General Nonfiction

General Nonfiction

The Forest Unseen: A Year's Watch in Nature

by David George Haskell

A biologist reveals the secret world hidden in a single square meter of old-growth forest—a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the Pen/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award

Combining elegant writing with scientific expertise, The Forest Unseen "injects much-needed vibrancy into the stuffy world of nature writing" (Outside, "The Outdoor Books That Shaped the Last Decade")

In this wholly original book, biologist David Haskell uses a one- square-meter patch of old-growth Tennessee forest as a window onto the entire natural world. Visiting it almost daily for one year to trace nature's path through the seasons, he brings the forest and its inhabitants to vivid life.

Each of this book's short chapters begins with a simple observation: a salamander scuttling across the leaf litter; the first blossom of spring wildflowers. From these, Haskell spins a brilliant web of biology and ecology, explaining the science that binds together the tiniest microbes and the largest mammals and describing the ecosystems that have cycled for thousands- sometimes millions-of years. Each visit to the forest presents a nature story in miniature as Haskell elegantly teases out the intricate relationships that order the creatures and plants that call it home.

Written with remarkable grace and empathy, The Forest Unseen is a grand tour of nature in all its profundity. Haskell is a perfect guide into the world that exists beneath our feet and beyond our backyards.


Positive Toddler Discipline: Proven Strategies to Tame Tantrums and Nurture Their Developing Mind

by Laura Hall

Are you at your wit’s end with your toddler? Read on to discover how you can tame your little monster.

In children between the ages of 1 and 5, temper tantrums are common, and up to 83% of 2-4 year olds have them regularly.

No matter how well you know that this is an important part of their development, it can take its toll when you’re facing yet another meltdown about the carrots being the wrong shape.

Do any of the below sound familiar?

  • Refusing to get dressed
  • Screaming blue murder because you asked them to put their shoes on
  • Throwing their breakfast on the floor because the spoon’s the wrong color
  • Inconsolable tears because the cat went outside

Every parent goes through this. Toddlers are at a stage where they are developing their independence and pushing boundaries, and they have more feelings than they can understand or express.

How many times have you given in to them for the sake of a quiet life?

Most parents have, and if you’ve done it, you know that it doesn’t help you out in the long term.

So how can you handle your toddler’s tantrums in a way that minimizes damage, ends the drama as quickly as possible, and sets your child on the road to being a confident, happy child?

The answer lies within positive discipline, a behavioral management technique that reduces the drama and allows you to set clear boundaries your toddler will understand.

All too often, we resort to punishments, but time and time again, research has shown us that this is useless.

Positive discipline is built around empathizing with your child, giving them space to feel their feelings, and helping them find solutions to their problems.

By rejecting traditional discipline models of reward and punishment, you can create mutual respect between you and your child, improving their confidence and self-esteem for life.

In Positive Toddler Discipline: Proven Strategies to Tame Tantrums and Nurture Their Developing Mind, you’ll find everything you need to know about managing your toddler’s tantrums. Here’s just a taste of what you’ll discover:

  • Where the idea of positive discipline comes from--and why it works
  • The key reasons why your toddler is pushing your buttons
  • The secret weapon to taming your child for good
  • The #1 mistake every parent makes when talking to their toddler, and what you should be doing instead
  • Why the language you use matters, as well as which type of words your child will respond best to
  • How to set helpful consequences without resorting to punishment
  • Practical tips to use in the face of a major meltdown
  • blueprint for navigating daily routines with a toddler

And much more.

If you thought drama was an inevitable part of parenting a toddler, think again.

Positive discipline has been proven effective by childcare professionals and focuses on a deep understanding of toddler psychology.

By adopting its key principles, you will be able to reduce the stress in your household and keep your cool every time your toddler has a meltdown.

Stop allowing your child to rule the house--it’s time to get some structure and peace back into your life.

If you want to end your toddler’s tantrum battles for good and discover the secrets of positive parenting, click “Add to Cart” right now.


10,000+ Positive Affirmations

by R.M. Winters

Are you looking for not just hundreds, but thousands of affirmations, all organized in one place?


