A Child Psychologist's Guide to What to Expect the First Year
A Child Psychologist's Guide to What to Expect the First Year
by Heather Harrison
A Child Psychologist's Guide to What to Expect the First Year is the must-have book for any new mother. If you are a mother, a mother-to-be, or thinking about becoming a mother then you must read this book. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and get ready to learn the real deal on motherhood—the stuff none of the other parenting books tell you. You might be surprised to learn that after natural childbirth, your vagina will look like Mike Tyson went nine rounds on it or that breastfeeding on the toilet cures constipation. A Child Psychologist's Guide to What to Expect the First Year is not another prescriptive, how-to guide on parenting. Dr. Harrison is a child psychologist who exposes her faults unapologetically in an account that is both hilarious and heartbreaking. She shows the extremes of motherhood and how seemingly contradictory emotions can co-exist. Each chapter tackles a specific parenting topic ranging from dealing with infant sleep problems to dispelling some of the common myths associated with autism. She marries her education with the practical experience of being a mother to encourage other first time mothers to do what feels right for them in any given parenting situation and to let go of the guilt associated with their choices.