Big Dreams, Scary Giants, and Itty-Bitty Grasshoppers: Letting God Make His Dreams for You Come True
Big Dreams, Scary Giants, and Itty-Bitty Grasshoppers: Letting God Make His Dreams for You Come True
by Kristin Kay Johnson
Now Is the Time to Live God’s Dream for Your Life!
Big Dreams, Scary Giants, and Itty-Bitty Grasshoppers: Letting God Make His Dreams for You Come True is a message about love, grace, forgiveness, and the calling of God. It’s about living BIG dreams. It is also about overcoming the scary giants you will face while pursuing your dream and defeating the “I’m just a grasshopper” feelings that will attempt to hold you back.
Big Dreams, Scary Giants, and Itty-Bitty Grasshoppers will...
• Inspire you as you marvel at who God is and the wondrous ways He intervenes in the lives of His children
• Reveal the depths of God’s love for you and His deep desire to establish a life-transforming relationship with you
• Encourage you to pursue God’s big dream and perfect plan for your life
Through the enthralling and dynamic story of the BIG dream God gave to author Kristin Johnson for The Shepherd’s Haven Ranch, you will be stirred to envision God’s BIG dream for your own life. Prepare yourself! It will not be a manageable dream you can accomplish on your own. It will be a huge, giant-sized dream that you could never accomplish in your own strength, or through your own knowledge, wisdom, capability, or resources. You will have to depend on Him every step of the way to accomplish it. Big Dreams, Scary Giants, and Itty-Bitty Grasshoppers will show you how. Start living your dream today!