Table of contents:

  • Chapter 1:  Affirmations for Success

  • Chapter 2:  Affirmations for Wealth

  • Chapter 3:  Affirmations for Money

  • Chapter 4:  Affirmations for Love

  • Chapter 5:  Affirmations for Relationships

  • Chapter 6:  Affirmations for Confidence

  • Chapter 7:  Affirmations for Self-Esteem

  • Chapter 8:  Affirmations for Overcoming Anxiety

  • Chapter 9:  Affirmations for Overcoming Depression

  • Chapter 10:  Affirmations for Health

  • Chapter 11:  Affirmations for Energy

  • Chapter 12:  Affirmations for Sleep

  • Chapter 13:  Affirmations for Fitness

  • Chapter 14:  Affirmations for Weight Loss

  • Chapter 15:  Affirmations for Healing

  • Chapter 16:  Affirmations for Positive Thinking

  • Chapter 17:  Affirmations for Abundance

  • Chapter 18:  Affirmations for Happiness

  • Chapter 19:  Affirmations for Spirituality

  • Chapter 20:  Affirmations for Taking Action

  • Chapter 21:  Affirmations for Motivation

  • Chapter 22:  Motivational Quotes


Each chapter contains over 500 affirmations related to that topic.

These affirmations are great to read before bed, first thing in the morning, on a coffee break, at the beach, or any time you need a daily dose of inspiration! 

By reading (or listening to) these affirmations, we are bombarding our subconscious minds with powerful, positive statements that will move us towards our goals automatically. In essence, by reading (or listening) to these affirmations over and over, we are actually reprogramming our mental computer to achieve more health, more wealth, more love, and more happiness right now!

To increase the power of this reprogramming process, check out our audiobook on Amazon so you can listen to these affirmations whenever you need!  On your commute, at the beach, before bed, or whenever you want to flood your mind with positivity!  You can even use them to drown out negative thought patterns and get your mind thinking the way you want it to think.

To get all of these affirmations right now, click the “buy now" button and start the reprogramming process right away!


6 Optimal Steps for Detoxification & Reset: Ultimate Plan to Cleanse and Heal for Lasting Results

by Pureture HHP

Do you feel tired, sick, and unable to think clearly most of the time?

Are you constantly experiencing headaches or any other aches and pains?

How about controlling the things you want to eat?

The truth is; if you have ever felt like you were fighting to control your eating habits and your emotional states, that is because you are fighting a systemic toxic overload.

Are you looking for relief, but don't want to take another prescription pill or get another shot?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then this book can help you!

More truth is; Your body is exposed to toxins in your food, your environment, and even from your electronics. It's easy for those toxins to build up to where they affect the way your body cleanses itself, leaving you feeling bogged down.

This book will take you through a safe and thorough six-step, full-spectrum detoxification program with a holistic approach to completely cleanse your body and all the major organs from toxins that are everywhere in our modern world. Discover the following:

  • Understanding the proper way to detox your system;
  • Understanding of Parasites and Candida and how they are ruining your life;
  • How the many sources of toxins in our modern world get into the body;
  • The plan for a bowel and colon cleanse;
  • A parasite cleanse protocol;
  • Protocol for controlling the growth of Candida;
  • A kidney cleanse protocol;
  • A liver and gallbladder flush protocol;
  • Natural teas and tips for getting the most out of your detoxification program
  • And much more.


Plus a FREE bonus inside

This book will take you through the step-by-step process for a full-spectrum detoxification to rid your major organ systems of harmful substances to start living your new life

Let us show you how to detoxify your body in a safe and natural way while creating healthier habits that will make your life happier physically and mentally.

If you're tired of being tired; if you're ready to feel as though you've been reborn, there's no better time than right now to get started for a huge reward!


Limitless Expansion Secrets: LES because we all want to work less

by Richard Kahanek

What does being “Virtually Limitless” mean to you?

If you want to make 6, 7, or even 8 figures a year doing what you love, it starts with simply making the decision to do so. What follows involves building an unshakeable foundation in order to support a successful business and ultimately the extraordinary life of your dreams.

So what are the secrets to designing and nurturing a thriving, profitable business from the ground up? With so much to know about conversion systems, social media and affiliate marketing, public relations, branding, sales psychology, getting funding, and maintaining your physical and mental health through it all, it can be overwhelming figuring out where to start.

