics such as


  • Before the Battle
  • Fall Blau (“Case Blue”)
  • The Slaughter Begins
  • Soldiers and Generals
  • Schlacht an der Wolga
  • And much, much more!

So if you want to learn more about Stalingrad, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!



Enjoy Today, Own Tomorrow: Discover the Power to Live the Life You Love

by Laine Lawson Craft

Want to know how to live your dreams? Discover how to reconnect, realign, and reactivate with the ultimate power source. 


disappointed, lifeless? What if one second, one minute, or one hour could give
you the power you needed to win at life every day, no matter what you were facing?


How is that
possible? Enjoy Today, Own Tomorrow will show you how to start winning
in life by spending literally seconds each day discovering God’s power. As you
extend the process, you’ll find the joy and hope you need for today. As you
reconnect, realign, and reactivate you’ll discover the power to walk confidently
into tomorrow and to live your dreams!


Bookkeeping: A Guide to Bookkeeping for Beginners and Basic Accounting Principles

by Robert McCarthy

If you are in the process of starting your own business, then keep reading…

Two manuscripts in one book:

  • Bookkeeping: An Essential Guide to Bookkeeping for Beginners along with Basic Accounting Principles
  • LLC: What You Need to Know About Starting a Limited Liability Company along with Tips for Dealing with Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Taxes as a Small Business

Although keeping a record of your income and expenses may seem straightforward, bookkeeping today involves many complexities.

Today, we often see small business owners handling their own finances, but most owners of large companies hand over their accounts to professionals.

In this book, you will discover all you need to master the art of bookkeeping.

This comprehensive guide will explain bookkeeping simply and efficiently.

What to expect in part 1 of this book:

  • Discover the basics of bookkeeping.
  • Discover critical tips and tricks on how to select a bookkeeping system.
  • Powerful strategies on how to set up your books.
  • Simple and easy methods to close your books.
  • 9 amazing tools to streamline your bookkeeping procedures.
  • Proven ways to get started with bookkeeping
  • ...and much more!

One big mistake people make when starting a business is to begin without actual knowledge of how the process works.

This book shows you the steps of forming a Limited Liability Company and helps you discover the essentials of how to operate it successfully.

In three highly insightful sections, we carefully break down the entire process of forming an LLC from scratch and running a fully IRS-compliant Limited Liability Company.

Besides taking you through the easy route of creating an LLC, this book will also show you the most important things you should know about a Limited Liability Company.

Part 2 of this book will take you through:

  • How to set up an LLC
  • The difference between an S-Corp and C-Corp – and, should you have one?
  • How to set up your business to reduce your tax burden
  • Tips on how to name your business
  • How to set up the required Articles of Organization
  • How to create financial statements for your Limited Liability Company
  • How to set up payroll and how to pay yourself as the owner of a Limited Liability Company.

In total, this book is very much what you need to start your own business!

Click the “add to cart” button now to learn all you need about bookkeeping and how to set up your company!


Egyptian Gods

by Matt Clayton

Explore Egyptian Gods

It is tempting to see ancient Egyptian religion as something relatively static, with a single pantheon whose nature and activities did not change throughout the three-thousand-year span of the Dynastic Period. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Throughout Egyptian history, we see that gods who had once been favored were set aside or had their roles altered in order to make way for gods whose cults became more popular, while political changes, such as the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, ushered in cultural and religious exchanges that both affected native Egyptian religious practices and also had an impact on the religious beliefs of Greece and Rome.

Because the Egyptian pantheon is vast, even if one leaves out the syncretized deities, it is not possible for this volume to present a comprehensive overview of ancient Egyptian religion and myth. Instead, only a select number of deities and concepts are discussed here. Some of these are more well-known deities, while others might not be as familiar to modern readers. However, this book still offers a fascinating glimpse into ancient Egyptian religion and culture and the richness that was life in ancient Egypt.

