30 Days of Justis: A Michael Gresham Novel

30 Days of Justis: A Michael Gresham Novel

by John Ellsworth

She’s a daughter he doesn’t know he has. Until she calls him...from death row.

From USA Today bestselling author John Ellsworth comes another book so thrilling the pages all but turn themselves. Written as a standalone novel.

Michael Gresham meets his lost daughter, Cache, in her prison cell. She is scheduled for execution in 30 days. Her other lawyers have given up; there is nothing left to do. On a hunch, Michael reviews ancient records. He is astonished at what he finds. He goes before the appeals court. The lawyers at the other table hammer him; the judges pursue him. He leaves with a heavy heart. With gathering speed, the days tick past.

30 Days of Justis is the story of a frantic father who happens to be a lawyer--but is he lawyer enough to save his child? Will there be a last minute call? Or is he in Cache's life only as the last face she sees before it goes dark? A psychological thriller? Yes, definitely. A legal thriller? Yes, definitely. And so much more.

From American Institute for Justice: Most engaging legal thriller of 2018 - destined to become #1 on Amazon Bestsellers charts. John Ellsworth has written the definitive novel about a young woman on death row in Washington State. She is 28 years old and knows only that she has a father she's never met. His name is Michael Gresham. He is a lawyer.

From San Francisco Review of Books: This is the first John Ellsworth novel this reader has explored. It is so convincingly written – not only the spot on legal aspects, but also the fascinating characters he paints and involves in his complex plot – that it serves as a fine aperitif for his output. This man writes very well indeed.

Readers say:

"Near the end I was in tears and started crying even more when ……… I will not spoil the end for you. Read the book and discover all the frustration and twist and turns as told by a master storyteller and a very good lawyer. I cannot wait for the next book." - AMZ. Reader



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