That’s why we created this book. We’re all entrepreneurs, ranging from marketing gurus to peak performance experts. Each chapter brims with decades of best practices revealing what each of us wishes we would have known within our respective areas of expertise when we started our own businesses.

In this book, you’ll learn:

-How to perform at optimal levels, both personally and professionally
-How to build and maintain an ecosystem that actually works together
-How to keep up with all these “gurus”
-How to position yourself as the expert influencer
-How to sell online
-How to get other people to sell your stuff online
-And What you need to be focusing on in order to scale to 7 figures

Are you ready to become “Virtually Limitless?”


Eliminate Your Debt: The In-Depth Guide on How to Make Money Work for You

by Dean Foster

Your sad piggy bank will rejoice if you follow this simple money-making, debt-annihilating formula

We hear it all the time on the news – being debt-free is impossible, we have to settle and make peace with the fact we’ll live paycheck to paycheck for the rest of our lives.

Who are they kidding?

The fact that Western society normalizes debt does not mean you have to lead your life drowning under credit card sums, bills, loans and unsurmountable expenses.

It’s time to say “enough!”

It’s time to master the wealth secrets rich people don’t want you to know.

One of these secrets is that your money should be working for you and not the other way around.

Yes, that’s possible even if you have a lot of debt to pay off.

The financial industry wants to keep you in debt because it’s making money this way. That’s why loans and credit cards are heavily advertised, even depicted as desirable and profitable. You are led to believe that you need a ton of things (and a ton of loans) to be happy, to be fulfilled and to find meaning in your existence.

This has to end RIGHT NOW!

Are you up to your shoulders in debt? I know that you probably are giving your computer a resounding “yes” as an answer. After all, that’s the Western way of living, isn’t it?

Do you want to get out of debt? Do you want to gain the comfort of knowing that your future is financially secure? Then listen up!

In Eliminate Your Debt, you will discover:

  • The shocking amount of indebtedness that the average American faces and the main reasons why such disastrous habits have become normalized
  • How the debt cycle will make you drown under the financial burden of one loan after the other
  • Why 189 million Americans have a credit card and why you should stop being one of them
  • 7 ridiculous debt myths most of us still believe
  • 8 reasons for people to be in debt – you will 100% recognize yourself in one of the categories
  • The 7 best approaches to eliminate debt forever and start rebuilding your wealth
  • Reasons why investing even 5 dollars per month is an excellent start
  • What should you invest in – stocks, bonds, gold: an introduction to the best investment tools
  • Ways a trickle can turn into a money torrent, if you stick with your strategy long enough
  • Your financial goals aren’t ridiculous: the best ways to make them happen

And much more!

You don’t need financial knowledge to get out of the vicious cycle and to start profiting from your income.

Even if you’re on the brink of bankruptcy, you can get back on your feed. Start tackling debts one by one until you finally emerge victorious.

A bit of discipline really pays off. Getting rid of one debt at a time will soon free up enough resources for you to start dreaming about the future once again.

If you want to learn from an investment expert who has helped thousands get their financial sh*t together, scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button right now!


The Airbnb Superhost Checklist

by Alex Wong

Discover how to master Airbnb and become a Superhost in no time!


Are you looking for the best methods to optimize your Airbnb skills, create the perfect guest experience, and turn your short-term rental property into the business of your dreams? Or do you want to learn how to stand out from the crowd and become a Superhost? Then it’s time to try this book.

Whether you have a vacation rental, dedicated real estate, or simply part of your house to rent out as a bed and breakfast, Airbnb is a brilliant way to make extra money, grow a thriving business, or even create a full-time career. But with endless competition in an ever-growing market, how can you rise above the crowd and start turning a profit?

Inside this practical guide, marketing expert Alex Wong reveals a powerful blueprint for scaling up your Airbnb business and mastering the essential steps for lasting success. Using carefully-crafted “action plans” for every part of your home, you’ll learn how to accommodate guests effortlessly, create the perfect experience, and take your Airbnb host skills to the next level.

Drawing on his personal experiences as both an avid traveler and a consultant who helps hosts optimize their listings, Alex shares his unique first-hand knowledge of what works – and what doesn’t. He’ll show you how to cover the basics of a brilliant guest experience, along with a framework for turning yourself into an Airbnb Superhost.