Within this book, you'll find the following the Egyptian gods and topics covered:

  • Amen (Amun, Amon, Ammon)
  • Anubis (Anpu, Inpw)
  • Aten (Aton)
  • Atum (Tum, Tem, Atem, Temu)
  • Bastet (Bast, Boubastis, Pasht)
  • The Book of the Dead and Other Funerary Texts
  • The Four Sons of Horus
  • Geb (Seb, Keb, Kebb, Gebb)
  • Hapy (Hapi)
  • Hathor
  • Horus (Hor, Her, Heru, Har)
  • Imhotep (Imouthes)
  • Isis
  • Khnum (Chnum)
  • Khonsu (Khons, Chons)
  • Maat (Ma’at, Ma’et, Mayet)
  • Nefertem (Nefertum)
  • Neith (Neit)
  • Nephthys (Nebt-het)
  • Nun (Noun, Nu)
  • The Ogdoad of Hermopolis
  • Osiris
  • Ptah
  • Ra (Re, Pre)
  • Serapis (Sarapis, Userhapi)
  • Set (Seth, Sutekh)
  • Sobek (Suchos)
  • Thoth
  • And more!

So if you want to learn about Egyptian gods, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!



Short Stories in Spanish for Beginners

by Isabel Navarro Torres

Discover How Short Stories Can Help You Learn Spanish (Even if you are a Beginner)

This is an entertaining collection of stories that works like a charm when learning Spanish. A must-have book, each volume of Short Stories in Spanish for Beginners contains 10 stories that every Spanish learner needs to read. Discover the amazing power of using stories to improve your vocabulary, retention and communication skills. On top of all these incredible benefits, you’ll also have fun every time!

Here’s what you will love about this book:

  • You will discover 10 original stories in Spanish, which have been specifically designed for beginners to learn Spanish in easy, fun ways.
  • Each story includes summaries in Spanish and English to help you with the preparation process and to increase understanding.
  • A list of selected vocabulary will guide you to develop your knowledge of the language with every story.
  • Each story is also written in Spanish and English so that, regardless of your level, you can follow the story, checking words or phrases that you don’t understand without needing to leave the book.
  • These stories, with relatable characters, exciting twists, and emotional endings, will capture the attention of all readers, regardless of age, origin, or types of interests.
  • Ideal for beginners, these stories guarantee an entertaining and effective Spanish learning experience for anybody.

Plus, much more! Don’t hesitate - get your copy NOW!

Imagine learning new words and phrases with ease immediately. Buy your copy today and discover the step-by-step learning method that ANYONE can follow.

Are you ready?

Scroll up and click the "add to cart" button to buy now!



Mini Farming: What You Need to Know to Start Your Own Small Farm

by Dion Rosser

If you're looking for a way to become self-sufficient in terms of your food supply, then keep reading…

Two manuscripts in one book:

  • Mini Farming for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide to Remaking Your Backyard into a Mini Farm and Creating a Self-Sustaining Organic Garden
  • Backyard Beekeeping: What You Need to Know About Raising Bees and Creating a Profitable Honey Business

Establishing a mini-farm in your backyard is an immensely beneficial and lucrative initiative.

It will help you to become self-sufficient in terms of your food supply and also allow you to live a much more sustainable life.

Regardless of how large or small your yard is, you can build a farm on it.

The important thing is to plan well and efficiently execute your farm plans.

In part 1 of this book, you will learn:

  • How to get started with backyard farming
  • The basics of growing an organic garden in your own yard
  • Creating a layout and designing structures for the farm
  • Everything you need to know about how to raise bees, livestock, and chickens
  • How to protect your garden from pests and diseases
  • How to extend the growing season for your plants
  • How to harvest and preserve your produce
  • Tips and tricks on how to maintain your farm throughout the different seasons

In addition to the mini-farm, you can raise bees and create a profitable honey business!

In part 2 of this book, you’re going to learn:

  • The 10 start-up guidelines
  • How to confidently identify the different breeds of honey bees
  • How to successfully put together your very own hive
  • 17 supplies every beekeeper must have
  • How to create the most beautiful bee-friendly garden
  • The best ways to tackle pests and diseases that most amateurs ignore
  • The best plants to give your bees all the sweet nectar they need to thrive and more
  • The role every bee plays in providing the best honey—and how to keep them producing honey for years to come
  • An unbelievably easy way to understand bee behavior so you can give the buzzers what they need
  • The proper way to harvest your honey and beeswax, so there’s no waste, and it’s all high-quality product
  • How to market your epic, delicious honey, and get back your investment
  • Where to find hot buyers that are ready and eager to buy your product

Now is your chance to learn how to grow an organic mini farm and raise bees right in your own backyard.

