Advice and How-To

Advice and How-To

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself

by Michael A. Singer

Who are you? When you start to explore this question, you find out how elusive it really is. Are you a physical body? A collection of experiences and memories? A partner to relationships? Each time you consider these aspects of yourself, you realize that there is much more to you than any of these can define. The Untethered Soul, spiritual teacher Michael Singer explores the question of who we are and arrives at the conclusion that our identity is to be found in our consciousness, the fact of our ability to observe ourselves, and the world around us. By tapping into traditions of meditation and mindfulness, Singer shows how the development of consciousness can enable us all to dwell in the present moment and let go of painful thoughts and memories that keep us from achieving happiness and self-realization.

This book, copublished with the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), offers a frank and friendly discussion of consciousness and how we can develop it. In part one, he examines the notion of self and the inner dialogue we all live with. Part two examines the experience of energy as it flows through us and works to show readers how to open their hearts to the energy of experience that permeates their lives. Ways to overcome tendencies to close down to the rest of the world are the subject of part three. Enlightenment, the embrace of universal consciousness, is the subject of part four. And finally, in part five, Singer returns to daily life and the pursuit of unconditional happiness. Throughout, the book maintains a light and engaging tone, free from heavy dogma and prescriptive religious references. The easy exercises that figure in each chapter help readers experience the ideas that Singer presents.



Ketogenic Diet Secrets

by Raza Imam


Dear Reader,

Are you looking for a simple, easy to understand, no-nonsense ketogenic diet guide that you can use in the next 15 minutes?

If so, then this book is JUST for you.

Imagine getting up and running with the ketogenic diet in the next 15 minutes.

Imagine cooking amazing, mouth-watering recipes that are quick and easy to make.

I wrote this guide to be simple, easy to understand, and ACTIONABLE - especially with beginners in mind.

I reveal the secrets to get you started on the ketogenic diet fast.

I even include over 50 easy to follow ketogenic diet recipes. 

Here's exactly what you'll discover in this ketogenic diet cookbook: 

  • How the ketogenic diet really works
  • The top benefits of the ketogenic diet
  • Exactly what to eat (and what not to eat)
  • The most helpful tips to get you into ketosis - FAST
  • Supplements and workouts while on the ketogenic diet
  • 50+ mouth-watering quick and easy ketogenic diet recipes

Perfect for both beginners and experienced ketogenic dieters, this concise, actionable guide is literally a "crash course" on the ketogenic diet. 

So scroll up and get this ketogenic diet recipe book now! 



Excuse Me, Do I Know You: Learn The Simple Step-By-Steps of No Contact Rule And Get Your Ex Back

by Tomi Liams

It’s a regular day, but for some reason, you can see this coming. Your girlfriend has sent you a text message that reads “we need to talk” and you are almost expecting this to be another request for you to change certain things about the relationship, but it turns out she wants to break up.

Before I go on, trust me when I say that I know what you are going through right now. The pain you are experiencing feels worse than any physical pain you could ever imagine. I’m sure this happened recently and you are looking to find a way to get your girlfriend back. You are consumed with questions regarding what she is doing. You wonder who she’s hanging out with and you are desperate to contact her and let her know you want to get back together.
STOP right there! Let me start this by saying that you are NEVER going to get your girl back if you contact her now. If you do this now, your chances of having her back in your life are slim to none, and your chances of her wanting a romantic relationship again are zero. Yes, a big fat zero. I’m not saying this to make you feel even more depressed and desperate. I’m saying this because I have the answer to your problems.

I was there in that exact same position you are. I was wet behind the ears when it comes to the art of getting someone to want me again. I tried the flowers. I tried the crying for her to feel bad for me. I tried the social media stalking. It all backfired on me big time. Every single time I wanted a girl back after she had broken up with me, I was only successful at pushing her further away.

Women have brains that work entirely different from what we think. When they love you, they can’t get enough of you all day long, but when they make up their mind about leaving you, they want you gone for real. Lucky for you, this is exactly what you are going to use to get her back. It sounds crazy, but the no contact rule is a scientific fact. The problem is that most guys have no idea how to do this and they fall into temptation.

This will be your guide on this incredible journey to becoming the ultimate desirable guy. You will get your girlfriend to call you by the time you are done with this book and I guarantee it will be out of the need to hear from you. You will make her feel more attracted to you than she ever did even before she decided to leave you.