Here’s just a little of what you’ll discover inside:

  • Exploring The Fundamentals of a Stellar Airbnb Experience
  • Understanding What Guests Are Looking For – and How To Provide It
  • Practical Steps To Improve Your Airbnb and Host Like a Pro
  • Essential Accommodations To Create The Perfect Guest Experience
  • Must-Know Tips For Your Kitchen, Bathroom, Living Room and More
  • The Top Ways To Become a Superhost
  • How To Make The Best Use of Your Outdoor Space
  • And So Much More…


No matter your level of Airbnb experience, or what part of the world you live in, these tried-and-tested methods will help you turn your real estate investment into a business model that never stops giving back. With a wealth of handy tips and tricks that you can begin implementing the second you put this book down, The Airbnb’s Super Host’s Checklist is your ticket to the Airbnb business of your dreams.


Scroll up and buy now to master Airbnb and start becoming a Superhost today!


Mediterranean Diet Budget Beginners Cookbook

by Gabriela Amour

Do you want to provide your family with a vibrant & healthier diet and lifestyle but feel as though you don’t have enough money or time?

The Mediterranean diet could be the answer to your problems! If you’re a beginner to the diet, on a budget, do not have time to slave over a hot stove, or just want to try out some delicious, quick & simple recipe ideas, then this book is for you!

With many scientifically proven health benefits, such as increased life expectancy and protection against certain chronic diseases, including cancer and diabetes, the Mediterranean diet is arguably one of the healthiest diets in the world! In this book, you will discover...
The benefits of the diet
How to get started and stay on the diet
Diet budgeting tips
A beginner essentials shopping list
Tasty recipes that you can prepare in 30 minutes or less!
Access to free Mediterranean Diet meal plans that will allow you to plan your family’s meals!

Are you now ready to provide your family with a healthier diet & lifestyle?


Connecting With Life: Finding Nature in an Urban World

by Martin Summer

In his debut book, Martin Summer aims to help readers find nature in an urban world. He discusses how our modern lives differ from the lifestyles of our ancestors. He then proceeds to cover six big problems of urbanization and their destructive impact on our lives. Practical solutions follow each discussed danger.

In the next part of the book, the author reveals what connecting with nature means in today's world and why it's possible to do so even in a big city. Summer provides easy and fun ideas to use all the senses on your natural outings. He discusses the tricky subject of finding a compromise between technology and nature. Through ten elements, he explains how to turn your home into a nature-friendly oasis. Lastly, he emphasizes the importance of nature stewardship and how to espouse it in your everyday life.

If you’re wishing to develop a deeper connection with life around you, Connecting With Life is the blueprint you need.


From $6 an Hour to a Million Dollar Dream

by Cayman Kelly

Do you long to move from a dead-end job to pursue the calling that burns in your heart?


It may seem out of reach, reserved for a privileged few who are lucky enough to have extraordinary talent or powerful connections. But the truth is, you don’t need legendary talent, an inherited fortune, or an inside track with celebrities to find fulfillment in your career or meaning in your life. 



In From $6 an Hour to a Million Dollar Dream, Cayman Kelly will show you how wise planning, perseverance, and willingness to buck norms when necessary can empower anyone to achieve happiness and success.



Cayman Kelly tells the story of his own unlikely rise to success as a multimedia professional and how the principles that guided him can transform your life, too. From his humble beginnings as a teenage volunteer at a radio station, he now has over twenty years of experience as a voice artist and radio host, including his national show on Sirius XM Heart & Soul.



This practical and energizing book will show you how to:



– Set goals, take positive action, and begin building a network of support



– Deal with the haters and naysayers in your life



– Properly define and understand success—and learn from failure



– Keep yourself sharp while avoiding stagnation and burnout



– Stay true to your own unique gifts and purpose



At the end of each chapter, reflective questions and action steps will help you evaluate how these principles can transform your personal career path.



Order your copy today and chart your course for success! 




The Ultimate Calisthenics Collection : The Gym-Less Workout + Use It, or Lose It

by Milo Kemp

Do you want to achieve the body you have always wanted without going to the gym? One that looks and feels how you have always aimed for. With only 18% of gym members going regularly chances are you do!

No gym wants you to know this, but you can get an amazingly toned body all from the comfort of your home. There is a simple training style that is gaining new-found popularity and all by using only your bodyweight.

