Buried Empires

Buried Empires
by Patrick Carleton
“Our present is so tightly bound up with our past… that the happenings of five thousand years ago are as much part of European and American history as the Industrial Revolution or the Great War.”
So says the first page of Patrick Carleton’s incredible history Buried Empires, a book that studies a time rarely talked about.
A time of elaborate temples, fantastical thousand-year dynasties, and unknown languages.
Not content with the potentially stuffy formula of an academic history book, Patrick Carleton was determined to resurrect these cities in all their glory.
Explore the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Discover Mohenjo-Daro ‘The Place of the Dead’.
Learn the fascinating Code of Hamurabi.
Patrick Carleton writes in a way that is almost breathless with excitement and his wonder and enthusiasm for these ancient worlds is contagious.