It’s going to be a very difficult road at first, but nothing good ever came out of easy challenges. I promise you that by the time you finish reading the book, you will be a completely new man and you will be the one deciding if you want to get back together with your EX!

So why wait? Get your copy now!

DISCLAIMER: This eBook is not for women trying to get their ex-boyfriends back. Strictly FOR MEN ONLY.


Kindle Bestseller Publishing - Publish a Bestseller in the next 30 Days!

by Gundi Gabrielle

Write an Amazon Kindle Bestseller in the next 30 Days!

Sound to good to be true?

Well, with the right strategy and proper research before you start, it is absolutely possible, even if:

- you are not a writer

- have no marketing experience

- don’t have a large following yet

As a 9-time #1 Bestselling & Top 100 Business Author, Gundi knows a thing or two about writing & publishing bestsellers.

All her books reached #1 within just a few days of publishing and over time, she developed a

Step-by-Step, proven and easy-to-follow System

that can help you reach Bestseller status with your very first book.

"Kindle Bestseller Publishing" is part 5 of the “The Sassy Way…..when you have NO CLUE!” series, that teaches Internet Marketing to total beginners.

You might not think of Kindle Publishing as a marketing tool, but it is actually:

One of the fastest, most efficient ways to build a following online!

For your blog, your social media platforms, your business or any service you are offering.

In addition, KINDLE PUBLISHING offers the following BENEFITS:

- The Prestige of being a published - or even Bestselling - Author

- Instant Authority in your Field

- New clients and customers on auto-pilot who will trust you a lot more, because you have already proven yourself

- Passive Income

- Automatic List Building. Email marketing is widely considered the most powerful marketing technique of all, more than Facebook and Google Ads combined. Publishing a book on Amazon can help you build your mailing list on auto-pilot - and Amazon even pays you to do it…..

This book will teach you STEP-BY-STEP how to go from zero to published - and - possibly a Bestseller!

It is NOT an in-depth WRITING COURSE although some basic instructions and tips are provided.

“Kindle Bestseller Publishing” focuses on the Marketing aspects of publishing a book on Amazon and in particular, what it takes to reach Bestseller status - the “science” behind it.

Important areas that will be covered include::

- Researching profitable Book Ideas

- Understanding Amazon’s Algorithm and how new readers can find you

- How to optimize your meta data, including your book title to trigger Amazon’s algorithm to promote your book heavily

- Category and Keyword Research and how Bestseller ranking on Amazon works

- How to market your book during Launch Week

and much more….

Are you ready to write and publish your first Bestseller?



Then, scroll back up now and hit the BUY Button




The Best Quotes of Robin Sacredfire: 101 Uplifting Quotes

by Robin Sacredfire

Robin Sacredfire has been one of the most popular authors over the past years and this trend has been rapidly increasing. Millions of people from around the world are helped through his words and insights, and love to share the knowledge with their friends, to help them, uplift them, inspire them. And these fans are from all backgrounds of life. For them, this author is like a renewing wave of energy in the world, an energy that, wherever it passes, doesn’t leave any rock unmoved. Nobody remains the same after coming in contact with his words. But why is Robin Sacredfire so popular? His words are empowering, and for a vast array of reasons.

He is an Author, Entrepreneur, Music Producer, DJ, Fashion Designer, former College Lecturer, former Consultant, former Human Resources Manager, and a former expert in learning disabilities as well, famous for curing a vast amount of children that psychologists couldn’t help, and this, among many other things. Robin Sacredfire has been awarded in many ways too. He was considered by many one of the world experts in the Law of Attraction. His online courses on business were considered top 20.

As an author, nearly all his books ranked as bestsellers on Amazon Kindle, the iBookstore and Kobo. Even some of his companies have received awards. And it doesn’t stop here. He has been awarded in nearly every thing he ever done, including as a music producer, by MTV, and as a DJ, by Mixcloud. This whole experience can be felt in the fire that comes through his words. Labels are not enough to describe this person, considered by some as a genius, by others in the field of mental health, as an extraordinary example of what a future human should look like, and by others, in the field of religion, such as freemasonry, as an indigo, an avatar, an enlightened soul, and foremost, an inspiring presence that leaves nobody untouched, despite his modesty and humbleness. Robin Sacredfire does not seem to grow old in appearance and energy.