You will be able to quit the gym and never look back.

You will start looking better and when you take it to the next level by using tailored flexibility training you will start feeling better too

Have you ever woken up with stiff muscles restricting your movement? Or experienced strains and pains that have stopped you from working out?

Now you are not 21 anymore. You get a sore neck from sleeping badly on it, then after a long busy day all your muscles ache.

So, you decide to give the gym a miss because that would just aggravate the problem, you just need to sit-down put-on Netflix and rest up.

Do not worry it won’t be like this forever.

Harvard health recommend completing a stretching routine everyday to start seeing transformative results in your training and start feeling as good as you did at 21.

This bundle can be the start of your fitness journey to looking good and feeling great, you will get:

  • The new fitness style getting amazing results without the gym
  • Learn the key movements used and how to build them up
  • Discover secrets on how to progress the right way
  • Discover a professional routine devised to get you the best results
  • Flexibility training to take your workout to the next level
  • The secret stretches all physios will have up their sleeve
  • A routine perfect for targeting any strain or pain so you never miss training again
  • A routine to make the most musclebound gym-goer as flexible as a gymnast
  • How to unlock your mind-body balance and the inner peace that provides
  • Discover a community of readers exactly like you!




This style of training has taken people from not being able to support their own bodyweight to performing 20+ pullups without breaking a sweat!

And by getting this bundle you will also get the flexibility training that can take your training to the next level.

If you are still doubting me, it is probably because no other gym workout has worked for you or you do not believe that being flexible will help your gym workout.

But remember this is not the gym.

You do not have to travel anywhere; you do not have to pay for anything, you are just using your bodyweight and a tried and tested training plan and when you finish you can hop straight in your own shower and into your pyjamas. What do you have to lose?



MindWorks: A Practical Guide for Changing Thoughts, Beliefs, and Emotional Reactions

by Gary van Warmerdam

Why do we generate thoughts that drive us to self-sabotaging behaviors?

How do we learn to be happy, to have fulfilling personal relationships, and find inner peace?

The answers are already inside you.
You need to know where to look.

The purpose of this book is to bring about a shift in consciousness. In these pages, you will find tools to help you lead your best, happiest life!

This requires more than telling yourself to think happy thoughts. You need to understand how your mind works. Using this knowledge, you can transform your perspective, your hidden beliefs, and even your language.

MindWorks is a simple guide for understanding the complexities of your consciousness. It offers a step-by-step guide for changing your mind - and your life.

If you found Don Miguel Ruiz's seminal masterpiece, "The Four Agreements"transformative, have studied the works of Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, or Paulo Coelho - you will love this book. Add it to your library today!


Christopher Columbus: A Captivating Guide to the Life of an Italian Explorer

by Captivating History

If you want to discover the captivating life of Christopher Columbus, then keep reading...

Free History BONUS Inside!

Christopher Columbus was one of the most courageous of the world’s explorers. He embraced risk in an era when the blinding expanse of the Atlantic Ocean frightened the Europeans.

The cartography of the day was incorrect, as he learned through bitter experience. Columbus is credited with the discovery of America but never realized it during his lifetime. His career as a navigator was peppered with mishaps that shattered the ignorance of the age. Although he was no scientist, Columbus initiated new fields of study and analysis.

In 1492, he landed at San Salvador in the Islands of the Bahamas, and he was the first European to have explored the Caribbean Sea. He was the first European to set foot in Cuba, Haiti, and Trinidad, as well as the countries in Central America. Columbus’s voyages astonished all of Europe and started a virtual stampede of competitors in search of the East Indies by sailing west.

His life was fraught with adversities such as betrayal and character assassination. It still is today. However, his loyalty cannot be assailed, and few have recognized that fact.

The life of Christopher Columbus is a fascinating portrayal of a man whose ego was greater than his common sense. His brand of reckless abandon makes Olympic champions out of foolhardy amateurs. This is the story of a man devoted to a goal he was willing to pursue or die trying. And, tragically, he did die trying.

In Christopher Columbus: A Captivating Guide to the Life of an Italian Explorer and His Voyages to the Americas, you will discover topics such as


  • Into the Blue Unknown
  • Dead Reckoning Forward
  • Initial Exploration
  • Second Voyage
  • Third Voyage: Chaos Reigns
  • The Last Voyage
  • And much, much more!

