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Do you want to achieve the body you have always wanted without going to the gym? One that looks and feels how you have always aimed for. With only 18% of gym members going regularly chances are you do!
No gym wants you to know this, but you can get an amazingly toned body all from the comfort of your home. There is a simple training style that is gaining new-found popularity and all by using only your bodyweight.
You will be able to quit the gym and never look back.
You will start looking better and when you take it to the next level by using tailored flexibility training you will start feeling better too
Have you ever woken up with stiff muscles restricting your movement? Or experienced strains and pains that have stopped you from working out?
Now you are not 21 anymore. You get a sore neck from sleeping badly on it, then after a long busy day all your muscles ache.
So, you decide to give the gym a miss because that would just aggravate the problem, you just need to sit-down put-on Netflix and rest up.
Do not worry it won’t be like this forever.
Harvard health recommend completing a stretching routine everyday to start seeing transformative results in your training and start feeling as good as you did at 21.
This bundle can be the start of your fitness journey to looking good and feeling great, you will get:
This style of training has taken people from not being able to support their own bodyweight to performing 20+ pullups without breaking a sweat!
And by getting this bundle you will also get the flexibility training that can take your training to the next level.
If you are still doubting me, it is probably because no other gym workout has worked for you or you do not believe that being flexible will help your gym workout.
But remember this is not the gym.
You do not have to travel anywhere; you do not have to pay for anything, you are just using your bodyweight and a tried and tested training plan and when you finish you can hop straight in your own shower and into your pyjamas. What do you have to lose?
Why do we generate thoughts that drive us to self-sabotaging behaviors?
How do we learn to be happy, to have fulfilling personal relationships, and find inner peace?
The answers are already inside you.
You need to know where to look.
The purpose of this book is to bring about a shift in consciousness. In these pages, you will find tools to help you lead your best, happiest life!
This requires more than telling yourself to think happy thoughts. You need to understand how your mind works. Using this knowledge, you can transform your perspective, your hidden beliefs, and even your language.
MindWorks is a simple guide for understanding the complexities of your consciousness. It offers a step-by-step guide for changing your mind - and your life.
If you found Don Miguel Ruiz's seminal masterpiece, "The Four Agreements"transformative, have studied the works of Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, or Paulo Coelho - you will love this book. Add it to your library today!
Free History BONUS Inside!
Christopher Columbus was one of the most courageous of the world’s explorers. He embraced risk in an era when the blinding expanse of the Atlantic Ocean frightened the Europeans.
The cartography of the day was incorrect, as he learned through bitter experience. Columbus is credited with the discovery of America but never realized it during his lifetime. His career as a navigator was peppered with mishaps that shattered the ignorance of the age. Although he was no scientist, Columbus initiated new fields of study and analysis.
In 1492, he landed at San Salvador in the Islands of the Bahamas, and he was the first European to have explored the Caribbean Sea. He was the first European to set foot in Cuba, Haiti, and Trinidad, as well as the countries in Central America. Columbus’s voyages astonished all of Europe and started a virtual stampede of competitors in search of the East Indies by sailing west.
His life was fraught with adversities such as betrayal and character assassination. It still is today. However, his loyalty cannot be assailed, and few have recognized that fact.
The life of Christopher Columbus is a fascinating portrayal of a man whose ego was greater than his common sense. His brand of reckless abandon makes Olympic champions out of foolhardy amateurs. This is the story of a man devoted to a goal he was willing to pursue or die trying. And, tragically, he did die trying.
In Christopher Columbus: A Captivating Guide to the Life of an Italian Explorer and His Voyages to the Americas, you will discover topics such as
So if you want to learn more about Christopher Columbus, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
No More Lonely Nights, Finally Put an End to the Friend Zone!
You’re a good guy. You’re not bad looking. You’re kind and considerate. And you’re able to hold a conversation with a great mix of humour and intelligence.
You should be killing it on dates, right?
So why aren’t your dates progressing the way you want, if you can even get to a date in the first place?