He has been traveling the world for the past twenty years of his life with nothing more than a small suitcase and a laptop, and has visited more than seventy cities from around the globe, which allowed him to see through the depths of the human soul as not many have witness. This experience gave him the foundation to put into words more than three hundred books and over ten audiobooks in a large variety of topics. So may you feel empowered and inspired by his quotes and sayings. They are the best resume of his wisdom and the fastest way to access his knowledge. Share them with your friends and acquaintances, and allow the light to shine on the world as it enlightens you.


Unlimited Memory: How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster, Remember More

by Kevin Horsley

Kevin Horsley Broke a World Memory Record in 2013...

And You're About to Learn How to Use His Memory Strategies to Learn Faster, Be More Productive and Achieve More Success

With over 100,000 copies sold, Unlimited Memory is a Wall Street Journal Best Seller and has been the #1 memory book on Amazon for more than two years. It has been translated into seven languages including French, Chinese, Russian, Korean, Ukrainian, and Lithuanian.

Most people never tap into 10% of their potential for memory.

In this book, you're about to learn:

How the World's Top Memory Experts Concentrate and Remember Any Information at Will, and How You Can Too

Do you ever feel like you're too busy, too stressed or just too distracted to concentrate and get work done?

In Unlimited Memory, you'll learn how the world's best memory masters get themselves to concentrate at will, anytime they want. When you can easily focus and concentrate on the task at hand, and store and recall useful information, you can easily double your productivity and eliminate wasted time, stress and mistakes at work.

In this book, you'll find all the tools, strategies and techniques you need to improve your memory.

Here’s just a taste of the memory methods you'll learn in this book:

  • The 3 bad habits that keep you from easily remembering important information

  • How a simple pattern of thinking can stop you from imprinting and remembering key facts, figures and ideas, and how to break this old pattern so you’ll never again be known as someone with a “bad memory”

  • How to master your attention so you can focus and concentrate longer, even during challenging or stressful situations

  • How to use your car to remember anything you want (like long lists or information you need to remember for your studies or personal life) without writing anything down

  • Simple methods that allow you to nail down tough information or complex concepts quickly and easily

  • How to combine your long-term memory (things you already know and will never forget) and short-term memory (information you want to remember right now) to create instant recall for tests, presentations and important projects

  • The simple, invisible mental technique for remembering names without social awkwardness or anxiety

  • How using your imagination to bring boring information to life can help you dramatically improve your attention span and recall

  • An incredible strategy for remembering numbers (the same system Kevin used to remember Pi to 10,000 digits and beat the world memory record by 14 minutes)

  • How to use a mental map to lock in and connect hundreds or even thousands of ideas in your long-term memory (this method will allow you to become a leading expert in your field faster than you ever dreamed possible)

If you're ready to harness the incredible power of your mind to remember more in less time, this book is for you.

About the Author

For over 25 years, Kevin Horsley has been analyzing the mind and memory and its capacity for brilliance. He is one of only a few people in the world to have received the title of International Grandmaster of Memory. He is a World Memory Championship medalist, and a two-time World Record holder for The Everest of memory tests. Kevin is also an author of four books, and the designer of a mathematics game with the Serious Games Institute at North-West University Vaal Campus.

His work has been featured in The Oprah Magazine, Time, Forbes, Inc., The Huffington Post, ELLE, Longevity and on numerous TV and radio shows.

Kevin is an International professional speaker and has spoken in many different countries. He assists organizations in improving their learning, motivation, creativity and thinking.




The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts

by Gary Chapman

- Over 11 million copies sold

- #1 New York Times Bestseller for 8 years running

- Now celebrating its 25th anniversary


Simple ideas, lasting love

Falling in love is easy. Staying in love—that’s the challenge. How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amid the demands, conflicts, and just plain boredom of everyday life?

In the #1 New York Times bestseller The 5 Love Languages, you’ll discover the secret that has transformed millions of relationships worldwide. Whether your relationship is flourishing or failing, Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner—starting today.

The 5 Love Languages is as practical as it is insightful. Updated to reflect the complexities of relationships today, this new edition reveals intrinsic truths and applies relevant, actionable wisdom in ways that work.

Includes the Couple's Personal Profile assessment so you can discover your love language and that of your loved one.



Emotional Hacking - Unleashing the Hidden Powers of Emotional Intelligence

by Eric Davenport


Can you become a master of your emotions? Is it possible to become truly successful in professional and personal life just by knowing how to manage your Emotional Intellect?