If you would like to acquire all this useful information to help you start your backyard farm, then scroll up and click the “add to cart” button.


Lucid Dreaming for Beginners

by Mari Silva

Learn to be the master of your dreams and explore your creativity!

Did you know that you have the power to regulate your dreams?

Do you want to improve your overall quality of sleep?

Do you have experiences in your subconscious you wish to explore?

Do you want to discover and explore the universe that lies within your mind?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you’re in the right place.

We all dream, and whenever you dream, you are traveling on a journey toward your inner universe. This inner universe is formed from the fabric of your very being, or existence. This inner fabric is your dream. The dream world is exciting, and it also gives you a chance to explore your inner beliefs, creativity, aspirations, goals, and everything else associated with your persona.

Are there times when you wake up with a smile on your face, but cannot recollect your dream? With lucid dreaming, you can wake up and discover this mysterious world present within. It gives you the power to explore the internal recesses of your consciousness.

Lucid dreaming might sound like an exotic concept, but it is backed by science. It is a skill anyone can learn and improve. Lucid dreaming helps you prevent nightmares, understand the power behind your choices, explore your creativity, become more aware of yourself, and be in complete control of your own life. Lucid dreaming is the key to self-awareness. This book will act as your guide every step along the way.

In this book, you will learn about:

  • Dreams and their meanings;
  • Tips to prepare and get started with lucid dreaming;
  • Relationship between lucid dreaming and astral projections;
  • The link between lucid dreaming and shamanic journeying;
  • Lucid dreaming techniques for beginners;
  • Simple strategies to explore your dreamscape;
  • Tips to protect yourself during lucid dreaming;
  • 14 Common lucid dreaming mistakes and how to avoid them;
  • 5 Advanced lucid dreaming techniques, and much more!

So, what are you waiting for? Do you want to learn more about lucid dreaming and controlling your dreams? Do you want to explore your inner creativity while improving the overall sleep?

If yes, this is the ideal book for you.

So if you want to learn more about lucid dreaming, then scroll up and click the “add to cart” button!


The Beginner's Guide To Saving For Retirement: Build Wealth, Live Well, And Retire Rich

by Dan Clay

Learn the basic, fundamental principles of saving for retirement and ensure a comfortable, secure financial future for you and your family.

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine your dream retirement. Picture where you are, who you’re with, what you’re doing, and how you feel. Take a deep breath and really let the visualization sink in and transport you to this alternate reality.

Now open your eyes and ask yourself: Do you think you’ll ever get to personally experience this vision of your dream retirement at any point in your life?

If you answered no, you’re not alone! Nearly 40 million working age households in the U.S. have no retirement savings, and a whopping 78% of Americans say they’re either “extremely” or “somewhat” concerned about not having enough money for retirement.

You probably already know that you need to be saving for retirement, but where do you even begin? From the alphabet soup of retirement accounts like 401(k)s, IRAs, 457s, and the like, to the confusing array of fund options with cryptic-sounding names and enormous hidden fees, knowing where to start is no easy task. And chances are you never learned this stuff in school, either--despite the fact that it has a greater impact on your happiness and quality of life than almost any other subject you can think of.

Fortunately, building a nest egg to fund your dream retirement is easier than you think. In this book, Amazon bestselling author Dan Clay breaks down the steps of saving for retirement into easy, digestible chunks written specifically for those who have little to no financial background.

Here are some of the things you’ll learn:


  • What the concept of retirement means and how to engineer it to fit your desired lifestyle
  • The Retirement Income Equation for calculating how much money you need to retire--and why it might not be as much as you think!
  • The magic of compound interest and how it can make you RICH
  • Demystifying the role stocks and bonds play in your investment portfolio and why they should be embraced, not feared
  • The dirty little secret Wall Street doesn’t want you to know (that can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars over your lifetime)
  • The Ten Golden Rules of Saving for Retirement that will put you well ahead of the majority of savers
  • Why you could be leaving thousands of dollars of FREE money from your employer on the table, and how to take advantage of it
  • How to decipher the alphabet soup of retirement accounts including 401(k)s, IRAs, and Roth IRAs
  • The Goldilocks approach to managing your portfolio that will save you thousands of dollars in management fees over the course of your lifetime
  • The proper mindset and habits you need to adopt in order to crush your retirement goals

PLUS, you’ll also gain access to a free companion website containing a bonus chapter packed with advanced tactics for supercharging your retirement savings, a list of Dan’s favorite finance book and blog recommendations, and other bonus materials designed to help you make the right decisions with your money.

