All The Gods Against Me: The Story of Clarence Manning

All The Gods Against Me: The Story of Clarence Manning

by Brandon Berntson

Clarence Manning is a working stiff and a borderline alcoholic.  His only solace is gazing out his window at mankind with a drink in his hand. But when the gods of creation - Trujillo, Donatello, and Lenore - shower him with love and success, he rebukes them with a vengeance. Clarence wants no part of divine intervention.

But he cannot ignore his provenance, which lies with the gods. Trujillo, Donatello, and Lenore, challenge him individually, and when he accepts, Clarence discovers a secret deep within himself: the gods have bestowed him with their power, and what he chooses to do with it is beyond catastrophic.

All The Gods Against Me takes the reader deep into the hardships of humanity and madness, into philosophy and theology, all the while creating its own mythos into a supernatural tale of fantasy and science fiction - a jarring piece of groundbreaking literature and the imagination - sure to become an instant classic.



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