The answer is – YES. The key to success lies within you. Getting fluent in the language of emotions is guaranteed to improve your life – be it at the workplace, in relationships, with your kids or even with regards to your health.

In this book, I will not attempt to read a lecture on Emotional Intelligence. There are enough books out there that can do this. Instead, I will teach you the basics of controlling and “hacking” your emotions – so that you could get more from your life.

Here’s an outline of what you will find in ’Emotional Hacking’:

  • I will explain in simple terms what Emotional Intelligence is really all about
  • We will use an E.Q. test to define current level of your Emotional Intellect
  • With the help of practical exercises, step by step, we will go through the typical challenges in various parts of human life and understand how to solve them with the help of Emotional Intelligence
  • We will discuss professional life and talk about the road to success, what you can do to become a stronger leader and move up the ladder quickly
  • We will talk about relationships and see what is that secret ingredient that is blocking the road to human happiness
  • We will take a look at the parenting side of life. How can you become a better mother/father with the help of Emotional Intelligence?
  • Finally, we will also talk about health. Do you know that your health strongly depends on how you manage your emotions? We will learn how to improve it.

My final goal is to give you tools to succeed in your life. Therefore, I would like to leave you with a set of easy to do self-improvement exercises and a specially designed Emotional Intelligence improvement cheat-sheet which you can use to check your progress.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your copy of “Emotional Hacking” today and learn how you can improve your life in so many ways!



The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in Healthy Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain

by Steven R. Gundry M.D.

“Dr. Gundry is a true trailblazer, always at the forefront of scientific knowledge. The Plant Paradox shows the world what pioneer thinking is about and is a must-read book for anyone interested in being as healthy as nature has designed them to be.” —Alejandro Junger MD, New York Times bestselling author of Clean, Clean Gut and Clean Eats

The Plant Paradox elegantly explains how plants defend themselves from being consumed by humans, and how eating the wrong ones at the wrong times immeasurably hurts our health. An eye-opening read.” —Mehmet Oz, MD, Professor of Surgery, New York Presbyterian/Columbia University

Most of us have heard of gluten—a protein found in wheat that causes widespread inflammation in the body. Americans spend billions of dollars on gluten-free diets in an effort to protect their health. But what if we’ve been missing the root of the problem? In The Plant Paradox, renowned cardiologist Dr. Steven Gundry reveals that gluten is just one variety of a common, and highly toxic, plant-based protein called lectin. Lectins are found not only in grains like wheat but also in the “gluten-free” foods most of us commonly regard as healthy, including many fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and conventional dairy products. These proteins, which are found in the seeds, grains, skins, rinds, and leaves of plants, are designed by nature to protect them from predators (including humans). Once ingested, they incite a kind of chemical warfare in our bodies, causing inflammatory reactions that can lead to weight gain and serious health conditions.

At his waitlist-only clinics in California, Dr. Gundry has successfully treated tens of thousands of patients suffering from autoimmune disorders, diabetes, leaky gut syndrome, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases with a protocol that detoxes the cells, repairs the gut, and nourishes the body. Now, in The Plant Paradox, he shares this clinically proven program with readers around the world.

The simple (and daunting) fact is, lectins are everywhere. Thankfully, Dr. Gundry offers simple hacks we easily can employ to avoid them, including:

  • Peel your veggies. Most of the lectins are contained in the skin and seeds of plants; simply peeling and de-seeding vegetables (like tomatoes and peppers) reduces their lectin content.
  • Shop for fruit in season. Fruit contain fewer lectins when ripe, so eating apples, berries, and other lectin-containing fruits at the peak of ripeness helps minimize your lectin consumption.
  • Swap your brown rice for white. Whole grains and seeds with hard outer coatings are designed by nature to cause digestive distress—and are full of lectins.

With a full list of lectin-containing foods and simple substitutes for each, a step-by-step detox and eating plan, and delicious lectin-free recipes, The Plant Paradox illuminates the hidden dangers lurking in your salad bowl—and shows you how to eat whole foods in a whole new way.



Post Like an Influencer, Grow Like a Marketer

by Justin Monsanto

100% Tested and Proven ways to start a successful Instagram account based on your passions, grow a following that loves you and your content, and turn your page into a source of income.

