A Prescription for Caring in Healthcare Leadership: Building a Culture of Compassion and Excellence

A Prescription for Caring in Healthcare Leadership: Building a Culture of Compassion and Excellence

by Joshua Hartzell

“A great reference for healthcare leaders who are looking for specific ways to show more care to patients and employees alike!”
— Heather R Younger, J.D., best-selling author of The Art of Caring Leadership

“This timely, extraordinary work is a must-read for leaders. Study it, take it to heart, and put its lessons into practice.”
— Jim Kouzes, coauthor of The Leadership Challenge

“An interesting and persuasive roadmap for success in any profession.”
— General (Retired) Martin E. Dempsey, 18th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Lead with caring to transform healthcare.
Build a thriving culture by caring for the caregivers.

In A Prescription for Caring in Healthcare Leadership: Building a Culture of Compassion and Excellence, Dr. Joshua D. Hartzell shares over 20 years of leadership experience and insights from 17 leaders to show how caring-inspired leadership can improve well-being, morale, and patient outcomes.

In this book, you will discover how to:

  • Lead with caring and reconnect healthcare providers to their purpose
  • Prioritize self-care and team well-being
  • Set high standards and give compassionate feedback
  • Delegate effectively to foster professional growth
  • Invest in the careers and lives of those you lead
  • Recognize your team to boost morale and create a positive culture

A Prescription for Caring in Healthcare Leadership provides evidence-based strategies to transform your leadership approach.

Start your journey to becoming a Caring-Inspired Leader today!




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