Whether you’re a recent graduate starting your first job, someone who’s been meaning to start saving for retirement but just hasn’t gotten around to it yet, or a person who’s already saving for retirement but still isn’t exactly sure what they’re doing, this comprehensive guide aims to be THE fundamental resource you need for saving for retirement and securing your financial future.

What are you waiting for? Scroll to the top of the page and click BUY NOW to start seizing control of your financial destiny today!





Ancient Africa

by Captivating History

If you want to discover the captivating history of ancient Africa, then keep reading...

Free History BONUS Inside!

Africa is the continent where the first humans were born. They explored the vast land and produced the first tools. And although we migrated from that continent, we never completely abandoned it. From the beginning of time, humans lived and worked in Africa, leaving evidence of their existence in the sands of the Sahara Desert and the valleys of the great rivers, such as the Nile and Niger. Some of the earliest great civilizations were born there, and they give us an insight into the smaller kingdoms of ancient Africa.

Egypt is the main source of knowledge of many neighboring kingdoms that were just as rich and developed. Unfortunately, they were forgotten in time, as other civilizations and kingdoms replaced them as the continent’s power bases. Only recently are we rediscovering the might of the Kingdom of Aksum, the political prowess of Kush, and the richness of the mysterious Punt. The early medieval kingdoms of Ghana and Mali are still being researched due to their unique pre-Muslim culture and their own outlook on Islam.

As the home of the many pharaohs, Queen Sheba, Hannibal Barca, and Mansa Musa, Africa deserves our full attention. It has stories to tell us and cultural riches to share with us. Africa is where paganism, Christianity, and Islam left their trails and created a cultural fusion that is unique to the continent. Some modern countries are popular tourist destinations, while others are war-torn lands still unable to industrialize. This polarity of Africa can be traced to ancient times, and the world-shaping events that occurred here need to be studied and understood.

In Ancient Africa: A Captivating Guide to Ancient African Civilizations, Such as the Kingdom of Kush, the Land of Punt, Carthage, the Kingdom of Aksum, and the Mali Empire with its Timbuktu, you will discover topics such as


  • The Kingdom of Kush
  • The Land of Punt
  • Carthage
  • The Kingdom of Aksum
  • The Ghana Empire
  • The Mali Empire
  • And much, much more!

So if you want to learn more about ancient Africa, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!



History of China

by Captivating History

If you want to discover the captivating history of China, then keep reading...

Free History BONUS Inside!

The history of China is complex—perhaps more complex than that of other nations. The ethnic groups that compose China go back to prehistoric times, and each group lent its own color to the enormous nation. It is not like a diluted mixture of all its cultures; rather, it is a collage.

Yet there are immutable elements still present today. Rice originated in China, and so did stir-frying. Anyone who has enjoyed a snack or two from a delightful swimming pool imitates the same practice in the water towns of China from times past. Brocade and printed silk fabrics were first created in China. Iridescent porcelain is a product of the Ming dynasty. The Chinese were among the first to develop blast furnaces. They were the first to invent fireworks and gunpowder. And the list goes on and on.
As you read this book, you will note that history tends to repeat itself in the rise and fall of the many dynasties of China. However, you will also notice that there are clear distinctions between one era and the next.

In History of China: A Captivating Guide to Chinese History, Including Events Such as the First Emperor of China, the Mongol Conquests of Genghis Khan, the Opium Wars, and the Cultural Revolution, you will discover topics such as:

  • The Land of the Yellow Emperor
  • Imperial China Emerges
  • The Supremacy of the Han, 202 BCE–220 CE
  • The Golden Age: The Tang Dynasty, 618–907
  • The Song Dynasty, 960–1279
  • Kublai Khan: The Yuan Dynasty, 1271–1368
  • The Great Ming Dynasty, 1368–1644
  • The Rise of the Qing, 1636–1912
  • Revolutionary Madness
  • The Republic of China to the People’s Republic of China
  • And much, much more!

