Angels, Bullies, & Brick Walls: Lessons from Surviving Medical Malpractice

Angels, Bullies, & Brick Walls: Lessons from Surviving Medical Malpractice
by Liz Florentino
What began as a routine referral to a specialist snowballed into a nightmare of betrayal and trauma. As she entrusted her well-being to the specialist, Liz’s trust was shattered when he subjected her to violent manipulations beyond her physical capacity, leaving her body ravaged by injuries.
But the true horror lay not just in the surgeon’s actions, but in the systemic indifference that followed. Despite her pleas for acknowledgment and accountability, Liz found herself abandoned by a healthcare system that should have prioritized her well-being. When she sought recourse through the legal channels, she was confronted with a cold reality. Legislation is designed to thwart the path to justice for injured patients.
Yet amidst the darkness, Liz discovered the Angels Among Us, individuals whose kindness and support became her lifeline in the face of despair. Their presence and compassion guided her through the darkest days which offered solace and strength where none seemed to exist.
In this book, you will learn:
• Injured patients suffer from much more than bodily harm.
• Healthcare providers are enabled by medical boards and our legal
system to be unaccountable to injured patients.
• Little is done to protect the public from repeat offenders.
• When injured, healing must be the #1 priority.
With courage and conviction, Liz shares her journey from these disastrous events to empowerment. She not only confronts the systems that failed her, but also celebrates the transformative power of human connection.