So if you want to learn more about Christopher Columbus, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!



Apex Male: Effortless S*x! Attracting the World's Most Beautiful Women

by Geralt Stewart

No More Lonely Nights, Finally Put an End to the Friend Zone!

You’re a good guy. You’re not bad looking. You’re kind and considerate. And you’re able to hold a conversation with a great mix of humour and intelligence. 

You should be killing it on dates, right?

So why aren’t your dates progressing the way you want, if you can even get to a date in the first place?

In today’s world, the art of conversation and “the pickup” are lost arts. 

According to a recent study, woman are more impressed with a man that can approach them in real life than they are with smooth pickup lines on apps. 

This means you’d better up your game. 

Since so many people are online, being real and interesting in person is becoming more and more rare-it give you a surprising edge! 

But you have to make yourself stand out from the rest. 

This book almost wasn’t released; but the techniques are so time-tested and powerful that they couldn’t be kept secret forever.

In Apex Male: Effortless S*x! Attracting the World’s Most Beautiful Women, here is just a fraction of what you will discover:

◆ How you can stand out from the crowd and get any woman, anywhere, anytime 

◆ 13 simple tricks to make her want you right away and to build on that attraction over time

◆ Clear and Obvious signs of attraction to help you read her body language and how to influence her with your own signals

◆ The glaring deal breaker that you’re probably doing right now that is preventing you from hooking up

◆ The #1 tip you can do, right now, if you’re looking to step up your hook up game

◆ How to ask her out in casual but engaging ways that strike the right balance of humour, calm and assertiveness

◆ What women really want

◆ How to handle exclusivity vs playing the field and the conversation to have with her

And much more.

You are so lucky to be living in this time of social awkwardness. 

Where previously you’d be competing with possibly dozens of other guys, most now are stuck in their smartphones and will never dare approach a woman in real life.

What’s more, is that most gorgeous women say they are never approached by guys because their beauty is intimidating! 

Whether you’re looking for lasting love or love that just lasts the night, all you have to do is put some effort into yourself and start approaching women today.

The women of your dreams are just one simple conversation away. Prepare yourself to get her with rocking self-confidence and a devilish mastery of human interaction.

If you want to go out on more dates and hook up with more women, then scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button right now.


Toddler Parenting: The Ultimate Guide to Using Positive Discipline to Raise Children

by Meryl Kaufman

Take your parenting game to the next level with positive discipline!

Do you question your parenting skills whenever your toddler throws a tantrum?

Does bedtime feel like an uphill battle?

Do you want to successfully potty train your toddler with no hassles?

Are you struggling to deal with your toddler's tantrums or misbehavior?

Do you want to raise a happy and confident child?

Do you want to discover the secrets of doing all this?

If yes, then this is the perfect book for you.

Have you heard of positive parenting? Do you want to learn more about it?

Even if you haven't, you needn't worry because, Toddler Parenting: The Ultimate Guide to Using Positive Discipline to Raise Children with High Self-Esteem, Including Tips for Sleep Training, Handing Tantrums, and Potty Training, contains all the information you need.

Welcoming a baby home and entering parenthood is a major milestone in life. It is also a significant change. From now on, you are responsible not only for yourself but also for your child's wellbeing and growth.

Regardless of how much you love your little one, parenting comes with its own set of challenges. As with everything else in life, preparation, patience, and effort will help you deal with any challenge that comes your way.

Raising a child isn't always easy, and discipline is one area many parents struggle with.

A wonderful thing about parenting is that it gives you complete control overregulating your child's behavior. Once you learn the right way to discipline your child, raising a well-behaved child becomes quite easy.

Positive parenting provides you with all the right tools you need to raise a happy, confident, and well-behaved child. Positive parenting is a simple concept that focuses on positive discipline. Remember, there are no bad children; it all boils down to behaviors.

With positive parenting, you can instill good behaviors while teaching your child why bad behavior isn't desirable.

In this book, you will learn about…

  • Understanding a toddler's development
  • Meaning and benefits of positive discipline
  • Commandments of positive discipline
  • Practical tips for training your toddler to potty and sleep through the night
  • Dealing with tantrums and misbehavior
  • Tips to encourage creativity
  • Tips for building a toddler's self-esteem
  • How to raise a self-confident child
  • Importance of positive daily habits, and much more!