So if you want to learn more about the history of China, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!



Backyard Beekeeping

by Dion Rosser

If you want to discover how to best raise bees and perhaps even create a profitable honey business from it, then keep reading…

Just diving into the world of bees?

Have you wanted to start your own hive, but have been confused by the conflicting information on the Internet?

Looking for an authoritative source on how to go about the business of bees and make money while you’re at it?

Then Backyard Beekeeping: What You Need to Know About Raising Bees and Creating a Profitable Honey Business is the only book you need!

In this book, you’re going to learn:

  • The 10 start-up guidelines
  • How to confidently identify the different breeds of honey bees
  • How to successfully put together your very own hive
  • 17 supplies every beekeeper must have
  • How to create the most beautiful bee-friendly garden
  • The best ways to tackle pests and diseases that most amateurs ignore
  • The best plants to give your bees all the sweet nectar they need to thrive and more
  • The role every bee plays in providing the best honey—and how to keep them producing honey for years to come
  • An unbelievably easy way to understand bee behavior so you can give the buzzers what they need
  • The proper way to harvest your honey and beeswax, so there’s no waste, and it’s all high-quality product
  • How to market your epic, delicious honey, get back your investment, and then some
  • Where to find hot buyers that are ready and eager to buy your product
  • And so much more!

With this book, you will find that you have everything you need to know and then some.

Many amateur beekeepers proceed with no confidence and get terrible advice from terrible sources.

With this guide, you can start your beekeeping hobby or business, knowing that you’ve got all the info you need so you won’t miss a beat!

Whether you’re new at this, or you’re a long-time beekeeper, there are amazing tips here to take your beekeeping to the next level.

So, are you ready to step up your game? Of course you are! Click the “add to cart” button now.


Bookkeeping: An Essential Guide to Bookkeeping for Beginners along with Basic Accounting Principles

by Robert McCarthy

If you want to learn about bookkeeping without reading a boring textbook, then keep reading…

Bookkeeping has been around for hundreds of years.

For most people, anything incorporated early in human civilization, such as record keeping, should be easy.
Right? Well, the reverse is the case.

Although keeping a record of your income and expenses may seem straightforward, bookkeeping today involves many complexities.

As a business progresses, it grows bigger, spanning various states of organization and new protocols.
The larger your business, the more challenging your bookkeeping tasks become.
Today, we often see small business owners handling their own finances, but most owners of large companies hand over their accounts to professionals.

In this book, you will discover all you need to master the art of bookkeeping.

Bookkeeping is vital for the financial well-being of any business; nevertheless, it may not be cheap if you opt to outsource it to a professional organization.
For small business owners, dedicating a large portion of their earnings to bookkeeping tasks is far from ideal.

If you would love to take care of your own business bookkeeping in a cost-effective way, this book is for you.

Even for business owners who can afford to hire an accountant or a bookkeeper, learning the basics of bookkeeping is essential.

This comprehensive guide will explain bookkeeping simply and efficiently.

What to expect in this book:

  • Discover the basics of bookkeeping.
  • Discover critical tips and tricks on how to select a bookkeeping system.
  • Powerful strategies on how to set up your books.
  • Simple and easy methods to close your books.
  • 9 amazing tools to streamline your bookkeeping procedures.
  • Proven ways to get started with bookkeeping
  • ...and much more!

With this comprehensive guidebook as your starting point, you can finally go from beginner to bookkeeping pro!

So if you want to become proactive with your finances, then scroll up and click the “add to cart” button!


Apex Male: Honesty, The Ultimate Seduction: Learn to Flip the Script, Attract Women

by Geralt Stewart

Discover Exactly What Women Want, and Find the Love of Your Life Just by Being Yourself.

Are you tired of being single and watching all your friends get married and start families?

Do your relationships never progress beyond the first date, leaving you to wonder what you’re doing wrong?

Do you dream about a meaningful, serious relationship, but struggle with meeting and talking to women?

Let’s face it: dating is hard, especially if you’re looking for a long-term relationship.

There are more single adults living in the United States than ever before. The latest U.S. census recorded that 45.2% of the adult population is single. And yet, 94% of those claimed they still believed in true love.

