Bone Dry: A Soul Shamans Novel (Volume 1)

Bone Dry: A Soul Shamans Novel (Volume 1)
by Cady Vance
Sixteen-year-old Holly Bennett is a comic book nerd, a con artist, and a shaman. Ever since her mom's mind got stuck halfway between the spirit world and ours, Holly's been forced to act as the breadwinner of the family. She uses her burgeoning shaman powers to set up fake hauntings and "banish" the so-called ghosts from her wealthy classmates' bedrooms. For a fee, of course.
But when actual spirits start manifesting, Holly discovers that other shamans have come to town, summoning life-sucking spirits for their own ends. And as her mom's mind slips further away, Holly has to fight to save her, and the rest of the town, before they get sucked into Lower World permanently.