In today’s world, the art of conversation and “the pickup” are lost arts.
According to a recent study, woman are more impressed with a man that can approach them in real life than they are with smooth pickup lines on apps.
This means you’d better up your game.
Since so many people are online, being real and interesting in person is becoming more and more rare-it give you a surprising edge!
But you have to make yourself stand out from the rest.
This book almost wasn’t released; but the techniques are so time-tested and powerful that they couldn’t be kept secret forever.
In Apex Male: Effortless S*x! Attracting the World’s Most Beautiful Women, here is just a fraction of what you will discover:
◆ How you can stand out from the crowd and get any woman, anywhere, anytime
◆ 13 simple tricks to make her want you right away and to build on that attraction over time
◆ Clear and Obvious signs of attraction to help you read her body language and how to influence her with your own signals
◆ The glaring deal breaker that you’re probably doing right now that is preventing you from hooking up
◆ The #1 tip you can do, right now, if you’re looking to step up your hook up game
◆ How to ask her out in casual but engaging ways that strike the right balance of humour, calm and assertiveness
◆ What women really want
◆ How to handle exclusivity vs playing the field and the conversation to have with her
And much more.
You are so lucky to be living in this time of social awkwardness.
Where previously you’d be competing with possibly dozens of other guys, most now are stuck in their smartphones and will never dare approach a woman in real life.
What’s more, is that most gorgeous women say they are never approached by guys because their beauty is intimidating!
Whether you’re looking for lasting love or love that just lasts the night, all you have to do is put some effort into yourself and start approaching women today.
The women of your dreams are just one simple conversation away. Prepare yourself to get her with rocking self-confidence and a devilish mastery of human interaction.
If you want to go out on more dates and hook up with more women, then scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button right now.
Free History BONUS Inside!
Two captivating manuscripts in one book:
Africa is the continent where the first humans were born. They explored the vast land and produced the first tools. And although we migrated from that continent, we never completely abandoned it. From the beginning of time, humans lived and worked in Africa, leaving evidence of their existence in the sands of the Sahara Desert and the valleys of the great rivers, such as the Nile and Niger. Some of the earliest great civilizations were born there, and they give us an insight into the smaller kingdoms of ancient Africa.
Egypt is the main source of knowledge of many neighboring kingdoms that were just as rich and developed. Unfortunately, they were forgotten in time, as other civilizations and kingdoms replaced them as the continent’s power bases. Only recently are we rediscovering the might of the Kingdom of Aksum, the political prowess of Kush, and the richness of the mysterious Punt. The early medieval kingdoms of Ghana and Mali are still being researched due to their unique pre-Muslim culture and their own outlook on Islam.
As the home of the many pharaohs, Queen Sheba, Hannibal Barca, and Mansa Musa, Africa deserves our full attention. It has stories to tell us and cultural riches to share with us. Africa is where paganism, Christianity, and Islam left their trails and created a cultural fusion that is unique to the continent. Some modern countries are popular tourist destinations, while others are war-torn lands still unable to industrialize. This polarity of Africa can be traced to ancient times, and the world-shaping events that occurred here need to be studied and understood.
Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include:
Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include:
So if you want to learn more about ancient Africa and the Kingdom of Kush, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
In this refreshingly straightforward how-to guide, 29-year-old author and self-made millionaire Blake Konrardy delivers the step-by-step process to quickly accumulate wealth in the modern age.
You have the power to get rich. It’s time to unlock that power.
Millennial Millionaire will show you:
Free History BONUS Inside!
Four captivating manuscripts in one book:
Here are just some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book:
Here are just some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book:
Here are just some of the topics covered in part 3 of this book:
Here are just some of the topics covered in part 4 of this book:
So if you want to learn more about the history of East Asia, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
If you want to have an amazing astral projection experience, then keep reading…
Do you want to explore the universe and unravel the answers to mysteries in the non-physical dimensions?
Are you ready to embark on a wholesome Out-of-Body Experience (OBE) to attain a higher level of enlightenment, awareness, and spirituality?