It shows you that deep down, people don’t want to be single. We humans naturally crave companionship--a partner who will help us face everything good and bad life throws at us.

But finding that partner has proven to be extremely difficult.

You suffer through one awkward date after another, spend hours making gibbering conversations, and make promises of a call that never happens.

At this point, you’re just about to give up and accept your eternal singleness.

Stop. You are not doomed for a life of loneliness. You are simply making unconscious mistakes or listening to the wrong advice on dating and meeting women.

You’ve probably heard before that women are complicated--they prefer bad guys and push the good ones in the friendzone.

Those are just a few of the common prejudices that result in men making huge mistakes when interacting with women.

You’re about to find out the shocking answer to one of the most Googled questions ever:

“What do women really want?”

Honesty. Emotions. Vulnerability. Truth.

You don’t have to become a dominant Alpha male to attract women. You don’t have to change who you are.

To find love and keep it, you need only to become the best version of yourself, and arm yourself with knowledge on bulletproof seduction techniques that don’t rely on manipulation and corny pick-up lines.

In Apex Male: Honesty, The Ultimate Seduction, you’ll discover:

  • 10 surprising personality traits women are most attracted to
  • Unconscious mistakes you make that rebuff women instantly
  • Why you don’t have to become a “bad boy” to find a long-term girlfriend
  • 10+ perfect locations to meet women when looking for a serious relationship
  • The best dating sites and online conversation openers
  • Meaningful conversation starters that will get you a phone number every time
  • 25+ best locations and activities for a perfect first date
  • guide on how to progress to a second date and beyond

And much more.

This is not one of those guides that promise to make numerous women fall in your bed. What you have in front of you is a collection of precious advice that will help you find happiness with someone, without manipulating, playing, and lying.

If you want to find the happiness you deserve with the perfect partner, then scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button right now.


Agile and Scrum: Unlock the Power of Agile Project Management, Lean Thinking

by Robert McCarthy

If you’ve always wanted to learn about Agile and Scrum but never found reliable and simple information, then keep reading…

Two manuscripts in one book:

  • Agile: What You Need to Know About Agile Project Management, the Kanban Process, Lean Thinking, and Scrum
  • Scrum: What You Need to Know About This Agile Methodology for Project Management

Are you tired of not fully understanding how Agile and Scrum works?

Have you read endless articles but never found reliable, simple enough practical information in one place?

Do you finally want to say goodbye to not knowing what Agile, Scrum, Kanban, and Lean are?

If so, then you’ve come to the right place.

Understanding the Agile methodology doesn’t have to be difficult.

Agile thinking and Agile frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban, and Lean are becoming highly popular in many industries.

An increasing number of businesses are starting to use Agile values and principles to achieve their goals.

Therefore, understanding the Agile way of working is more important than ever before.

Here’s just a fraction of what you’ll discover in this book:

  • Understand the purpose of project management and how it has evolved over the centuries
  • Get to know what Agile and the Agile Manifesto truly are
  • Figure out the 4 values and 12 principles of Agile
  • Learn about the goals of Agile and whether Agile is only for software development
  • Identify the difference between Agile and other methodologies
  • Get to know what Scrum is and the difference between Agile and Scrum
  • Find out about Scrum roles, ceremonies, and artifacts
  • Understand how Scrum works from a real-life example
  • Get to know about the Kanban Method and the similarities between Agile and Kanban
  • Learn about the origins of Kanban
  • Identify the values and philosophies behind the Kanban Method
  • Understand the goals of Kanban
  • Get advice on how to form Kanban teams and implement Kanban
  • Find out what Lean is and a simple comparison of Lean and Agile
  • Learn about the 5 Lean principles
  • Get to know the 8 Wastes of Lean
  • Truly understand what Lean Management is
  • And much, much more!

Take a second to imagine how you’ll feel once you finally understand what Agile is and how Agile, Scrum, Kanban, and Lean are related.

Imagine how your colleagues and friends will react to your newfound knowledge of the Agile methodology.

Get this book to apply Agile values, principles, and frameworks to your workplace or business.


The Americas: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Continents of North and South America

by Captivating History

If you want to discover the captivating history of the Americas, then keep reading...

Free History BONUS Inside!

