Better To Give Than Deceive

Better To Give Than Deceive
by Kobrinica Press
When you lose your share of $2.4 million, do you walk away, or settle the score?
After a successful heist, three grifters stop overnight in a small town off the beaten path when their leader Frank is arrested and their $2.4 million score disappears.
Believing there is no honor among thieves, Frank is reluctant to help fellow grifters Jared and Chance recover the money while he remains in jail awaiting trial. But with an unpredictable cop on the take, a double-cross in the works, and a hitman dispatched to recover the money, time is a luxury the trio of grifters cannot afford to waste by trying to figure out who's double crossing whom if they hope to have any chance of recovering the money and staying alive.
And before they lose what little leverage they have, Jared and Chance make a bold and daring move to rig Frank's trial, a scheme which sets in motion events that lead to a dramatic verdict, unforeseen consequences, and the wisdom that it would have been better to give than deceive.