Do you want to unlock your inherent psychic abilities and discover more ways to improve yourself and get in tune with your higher self?
If you answered “yes,” then this book is for you.
An out-of-body experience may sound easy, but it requires a perfect symphony of mind, body, and soul.
Astral Projection: A Guide on How to Travel the Astral Plane and Have an Out-Of-Body Experience offers you the opportunity to learn how to explore the dimensions beyond the physical world and gain deeper insight and awareness about your existence and spirituality.
This remarkable guide to intentional out-of-body experiences covers a lot of ground on OBEs, astral projection, and exploration of the astral realm.
From A to Z, it tells you everything you need to know.
It provides examples of astral projection experiences, focusing particularly on how to achieve practical success, and showing you how to project out of your physical form to explore the universe at will.
In this book, you will also learn:
From powerful techniques to secret tips that you never knew, you are in for a stunning discovery about OBEs.
With this practical guide, you can have your one-stop shop for everything related to astral projections and out-of-body experiences.
Get this book now to get started on an amazing journey!
2020 Discovery Awards Winner - Politics/Current Events
“A well-written memoir chronicling the intriguing life and influences of a post-war Jewish child who becomes an American lawyer and activist.” –Sublime Book Review
Becoming American is the inspiring story of the author’s transformation from a child of Holocaust survivors in post-war Europe to an American lawyer, academic, and activist associated with such famed political leaders as Robert Kennedy, George McGovern, Jerry Brown, and Tom Hayden. Searching for his great-grandparents’ graves in a hidden cemetery outside Prague makes him recall his experiences of becoming American: listening to Army Counterintelligence agents gathered at his home in Austria; a tense encounter with Russian soldiers; seeing Jim Crow racism in the South during his first visit to the United States; becoming an American citizen in his teens; having his citizenship challenged by border guards; fearing for his new country upon witnessing the Watts riots; exhilaration at rising to leadership positions in organizations shaping government policies; and advancing the American dream as a real estate lawyer, helping develop entire new communities.
Free History BONUS Inside!
Many other mainline Christians viewed the Quakers as a dangerous sect, so much so that they pressured the British Parliament to pass the Quaker Act of 1662. This act set forth in law the “prescribed form” of prayer and worship as designated by the state. It was a formula that specifically left the traditions of the Quakers out. Unable to gain acceptance in England, the Quakers would soon leave the place of their origin altogether and try their luck in a brave new world on another continent.
In The Quakers: A Captivating Guide to a Historically Christian Group and How William Penn Founded the Colony of Pennsylvania in British North America, you will discover topics such as
So if you want to learn more about the Quakers, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
Free History BONUS Inside!
Victorian Great Britain was the most technologically and economically developed country in the world at the time. As such, it had the power to protect its interests. With the discovery of new trade routes in the East, and with the foundation of the East India Company, Britain became addicted to the luxurious and exotic items from China. Silk, porcelain, and tea were in high demand among the rich. Britain was so economically strong at the time that even the middle and lower classes could afford to enjoy high-quality items imported from China, especially tea.
Britain imported everything its society desired, but it was costly. The main problem was that China only accepted payments in silver, creating a huge imbalance in trade. To avoid losing money on imported goods, Britain had to sell something back to China. However, this Eastern empire liked to boast that it was self-sufficient. The Chinese didn’t need to import anything, as their industry was developed enough to supply the whole country with what it needed. Britain had to come up with something the Chinese needed, and in desperation, the decision was made for Britain to sell opium.
When diplomatic efforts to introduce opium to the Chinese market failed, the British Parliament approved an alternative: war. There were two wars, one from 1839 to 1842 and another from 1856 to 1860. They are collectively known as the Opium Wars. The British, who were joined by French and supported by the Americans and Russians, clashed with Imperial China, which was ruled by the Qing dynasty. These conflicts are largely forgotten in the Western world, perhaps out of a sense of collective shame. But in China, the Opium Wars are still symbols of national humiliation at the hands of the Western powers.
