Bone Dry: An Action-Packed Medical Technothriller (The Gina Mazzio Series Book 1)

Bone Dry: An Action-Packed Medical Technothriller (The Gina Mazzio Series Book 1)

by Bette Golden Lamb

Meet Detective Nurse Gina Mazzio: She’s feisty, determined, tenacious, and all ballsy Italian ex-Bronxite. She might remind you a bit of Sandra Bullock when Sandra’s in FBI mode. Detective’s not her real title, RN is, though it might as well be Guardian Angel. Because you know how scary nurses can be; and how compassionate. Gina’s gone into investigative mode because her patients are in danger. And everyone at her fancy San Francisco hospital’s blowing it off like everything’s normal.

Carl Chapman, a young man with an excellent prognosis, has already died--and Gina knows he shouldn't have. Another patient’s acting weird and desperate; a third, a teen-ager, has actually run away. Gina soon learns Carl’s cancer treatment's gone missing, in fact finds out her patients are being subjected to a form of blackmail so diabolical Hanibal Lecter could have dreamed it up.

And murdered if they don't pay up.

They’re blasted with chemotherapy and every other toxic poison available to save their lives. Most days they're so run down they're more dead than alive. But there’s one chance for survival—an experimental treatment. In turn, each will be infused with his or her own treated bone marrow – frozen, secure in the hospital’s storage vaults.

Only maybe not so secure. Because then comes the note: “We have your $50,000 or die now!"

Before it's over, Gina will be stalked, threatened, and nearly killed.



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