This book will act as your guide and provide helpful insights about parenting a toddler using positive discipline. It will help you every step of the way and improve your parenting skills.

So, what are you waiting for? The first step now by clicking the “add to cart” button!


Millennial Millionaire: Optimize Your Financial Life and Get Rich

by Taylor Larimore


In this refreshingly straightforward how-to guide, 29-year-old author and self-made millionaire Blake Konrardy delivers the step-by-step process to quickly accumulate wealth in the modern age. 

You have the power to get rich. It’s time to unlock that power.

Millennial Millionaire will show you:

  • How to take immediate control of your financial life, making small changes to go from zero to $1 million net worth
  • How to increase your income by 50% or more, with precise steps and scripts to land raises, promotions, and better jobs
  • How to prioritize your spending to make you happier and wealthier
  • How to passively invest in the stock market and make more money while you sleep than you do in your job
  • How to achieve financial independence, retire early, and live the rest of your life without worrying about money

History of East Asia: A Captivating Guide to the History of China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan

by Captivating History

If you want to discover the captivating history of East Asia, then keep reading...

Free History BONUS Inside!

Four captivating manuscripts in one book:

  • History of China: A Captivating Guide to Chinese History, Including Events Such as the First Emperor of China, the Mongol Conquests of Genghis Khan, the Opium Wars, and the Cultural Revolution
  • History of Japan: A Captivating Guide to Japanese History, Including Events Such as the Genpei War, Mongol Invasions, Battle of Tsushima, and Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • History of Korea: A Captivating Guide to Korean History, Including Events Such as the Mongol Invasions, the Split into North and South, and the Korean War
  • History of Taiwan: A Captivating Guide to Taiwanese History and the Relationship with the People's Republic of China

Here are just some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book:

  • The Land of the Yellow Emperor
  • Imperial China Emerges
  • The Supremacy of the Han, 202 BCE–220 CE
  • The Golden Age: The Tang Dynasty, 618–907
  • The Song Dynasty, 960–1279
  • Kublai Khan: The Yuan Dynasty, 1271–1368
  • The Great Ming Dynasty, 1368–1644
  • The Rise of the Qing, 1636–1912
  • Revolutionary Madness
  • The Republic of China to the People’s Republic of China
  • And much, much more!

Here are just some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book:

  • Children of the Sun
  • Warring Clans
  • The Two Imperial Courts
  • Edo Japan: Part One-1603 to 1638
  • Edo Period: Part Two-1638 to 1868
  • The Meiji Restoration
  • Foreign Relations
  • The Taisho Era
  • The Showa Era
  • Japan in World War II and Its Aftermath
  • Heisei Era
  • And much, much more!

Here are just some of the topics covered in part 3 of this book:

  • Land of the Bear
  • The Dragon of the East Sea
  • Dynasties Rise and Fall
  • The Joseon Dynasty of Goryeo
  • Foreign Invasions
  • Merchants, Farmers, and Foreigners
  • From Independence to Annexation
  • Korea at War
  • North Korea
  • South Korea
  • And much, much more!

Here are just some of the topics covered in part 4 of this book:

  • Formosa: Beautiful Island
  • The Arrival of the Chinese and Their Religion
  • The Dutch Trading Years
  • The Ming, The Qing, and Japan: The War Years
  • Japanese Taiwan
  • The Sino-Japanese War & World War II
  • Taiwan After World War II
  • And much, much more!

So if you want to learn more about the history of East Asia, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!


Becoming American: A Political Memoir

by Cary D. Lowe

2020 Discovery Awards Winner - Politics/Current Events

“A well-written memoir chronicling the intriguing life and influences of a post-war Jewish child who becomes an American lawyer and activist.” –Sublime Book Review

Becoming American is the inspiring story of the author’s transformation from a child of Holocaust survivors in post-war Europe to an American lawyer, academic, and activist associated with such famed political leaders as Robert Kennedy, George McGovern, Jerry Brown, and Tom Hayden. Searching for his great-grandparents’ graves in a hidden cemetery outside Prague makes him recall his experiences of becoming American: listening to Army Counterintelligence agents gathered at his home in Austria; a tense encounter with Russian soldiers; seeing Jim Crow racism in the South during his first visit to the United States; becoming an American citizen in his teens; having his citizenship challenged by border guards; fearing for his new country upon witnessing the Watts riots; exhilaration at rising to leadership positions in organizations shaping government policies; and advancing the American dream as a real estate lawyer, helping develop entire new communities.