In The Opium Wars: A Captivating Guide to the First and Second Opium War and Their Impact on the History of the United Kingdom and China, you will discover topics such as
So if you want to learn more about the Opium Wars, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
Free History BONUS Inside!
The Kingdom of Kush was completely forgotten once it met its end. The stories of its might didn’t survive in the cultures of its successor kingdoms, possibly because Christianization soon followed, which required the people of the Nubian region to turn toward the east and the myths of the Christian messiah. There was no more room for the divine rulers, Amun and Re, or a place for their sons, the kings of Kush. The kingdom continued to exist in the stories of some classical writers, but it was often considered as nothing more than a distant, probably even imaginary, kingdom, where the uncivilized savages lived.
With the renewed interest in the classical arts of Greece and Rome, the Renaissance rediscovered the existence of Kush. Still, it was not explored until Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt in 1798. Even then, it was seen as a part of Egyptian culture. The discoveries made by the 18th- and 19th-century explorers proved there were, in fact, two separate cultures. However, this explanation was greatly influenced by Darwinism. Scholars presented the entirety of Africa as a place where civilized white men ruled over the “uncivilized negroes.” Kush was no exception to them, and the general opinion was that Egypt ruled over the uncivilized Kushites. Even the rule of the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty was observed as nothing more than the less fortunate Kushites imitating the superior Egyptians.
It was not until the early 20th century that the Kingdom of Kush received its rightful place in history. When the first archaeological survey of Nubia took place between 1907 and 1911, the distinctive cultural aspects of the Kingdom of Kush emerged, and it was finally seen as a separate entity from Egypt.
In The Kingdom of Kush: A Captivating Guide to an Ancient African Kingdom in Nubia That Once Ruled Egypt, you will discover topics such as
So if you want to learn more about the Kingdom of Kush, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
Free History BONUS Inside!
Two captivating manuscripts in one book:
An undoubtedly interesting, exciting, and dramatic chapter of Russian history was ruled over by the Romanov dynasty.
This powerful ruling family came to power shortly after the frightening rule of a legendary figure in Russian history: Ivan the Terrible. After murdering his own son and unborn grandson, Ivan died without an heir, resulting in the formation of a new dynasty. This was the Romanov family.
The Romanovs included some of the most famous names in all of history, from Peter the Great, who expanded its borders, to the mighty Empress Catherine the Great, a powerful female ruler in a time of rife male supremacy and who is still a symbol of feminine power to this day. The Romanovs ruled from the end of the Middle Ages to the dawn of a modern era that forcefully rejected the last Romanovs from a nation that no longer tolerated a monarchy. And every last one of these mighty monarchs had quirks and idiosyncrasies, likes and dislikes, pasts that were often troubled, and complicated family lives.
Every one of them was a person, complex, intricate, flawed, and fascinating. Their stories range from the beautiful to the tragic to the bizarre. And in this book, they all are laid out for you to enjoy.
Here are just some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book:
Here are just some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book:
So if you want to learn more about the Romanovs and Nicholas II, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
How to start a tech company and get customers in one month
Did you know that Twitter, Udemy, Groupon, and GitHub all started as side hustles without venture capital? Many aspiring tech entrepreneurs believe that to start a successful tech business means they must risk everything, quit their day job, and seek funding. These and other bootstrapped companies prove that billion-dollar companies can start in home offices and garages on founders’ evenings and weekends.
In The 60-Minute Tech Startup: How to Start a Tech Company as a Side Hustle in One Hour a Day and Get Customers in Thirty Days (or Less), serial technology entrepreneur Ramesh Dontha takes lessons from side hustles turned household name companies to reveal the fastest, easiest, and least capital-intensive way to start a tech business. Together with experiences from his own career and those of featured guests from the popular The Agile Entrepreneur Podcast, Dontha lays out a plan for any aspiring tech entrepreneur to start a side hustle that is profitable from the beginning and has a chance to become something great. The 60-Minute Tech Startup shows side hustlers how to:
Discover mistakes to avoid that doom most tech businesses
Answer common questions such as “What is a non-compete?”