In Post Like an Influencer, Grow Like a Marketer, you'll get all that and more. I wrote this book to teach anyone from beginners to active users how to master the platform.

Learn how to become a master of Instagram, increasing the effectiveness of your content.

Social media is rapidly changing each year. It's a science with a lot of small signs and signals which makes our brains to push the FOLLOW button.

Step-by-Step strategies for creating the best Instagram page you can.

- Chapter 3. Who are You Trying to Attract?
- Chapter 4. Laying the Foundation for Your Instagram Page.

Understand how to create and curate content like an influencer to attract your following.

- Chapter 5. To Create Your Own Content, or Steal From Someone Else
- Chapter 6. Your Content is Key
- Chapter 7: Treating Your Instagram Stories Like a Vlog

This knowledge unlocks you the door to Instagram Influencer Status.

It’s time to master Instagram! Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page.


Unbox Yourself: Escape the Rat Race, Find More Happiness, and Fulfill Your Purpose

by Christian W. Hahn

You can either be the rat or design the race. It's your choice.
Are you trapped in mediocrity, unsure of how to escape the life-sucking cycle of not living up to your full potential? Are you killing yourself to make other people's dreams come true in the hope of eventually being able to do what you want?

How long will you procrastinate before living the life of your dreams? Until you finish an important project, get a raise, or retire?

If you are sick and tired of the rat race and dying to lead a life of unlimited abundance, happiness, and purpose, then you are ready to unbox yourself. Here is what you will learn in this book.

+ How Dr. Hahn unboxed himself, created a passive income flow, and escaped the rat race
+ How to identify your current box and escape it
+ How to figure out why you were born and what your real purpose is
+ The routines of successful people and why you need a similar one
+ Why you must understand the power of the law of attraction and how to use it
+ How to conquer the fear of failure
+ How you must master the art of not giving a shit about other people's opinions of you
+ Why your mother is wrong and how the world really does revolve around you

The rat race is for rats. You are not a rat. Get the hell out.


The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)

by Hal Elrod

What's being widely regarded as "one of the most life changing books ever written" may be the simplest approach to achieving everything you've ever wanted, and faster than you ever thought possible.

What if you could wake up tomorrow and any—or EVERY—area of your life was beginning to transform? What would you change? The Miracle Morning is already transforming the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world by showing them how to wake up each day with more ENERGY, MOTIVATION, and FOCUS to take your life to the next level. It’s been right here in front of us all along, but this book has finally brought it to life.

Are you ready? The next chapter of YOUR life—the most extraordinary life you've ever imagined—is about to begin. Buy the book and WAKE UP to your full potential!


Stoicism: A Detailed Guide to Stoic Wisdom and Philosophy (The Art of Happiness Book 1)

by Scott Vincent

Increased Happiness and Decreased Stress with the Stoic Philosophy

Imagine leading a life that is better, stress-free, and virtuous. Do you think this isn’t achievable? Well, think again. Or perhaps you think your life is OK as it is. Then answer the following questions:

  • Do you sometimes feel as if your work pressure is too much?

  • Do you want to build a successful business?

  • Do you want to be financially successful?

  • Do you want to try alternative parenting advice?

  • Do you want to lead a more virtuous life?

    If your answer is ‘yes’ to some of these questions, then this ebook is for you!

    While Stoicism is an ancient philosophy, it has tons of practical applications for our modern day lives. As you read through this detailed guidebook, you will learn:

  • How not to be a slave to money

  • How to stick to a financial plan

  • How to fight your ego

  • How to focus only on things within your control

  • How to focus on the present

  • How to reduce procrastinating at work and home

  • How to value peace of mind

  • How to prepare for business success and failure

  • How to invest in yourself

  • BONUS: How to manage your anger

  • BONUS: How to bring up your kids and deal with spoilt brats

Discipline Yourself

by Pollux Andrews


Self-discipline isn't just another trait. It is the real GAME CHANGER

Learn How To Build Daily Habits, Develop Systems, & Create Environment To Empower You With Iron-like Self-discipline.

Do you always make resolution at the start of every year, only to realize that they lose all steam in a matter of few weeks?

Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed with work because you also give in to your temptations and impulses?

Does working longer on any important work seem like a never-ending project to you?

Do you always find yourself trapped in self-sabotaging behaviors in the face of any adversity?

If answer to above is Yes – you suffer from lack of self-discipline.