The one-character trait that sometimes surpasses the human instinct for survival is curiosity. When humans discovered an entire hemisphere that lay beyond their own Eastern Hemisphere, the race was on.

What opportunities would these new lands hold? Surely, a small country in Europe could wield the power of an empire if it could claim these new lands in the Americas. After all, there was new fertile land in these Americas, the lure of wealth, the entertainment of exciting wildlife, productive vegetation, and the marvelous treasures that shone and glittered. The cry for gold overcame all the people’s mortal fears. It echoed in 1528 in the search for the ethereal El Dorado, in 1632 in Venezuela, and in the frigid Yukon in 1896.

The countries came and claimed and clashed as they tried to mix and meld. Instead, they found themselves caught in the dialectic of opposing sides, caught in a game of tug-of-war over acres of plains and pampas, sand and stones, mountains and mesas.

In The Americas: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Continents of North and South America, Starting from the Olmecs through the Maya and Aztecs to European Colonization and the Independence Movements, you will discover topics such as

  • The Olmecs: The Rubber People (1500–400 BCE)
  • The Maya: The K’iche’ People (3000 BCE–1511 CE)
  • The Aztecs (1250–1521 CE)
  • The Andean Civilizations and the Incas
  • South America: Peru, Chile, Brazil, and Venezuela from Pre-Columbian Times through Colonization
  • South America: Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay from Pre-Columbian Times through Colonization
  • South American Wars of Independence
  • The Natives in North America (13,000 BCE–1492 CE)
  • Iceland and Greenland
  • The European Colonization of North America, 1492–1733
  • North American Conflicts, Including America’s War for Independence, 1754–1783
  • North America: Mexico and Canada, 1821–1982
  • Cuba and the West Indies
  • And much, much more!

So if you want to learn more about the Americas, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!



The Gym-Less Workout

by Milo Kemp

Do you want to get an athletic body without going to the gym even if no other workout routine has worked for you before? Well with only 18% of gym users going consistently, chances are you do.

Have your results at the gym plateaued? Have you failed at other gym workouts? Or are you even intimidated by the gym?

Because there is a secret no gym wants you to know; you can get the body you want without paying for a gym!

With $558 million being wasted on unused gym memberships last year it is no surprise they do not want you to know.

We have probably all been through it, after starting out at the gym and making quick progress your results soon started to stagnate.

You feel like you’re stuck there spending your entire evening travelling to the gym to work out where you are surrounded by huge muscular guys, sweaty equipment and loads of machines half of which you have never used.

On top of that you are not seeing any gains, you think “what am I paying for?”.

But you have no other choice if you want a ripped body than to go to the gym, right?

Well there is an old workout style that is getting newfound popularity for its fun, environmental and free approach to working out and…………the results speak for themselves.

You will be able to quit the gym and never look back.

In this book you will receive:

  • The new fitness style getting amazing results without the gym
  • Learn the key movements used and how to build them up
  • Discover secrets on how to progress the right way
  • Discover a professional routine devised to get you the best results
  • Find actionable steps clearly laid out to short cut your learning curve
  • Discover what simple things are holding you back from your fitness goals
  • Tips from an industry expert on how to avoid mistakes everyone falls into
  • Discover the right form for each exercise to avoid injuring yourself
  • Discover a community of readers exactly like you!

This style of training has turned my clients from not being able to support their own bodyweight to performing 20+ pullups without breaking a sweat!

If you are still doubting me, it is probably because no other gym workout has worked for you or how are you going to commit to this when you barely use your gym membership.

But remember this is not the gym.

You do not have to travel anywhere; you do not have to pay for anything and when you finish you can hop straight in your own shower and into your pyjamas. What do you have to lose?


If you want to get an amazing body without going to the gym, then click ‘add to cart’.


The School of Intentional Living: A Real-World Approach to Living Life on Your Terms

by Sean Rosensteel

Discover how to live on YOUR terms and free yourself from conventional wisdom.

Are you sick and tired of following conventional wisdom, living your life on other peoples’ terms and following the beaten track? Do you want to learn how to break free from going through the motions and live the way you want? Then it’s time to read this book.

Far too many people are stuck in unhappy lives, betrayed by the promises of conventional wisdom. But when the traditional idea of success fails you, where do you turn? And how can you apply the lessons you’ve already learned in school to create the life you truly desire?