Build a personal brand without getting in trouble at work
Learn how to talk to your boss about your job on the side
Perform a business model analysis
Decide the type of tech business to start
Borrow lessons of good side hustles that already exist
Master customer outreach and get noticed
Rock every sales discovery call
Prepare for objection-handling
Use the best ways to get referrals and grow organically
All of the above and more in just one hour a day for one month. Whether you just want to start a side hustle and keep your day job or go all-in and build a high-growth tech company, The 60-Minute Tech Startup offers proven steps to start a tech company today, get paying customers this month, and reap the rewards of business ownership for life.
Does the thought of having to sit through a one-on-one job interview make you break out in a cold sweat?
If the answer is yes then keep reading to find out how to overcome these obstacles…
Interviews Demystified! Get a Job Quickly: The Ultimate Job Interview Game Plan for Introverts offers the solutions you need to not only prepare for the interview with ease but get through it with your head held high and your anxiety at bay.
In this book, you’ll discover:
BONUS: 10-page workbook, a tested and proven one-page, customizable professional resume template that will grab recruiters' attention!
Author Mia C. Beckett understands what it’s like to be frozen with fear before or during an interview. She’s been there, yet, despite being riddled with anxiety and feeling as if her experiences weren’t up to par, she created a method that helped her not only land the job of her dreams, but gave her the confidence to crush her goals, and ultimately gain over 10,000 hours of hands-on experience, generate over one million dollars a year in sales and be named her organization’s Salesperson of the Year in 2019. Now she wants to share the methods and techniques that worked for her and teach you how to communicate effectively, calm your shattered nerves, and get you on the road to success.
✓ If you’re ready to take your career to the next level, jump onto a new career path, and implement these proven techniques to help you land the job you’ve always wanted, Interviews Demystified! Get a Job Quickly: The Ultimate Job Interview Game Plan for Introverts is the perfect companion for your job-hunting journey.
Here’s to your success!
Scroll up, click the “Buy” button now and get started today!
In this madcap journey, a bestselling journalist investigates psychopaths and the industry of doctors, scientists, and everyone else who studies them.
The Psychopath Test is a fascinating journey through the minds of madness. Jon Ronson's exploration of a potential hoax being played on the world's top neurologists takes him, unexpectedly, into the heart of the madness industry. An influential psychologist who is convinced that many important CEOs and politicians are, in fact, psychopaths teaches Ronson how to spot these high-flying individuals by looking out for little telltale verbal and nonverbal clues. And so Ronson, armed with his new psychopath-spotting abilities, enters the corridors of power. He spends time with a death-squad leader institutionalized for mortgage fraud in Coxsackie, New York; a legendary CEO whose psychopathy has been speculated about in the press; and a patient in an asylum for the criminally insane who insists he's sane and certainly not a psychopath.
Ronson not only solves the mystery of the hoax but also discovers, disturbingly, that sometimes the personalities at the helm of the madness industry are, with their drives and obsessions, as mad in their own way as those they study. And that relatively ordinary people are, more and more, defined by their maddest edges.
Two captivating manuscripts in one book:
The continent of Africa is home to fifty-four countries that together harbor over three thousand cultures, each with their own ways of life and each with their own stories. Some of these stories have their origins in the folk beliefs of people native to their particular region, while others were imported from or influenced by cultures from elsewhere who settled in Africa.
A great number of African folktales have been transmitted orally from person to person down through the ages, but since the nineteenth century, many stories have been written down and transmitted to audiences beyond the boundaries of the cultures that created them. One important—and tragic—conduit for the transmission of these stories beyond African shores was the European slave trade. Captured Africans who were brought to the Americas and the Caribbean fought to keep alive what they could of their home cultures, and this included their folktale traditions.