But wait. Just relax and calm yourself! Lacking self-discipline is not some genetic disorder or incurable disease – you can develop self-discipine by following proper strategies and regular practice.

Discipline Yourself is the book you need to start your journey towards building self-discipline. This book is sincere attempt to educate you about the psychology of self-discipline and why you secummb to your impulses. You will learn the practical and actionable techniques to build an iron-like self discipline.

Here is what Discipline Yourself offers you:

  • Learn the fundaments of self-discipline and why it is the most important trait that humans need to achieve their goals.
  • Learn the psychology of temptations- why we prefer short term advantage at the cost of long term disadvantage
  • Master key habits and daily routines that will strengthen your self-control and willpower.
  • How to design an environment around you, be it home, office, school, vacation, weekend or whatever to support your self-discipline.
  • When everything fails, systems work. Create unbeatable systems to avoid draining your willpower
  • Learn Mental toughness principles of the toughest people on the planet.
  • Practical tips and tricks in each area of your life, be it family, work, relationship, spiritual - to practice self-discipline, staying focused and achieving your goals.

This book is simple, full with relatable stories to give you a message that resonates with you. The book will provide you powerful habits, unbeatable systems, and the tricks to design your environment, that you can practically start implementing in your life from today onwards.

Don’t Wait. Order Your Copy Now and Start Taking Charge Of Your Life.


WTF?!...How am I thinking?: A THINKING TOOL FOR CHANGE

by Jane Cull

Understand where fear, stress, anxiety and destructive thoughts come from. This is a ground-breaking new self-help book that uncovers experientially the root of problematic emotions and destructive thought patterns, while offering readers the tools to alter their way of thinking in order to change their lives.

Jane Cull coined the term "Attachment Thinking", which is defined as a habitual and unconscious thought process that is responsible for destructive thought patterns and problematic emotions.

When human beings do this kind of thinking, the thought patterns and problematic emotions are universal. Cull states: "Our thinking is not only the problem - it is also the solution. In changing our way of thinking we break the cycle of this problematic, destructive, unconscious and habitual thinking.”

Using the tools in the book, people are empowered to break the cycle of Attachment Thinking and return to Reflective Thinking, where we become conscious, self-aware, genuine and responsible. It is a return back to ourselves to create a completely new way of thinking for a better way of living.

Jane Cull is an expert on The Biology of Cognition, the work of Dr Humberto Maturana, a Chilean biologist and systems thinker, and has written extensively on denial, suppression and trust as the basis for a shift in perception and world views. Cull coined the term “Attachment Thinking” as a way to define and understand this particular kind of thinking and the ramifications it has for all human beings and their lives.


The Magic of Accelerated Learning

by Som Bathla

“Your brain has a capacity for learning that is virtually limitless, which makes every human a potential genius.” ~ Michael J. Gelb

Do you often feel stressed or overwhelmed with so much to learn and with always shortage of time? Do you often start second-guessing yourself when you see others in your domain totally crushing it?

Do you wonder why and how some people are able to learn faster, retain for longer and make better decisions in life?

What if you were exposed to scientifically proven ways to learn anything faster? What if you were told that you can master the research backed techniques to become an expert?

Imagine making intelligent decisions by using the most effective ways to learn, comprehend, memorize any information. Imagine sharpening your focus and getting things done faster through quick retrieval of knowledge –when you need it most.

The Magic of Accelerated Learning is here to help you achieve your goal of learning faster, improving memory, learning any skill you want and become an expert in your domain.

Unlock the power of your brain, Improve Memory, and Sharpen Your Focus to Accelerate your Learning

  • Learn the internal functioning of your brain and memory faculties to implant the most effective learning strategies.

  • Learn by triggering the stimulus and response formula, thanks to the theory of associative learning

  • Know the difference between real knowledge and pretend knowledge and best ways to acquire real knowledge (as billionaires follow)

Learn Advanced Techniques To Learn Anything New & Become An Expert

  • How you can become reasonably good in something new by practicing 20 hours in few simple steps.

  • Discover tricks to learn any language in significantly less time. 

  • Why 10,000 hours rule is not a magical number and What to do to become an expert in your domain.

Get Rid Of Ineffective Approaches and Discover Most Effective Ways To Learn

  • Uncover why sticking to a particular learning style will make you a fixed mindset person.
  • How most popular learning techniques are most ineffective as concluded by studies and know what works best rather.