The Opium Wars

by Captivating History

If you want to discover the captivating history of the Opium Wars, then keep reading...

Free History BONUS Inside!

Victorian Great Britain was the most technologically and economically developed country in the world at the time. As such, it had the power to protect its interests. With the discovery of new trade routes in the East, and with the foundation of the East India Company, Britain became addicted to the luxurious and exotic items from China. Silk, porcelain, and tea were in high demand among the rich. Britain was so economically strong at the time that even the middle and lower classes could afford to enjoy high-quality items imported from China, especially tea.

Britain imported everything its society desired, but it was costly. The main problem was that China only accepted payments in silver, creating a huge imbalance in trade. To avoid losing money on imported goods, Britain had to sell something back to China. However, this Eastern empire liked to boast that it was self-sufficient. The Chinese didn’t need to import anything, as their industry was developed enough to supply the whole country with what it needed. Britain had to come up with something the Chinese needed, and in desperation, the decision was made for Britain to sell opium.

When diplomatic efforts to introduce opium to the Chinese market failed, the British Parliament approved an alternative: war. There were two wars, one from 1839 to 1842 and another from 1856 to 1860. They are collectively known as the Opium Wars. The British, who were joined by French and supported by the Americans and Russians, clashed with Imperial China, which was ruled by the Qing dynasty. These conflicts are largely forgotten in the Western world, perhaps out of a sense of collective shame. But in China, the Opium Wars are still symbols of national humiliation at the hands of the Western powers.

In The Opium Wars: A Captivating Guide to the First and Second Opium War and Their Impact on the History of the United Kingdom and China, you will discover topics such as

  • Prelude - The Red Barbarians
  • No Tolerance
  • The First Conflicts
  • Steamships and Guns
  • The End of the First Opium War
  • The Interwar Period
  • Conflict on the Horizon
  • The Conflict Resumes
  • The Advance
  • Burning the Palace and Diplomacy
  • And much, much more!

So if you want to learn more about the Opium Wars, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!


How the Post Office Created America: A History

by Winifred Gallagher

A masterful history of a long underappreciated institution, 
How the Post Office Created America examines the surprising role of the postal service in our nation’s political, social, economic, and physical development. 

The founders established the post office before they had even signed the Declaration of Independence, and for a very long time, it was the U.S. government’s largest and most important endeavor—indeed, it was the government for most citizens. This was no conventional mail network but the central nervous system of the new body politic, designed to bind thirteen quarrelsome colonies into the United States by delivering news about public affairs to every citizen—a radical idea that appalled Europe’s great powers. America’s uniquely democratic post powerfully shaped its lively, argumentative culture of uncensored ideas and opinions and made it the world’s information and communications superpower with astonishing speed. 

Winifred Gallagher presents the history of the post office as America’s own story, told from a fresh perspective over more than two centuries. The mandate to deliver the mail—then “the media”—imposed the federal footprint on vast, often contested parts of the continent and transformed a wilderness into a social landscape of post roads and villages centered on post offices. The post was the catalyst of the nation’s transportation grid, from the stagecoach lines to the airlines, and the lifeline of the great migration from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It enabled America to shift from an agrarian to an industrial economy and to develop the publishing industry, the consumer culture, and the political party system. Still one of the country’s two major civilian employers, the post was the first to hire women, African Americans, and other minorities for positions in public life. 

Starved by two world wars and the Great Depression, confronted with the country’s increasingly anti-institutional mind-set, and struggling with its doubled mail volume, the post stumbled badly in the turbulent 1960s. Distracted by the ensuing modernization of its traditional services, however, it failed to transition from paper mail to email, which prescient observers saw as its logical next step. Now the post office is at a crossroads. Before deciding its future, Americans should understand what this grand yet overlooked institution has accomplished since 1775 and consider what it should and could contribute in the twenty-first century.

Gallagher argues that now, more than ever before, the imperiled post office deserves this effort, because just as the founders anticipated, it created forward-looking, communication-oriented, idea-driven America.



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