African folktales come in many different types. Some are myths explaining the origins of things, while others are tales of heroes with supernatural abilities. Animal stories are many and varied, and they usually involve some kind of trickster who uses his wiles to get out of sticky situations and sometimes into them. There are also cautionary tales explaining why it is important to behave well and treat others with respect, while other stories have a style and shape similar to that of a fairy tale.
Some of the topics covered in manuscript 1 of this book include:
Some of the topics covered in manuscript 2 of this book include:
So if you want to learn about African Mythology and Egyptian Gods, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
Do you want to establish an enduring organization and set it up for excellence? Would you like to ensure that your organizational culture becomes a shining example for others to emulate? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, keep reading …..
Every business leader wants to make their organization more profitable, more productive, more competitive, more socially responsible, and a more conducive place to work at. Can we say that all businesses achieve these objectives? No. And the reason for it is that despite harboring the best of intentions, many organizational leaders do not know how to develop organizations that go on to become the envy of the business world.
The ideal solution to creating great organizations is by establishing the highest standards for how communication is conducted and internal processes handled. Most leaders would agree, but only a few would know exactly how to go about achieving these objectives. This book highlights the proven core techniques and how you can consistently apply them to foster an organization in becoming a model corporate citizen.
Here’s a preview of this wonderful book, and what else you’ll learn:
Why is the organizational culture the centerpiece of everything it stands for and how do you breathe life into it
Establishing and implementing SMART goals that inspire everyone in coming together to achieve them
Execution. Execution. Execution. Coming up with great ideas and putting them into action
Gathering all the resources at your disposal and delivering breakthrough results
Continually measuring the outcomes of your implemented strategies and making improvements as you go along
….. And much more!
As a free bonus, you’ll get exclusive access to the chapter on leadership. As a manager, the responsibility to materialize organizational excellence rests on your shoulders. This chapter will help you make the most out of your role.
The author has been in your shoes and understands your specific concerns from an insider’s perspective. For this reason, he has written this book as concisely and simply as possible for you to follow.
You are not expected to be an expert in the field. What you foremost need is a passion toward organizational leadership.
So, if you want to develop an organization that is second to none and avoid any pitfalls along the way, scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button and let’s get started!
While the author focuses on letting go of excess weight, losing the weight you want to. This book is really a manual that uses the power of Hypnosis that leads you in discovering and releasing the long-held, false, and outdated core beliefs creating roadblocks That have prevented you from living the truly want, in a body that looks and feels the way you want! It's about our conscious and subconscious minds and the rub between the two.
It’s about understanding the immense power of our subconscious mind and why we so often find it opposing our conscious choices. It’s a blueprint, with a little…(ok a lot) of hypnosis/self hypnosis—self-hypnosis to help you access and harness that amazing power and start living a life you love in the body you want and deserve!
Free History BONUS Inside!
An undoubtedly interesting, exciting, and dramatic chapter of Russian history was ruled over by the Romanov dynasty. This powerful ruling family came to power shortly after the frightening rule of a legendary figure in Russian history: Ivan the Terrible. After murdering his own son and unborn grandson, Ivan died without an heir, resulting in the formation of a new dynasty. This was the Romanov family.
The Romanovs included some of the most famous names in all of history, from Peter the Great, who expanded its borders, to the mighty Empress Catherine the Great, a powerful female ruler in a time of rife male supremacy and who is still a symbol of feminine power to this day. The Romanovs ruled from the end of the Middle Ages to the dawn of a modern era that forcefully rejected the last Romanovs from a nation that no longer tolerated a monarchy. And every last one of these mighty monarchs had quirks and idiosyncrasies, likes and dislikes, pasts that were often troubled, and complicated family lives.
Every one of them was a person, complex, intricate, flawed, and fascinating. Their stories range from the beautiful to the tragic to the bizarre. And in this book, they all are laid out for you to enjoy.
In The Romanovs: A Captivating Guide to the Last Imperial Dynasty to Rule Russia and the Impact the Romanov Family Had on Russian History, you will discover topics such as
So if you want to learn more about the Romanovs, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!