Accelerate Your Learning By Introducing Fun And Challenges

  • how to enhance your engagement and speed of learning through games & challenges.
  • Why teaching others is followed as a highly effective strategy in world class institutions and how to use technology to accelerate it.

Abigail Adams said once.

"Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence." 

Whether you are a student preparing for exam or competitions, or an employee dreaming to climb the organization ladder faster or a professional wishing to dazzle clients with your expert knowledge or a caring parent who is concerned about your kids bright career, the research backed techniques in this book will pave your way to achieve your goals.

But it requires hard work and dedication. You need to commit yourself to do anything that moves you closer to your goals.

Now is your time. Take the First Step, Learn Smarter and Become an Expert in Any Skill You Want!


Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom

by Rick Hanson et al

If you change your brain, you can change your life.

Great teachers like the Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, and Gandhi were all born with brains built essentially like anyone else’s—and then they changed their brains in ways that changed the world. Science is now revealing how the flow of thoughts actually sculpts the brain, and more and more, we are learning that it's possible to strengthen positive brain states.

By combining breakthroughs in neuroscience with insights from thousands of years of mindfulness practice, you too can use your mind to shape your brain for greater happiness, love, and wisdom. Buddha's Brain draws on the latest research to show how to stimulate your brain for more fulfilling relationships, a deeper spiritual life, and a greater sense of inner confidence and worth. Using guided meditations and mindfulness exercises, you'll learn how to activate the brain states of calm, joy, and compassion instead of worry, sorrow, and anger. Most importantly, you will foster positive psychological growth that will literally change the way you live in your day-to-day life.

This book presents an unprecedented intersection of psychology, neurology, and contemplative practice, and is filled with practical tools and skills that you can use every day to tap the unused potential of your brain and rewire it over time for greater well-being and peace of mind.


The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever

by Michael Bungay Stanier

In Michael Bungay Stanier's The Coaching Habit, coaching becomes a regular, informal part of your day so managers and their teams can work less hard and have more impact.

Drawing on years of experience training more than 10,000 busy managers from around the globe in practical, everyday coaching skills, Bungay Stanier reveals how to unlock your peoples' potential. He unpacks seven essential coaching questions to demonstrate how--by saying less and asking more--you can develop coaching methods that produce great results.

– Get straight to the point in any conversation with The Kickstart Question

– Stay on track during any interaction with The Awe Question

– Save hours of time for yourself with The Lazy Question

– and hours of time for others with The Strategic Question

– Get to the heart of any interpersonal or external challenge with The Focus Question

– and The Foundation Question

– Ensure others find your coaching as beneficial as you do with The Learning Question

A fresh innovative take on the traditional how-to manual, the book combines insider information with research based in neuroscience and behavioural economics, together with interactive training tools to turn practical advice into practiced habits. Witty and conversational, The Coaching Habit takes your work--and your workplace--from good to great.

"Coaching is an art and it's far easier said than done. It takes courage to ask a question rather than offer up advice, provide and answer, or unleash a solution. giving another person the opportunity to find their own way, make their own mistakes, and create their own wisdom is both brave and vulnerable. In this practical and inspiring book, Michael shares seven transformative questions that can make a difference in how we lead and support. And he guides us through the tricky part - how to take this new information and turn it into habits and a daily practice.

--Brené Brown, author of Rising Strong and Daring Greatly


80/20 Your Life! How To Get More Done With Less Effort And Change Your Life In The Process!

by Damon Zahariades

Achieve More, Create More, And Experience More Success And Joy - While Taking Less Action!

Do you often feel like you're spinning your wheels without getting anything done? Do you feel tired, overwhelmed, and frustrated that you're not accomplishing your goals?

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Catch Your Breath: A Guide to Manifesting Your Ideal Life by Transforming Yourself

by Bobby Foster

To accomplish everything we want in life, we don't need to attain anything, we need to remove our blocks. From the beginning of "Catch Your Breath" by Bobby Foster, you feel empowered that life doesn't happen by circumstance, but rather, you are in control of what you call into your life. Instead of becoming a victim to your life, you become the creator. Using your pain to further your life instead of becoming paralyzed by it. Although the process of transcending to a place of love is challenging, Bobby uses real-world examples and poetry to help you reflect on what it means to really be abundant in life.



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