Inside this book, you’ll join author and founder of The Intentional Living Academy Sean Rosensteel as he shares his powerful and eye-opening story. Bankrupt at the age of 28 after following conventional wisdom all his life, Sean discovered that the path to true happiness and fulfillment was redefining the way you look at the world and breaking free from the life society tells you that you’re supposed to live.

Here’s just a little of what you’ll discover inside:

  • The Secret to Identifying What Truly Matters in Life
  • How to Organize Your Priorities, Stop Wasting Time, and Make the Most of Every Day
  • The Key Differences Between Proactive and Reactive Living (and Why this Defines Everything You Do in Life)
  • Practical Methods for Setting and Reaching Your Goals
  • Simple Ways to Eliminate Distractions
  • How to Check Your Progress and Stop Yourself from Getting Off-Track
  • And Much More…


With practical advice and simple exercises that you can start practicing immediately, this profound and detailed book provides an all-new way of looking at life. Drawing on fundamental lessons you’ve already learned, this groundbreaking approach arms you with the knowledge you need to take life into your own hands and escape the chains of conventional wisdom.

Ready to live the life you truly deserve? Scroll up and buy a copy now to get started!





Here is the Perfect Solution if You Want to Successfully, Navigate Hardships, Use Chaos to Grow as a Person, and Achieve Your Goals!

Are you overwhelmed by the chaos in your LifeCareer, or Relationships?

Do you want to understand how to sort your lifedeal with your anxiety, and succeed in whatever you apply your mind into?

If the answer is yes! then read on ahead...

This book will help you train your mind and body to develop the strength of healthy intelligence and enable you to deal with all situations.
Are you Ready to Take Charge of your Life? Shape your own Destiny! Be the Master of Yourself and Unlock Perpetual Happiness, Live a Fulfilled Life and Build your own Path to Success!!

  • Harness your enormous human potential to improve your quality of life. This book offers a holistic approach to life which empowers you to unleash your magnificent inner-self.
  • Effective tips to develop a full stack of human intelligence and develop your interpersonal behavioural skills.
  • Reading a smart literary non-fiction self-help guide is quickest way to become more empathetic with others and discover oneself.
  • Transforming from being judgmental to experimental broadens your horizon and helps you to understand and include people’s perspective

Become More Positive, Act Creatively, Generate Exceptional Ideas at Will, Solve Problems Wisely, & Stand Apart From The Crowd!

  • Whether you are a StudentEmployeeProfessionalEntrepreneur, or a Home-maker, discover how you can create a positive ecosystem around you and become a life size magnet to attract all positive luck from the universe. Like the smartest of thinkers, you can transform the way you think and predict the future.
  • For most people, generating happiness from within remains a challenge for as long as a lifetime, because they look for happiness outside themselves. This book will show you the path of introspection to look inwards and discover the best person in the world, which is YOU!
  • Happiness lies within you - you have to make a conscious choice to become happier.

Vikram Khaitan, an Enthusiastic, Creative Speaker, a Mentor and a Philosopher who Looks Beyond the Existing Challenges to Find Solutions for the Future.

  • His keen sense of observation and comprehension of life makes him look at things in life differently.
  • This book reflects his lucid writing and simple conversation skills with excerpts and interesting anecdotes from his personal experiences.
  • He brings forth the hidden jewels from the treasures of ancient Indian literature, which is full of knowledge and wisdom. He extracts the pearls of wisdom from the Ramayana, the Bhagwadgita, the VedasChanakya Neeti and many more.

So, scroll up to click the buy button (before the price changes or the paperbacks are out of stock!) and receive your master key to unlock the immense possibilities in your life!


The Perfect Crime: The Real Life Crime that Inspired Hitchcock’s Rope

by Fergus Mason

Read the real story of the crime that inspired the movie!

Leopold and Loeb were two wealthy law students who could buy anything. But they wanted the one thing that no amount of money could buy: life. 

They wanted to create the Perfect Crime--to kidnap and murder a 14-year-old boy for the thrill of getting away with murder.

The crime was so horrifying that even legendary filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock took notice, and directed his version of the story: Rope. But the real story of the Rope is much more brutal and suspenseful than even Hitchcock could do justice to. 

Read the real history in this thrilling true crime book.




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